Liam Devlin
SOC-14 5K
..So you could stiff them at the pump with somone else's ship's identity who has a line of credit there!

GGs are a supply of the most abundant substance in the universe. There are thousands of viable fuel supplies in your average stellar system. It's like trying to stop people from stealing sand.Originally posted by Aramis:
Anthony: You're forgetting that warfare is about resources... and GG's are a major resource.
True but not very relevant, unless the enemy has truly terrible intelligence gathering capabilities.Originally posted by Aramis:
those others are not readily detected at 4+ Pc.... GG's are.
Depending on the Traveller version, you may be able to detect the incoming fleet from the mainworld. In any case, I have nothing against a small picket force, I just object to attempting to actually defend the gas giant, because it takes up ships you need at more important targets (the enemy isn't going to blow up your gas giants, after all).
The GG is the most likely place for hostiles to refuel. You want a picket, if not a battle force as well, there to spread detect deeper in-empire.
They're also completely impossible to deny the enemy. Let's say a subsector has a thousand ships, forty worlds (three of which are Hi-pop), and 80 gas giants. Let's also assume the attacking fleet has 500 ships, and that all ships are equal in power.In thinking about an Empire, GG's are vital to deny the enemy
Which is still hundreds of targets, and now you have the problem that if a major fleet smashes through your shell (which it will, because it will have a 10:1 or more edge in firepower), you don't have anything in the back regions to deal with the fleet that got through.Originally posted by Aramis:
You only need to defend a 6 parsec wide shell's gas giants.
Canonically, interdiction of hostiles intent upon penetration fails, at least in the case of major militaries. See the Fifth Frontier War boardgame.The GG is canonically and logically the prime place for interdiction of hostiles intent upon penetration.