Wow, did I get
that wrong. He is published in
Analog many times, although most of his appearances were long ago. I'll look up the '96 story, but I'm pretty sure that isn't it.
Just a Hint, short story, Apr 1981
The Tides of Kithrup, novelette, May 1981
Tank-Farm Dynamo, short story, Nov 1983
Xenology: The New Science of Asking, 'Who's OutThere?', fact article, May 1983
The Crystal Spheres, short story, Jan 1984
The Deadly Thing at 2.4 Kilo-Parsecs, fact article, May 1984
Just How Dangerous is the Galaxy? fact article, Jul 1985
The Dogma of Otherness, guest editorial, Apr 1986
An Ever-Reddening Glow, short story, Feb 1996
Stones of Significance, novelette, Jan 2000