Originally posted by The Oz:
There's a trick I've allowed in my TCS campaigns to allow fleets to enter enemy space with full fuel tanks, even after a max-range jump.
It involves using tankers as "self-propelled L-Hyd tanks." The fleet connects to the tankers (using really =long= hoses) and uses their fuel to charge the jump drive, then jumps. The tankers completely refuel and follow later, arriving (hopefully) in a system already secured, but with enough fuel to jump out if the system hasn't been secured.
I watched the history of the oil business and tanker ships the other day. Learned a few new things, and reading your post reminded me of a few of 'em,
the Oz.
CPT Chester Nimitz, USN (later Admiral) perfected, and then performed the first refuelling at sea in 1916-17 or so for convoy escorts in WW-1.
This became the basis of refuelling at sea for the USN throughout the next WW(2), and even today, it is a measure employed when time in port is not achievable and the fleet must get from A to B without delay.
In the space Navy, we have canon Fleet tenders/ fuel ships, and thus we have deep space refuelling/ astrogation all the way up to the 1248 TNE books.
Or just how did the Zhodani suddenly appear at Roup in the initial days of the FFW? Reconnaissance, and deep space refueling with tankers, and a secure supply line.
Or hold the outer system of Imperial Efate, and thus the mainworld in siege for the duration of the war? Not to mention threw back three attempts to lift the siege. Area denial there, remember?
Add to this the 1/2 fuel option, and higher tech powered ships are now carrying twice their know jump ranges in fuel (making possible jump-in/ jump out capability). This however isn't fool proof. I note in MJD's writing that the Lucan Ship at 2nd Gateway made such vessels as set themselves under his control purge their jump tanks...
A- they couldn't jump away and flee, they had to "win or die"..
B- they avoided taking catastrophic fuel explosive hits from the Dominate's ships!
As I've come to hear it, it takes longer to find, shovel and process ice-teroids than do a GG refueling run.
And if you're the invader, timetables and speed are required.
If your the defender, you need to spot 'em and send the alarm, and slow the enemy down, or possibly give attritional damage.
Now a Vargr "horde" of corsairs isn't the same as say, the Dominate, or the old Zhodani Consulate Navy. There, you've got the "win or die" invading types, rapid strikes at pre-spotted weak (they believe) spots along the borders--yes those lines on the map that you can't see in space, or on the earth for that matter.
Of course, like hydrogen molecules which exist but I can't see with the naked eye, are there as well. I have faith in science they do, just as I know there are those lines that say "you have now reached 100d and its safe to jump-out".
Anyways..The most successful & largest bands tended to be the ones with organization, daring, and speed.
I don't see it as allowing real science suffer for story, but everyday, week we learn something new about space. Sooner or later, you'll miss something one of your gamers doesn't.
Its a good GM does his homework, no denial there Mal. In our online game, there are several of us who co-GM. Currently, I'm on vacation writing for Avenger Press, so I'm in player mode, and the Sci-Hard Co Gm is in the chair. We've a diverse group to please, and each of us in the "chair" has strengths and weaknesses. But the story needn't suffer either. You have to know your gamers, and plan accordingly.
The Greeks had it right when they said, "all things in moderation."
Been a productive day. Thanks!