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Pawn shops in Traveller

37. A dog cage/crate. Cost $50. In reality this is ancient artifact. When not connected to jump engine it slows the ship in jump space by 4d6 hours. When connected to outside of engine speeds jump by 1d6 hours (begin edit)per jump type drive. Ex 4 parsec engine roll 4d6 secretly and that is how sooner out jump space the ship arrives. (end edit) effects will not be discover until in jump space. Dog will have 75% of not entering crate while in jump space.

more edit. Does not require a dog to work. It just looks like a dog crate. I use t20. so make changes as needed.
jasper, care to clarify that a little more. Does it require a dog to work? 1D6 engine? which version of Traveller does that refer to?
38. 1 - 600 tn Fortune class merchant/Liner
60 years old and needs annual overhaul. 2G, J3, Pn3, Model 3 computer. Only 3 hard points limit this ship's ability to carry weapons, but she has had 3 tripple turrets installed over the years. It mounts 1 tripple beam laser, 1 tripple missle rack, and 1 tripple sand caster. She originally had 20 staterooms and 80 low berths. She now has only 10 low berths. 1 ton of the 35 tons regained from the low berths was converted into 2 -.5 ton magazines with autoloaders installed. (I'll post the data I use for autoloaders separately.) Each magazine can hold 50 missiles or sand canisters. Original 1G drives were upgraded to 2g using another 18 tons This boosts the original 82 tons of cargo to 98 tons. She is a close structured vessle with 198 tons of fuel tankage and has a fuel purification plant installed. Small craft: 30 tn ship's boat.
HG stats: M-6432333-040000-30002-0 MCr 355 600 tons, Passengers=20. Low=10. Fuel=198. Cargo=98. EP=18. Agility=2. TL=12 Crew=9 (+ gunners)

Selling price 70MCr.

Edited to give credit for original design: FASA
39. 10 autoloaders for magazines. Military surplus equipment. These were based on some old Striker autoloaders. For CT & HG, power comes from the turret. (MT power required and weight added is .1 for each.) Cost in all versions is 10,000 Cr. Minimum size magazine to install autoloader is .5 ton. Capacity with autoloader installed is 100 missiles or sand canisters per ton. Can be installed by any shipyard for 100Cr. each. Self installation by crew requires an easy engineering roll to draw up the plans, a routine roll for mechanical and elecronics to do the installation. Asking price: 8,000 each.
41. A beaten and battered box, contains various shaped dice, some maps, hex sheet paper and 2 little black books.
42. Coin silver case digital projection pocket watch and communicator. Cr50

Inscribed inside the back case is a string of numbers relevant to YTU.
Such as (0302#315’23”41’16”) or that unlocks a hidden file . . . .

Traveller Supplement:
76 Weird Items
I ran the Ship in #38 through my HG spread sheet. Don't know what the Fasa folks did, but I some vastly different numbers - actually cost less and has more room left that they show. They also listed the HG1 jump governor so the HG1 formulars may be the hitch. I never had that version. But, I figured a better way to do mixed turrets. I'll post the updated numbers in a few days. I think you will like them even better than the current ones. A nice wrinkle in any used ship is a hidden compartment of some sort. Ref picks details.
#44 jumpgate activation key. It looks like the stopper to a crystal liquor decanter.

#45 Old Model 1bis computer. Software still installed.
46. Sword prop from the Killer K'ree vid series. Signed by producer and 2nd actor to play Killer K'ree.
47. jump ticket for Turkera Tours
48. pilot episode of Harry Hiver.
49. "How to meet the local revuennur. Or low tech stills to hide from the captain" by Jim Beam Rockfeller the LX.
50. Aslan language series 5.
51. Collection of old hologram movies and player.
100 movies. 1 container has a strange looking key in the case.
52. An old, old tech level 2 lamp. Wonder what happens if you rub it right?
53. Duffle bag of old clothes belonging to a wet navy sailor. A wallet in it has a collection of paper currency. One of the bills is a rare collectors item worth 1KCr if you can find the right world to sell it on. The collection also contains 2 counterfeit bills that can create problems on another world. How did it get here where there are no seas to sail?
54. A storage/protective case (TL 12) with 200+ paperback books. A label proclaims this to be the complete works of Zane Grey and Louis L'amour. (Who ever they were.) Most depict men riding on a four legged, hair covered animal (stories call them horses) and carring primative firearms (about TL 3 to 5). A few spaces have the works of some other authors. The latest printing shown in any of the books is given as 2020AD. 2000 CR.
55. A framed painting identified as "The Rock". (This is an authentic work of art that any Solomani museum will purchase for 1D6 X 10 MCr. after 1D10 years of testing & research. Buyer needs a plausable reason to possibly know this fact, and needs to make a fantastic roll to actually know it. Sugest that PC & ref both roll D100 and both roll the identical # for the PC to actually know the information or have contact with someone who knows it. Only allow that roll after purchase is made.) 1D6 X 10 Cr.
56. Duffle bag full of casino chips from casinos from all over known space.
57. Set of gold plated hand tools. Appears to have been some elaberate retirement gift to someone mechanically gifted.
58. Ancient earthenware sarcophagas containing mummified remains of some ancient ruler of the world. Testing reveals it to be a 100% genetic match to one of the party members. Party member a clone of an ancient king?!?
59. Ancient earthware jar containing mummyfied head. Translation Venca?
60. Locker full of plush children type animals.
Cost 10 cr. Knowledge roll need to recognize fad collection from 100 years ago on planet 6 parsecs away.
61. 3 mood rings cr 5.
62. Man's ring with a dull grey stone. 1D6 hours after putting this ring on, the wearer develops a headache. If the wearer makes the connection between the ring and headache, and removes the ring, headache will go away in another 1D6 hours. If ring is not removed, the headache will go away of it's own accord in 1D10 hours at which time Psionics potential in any individual with psionic training will increase by 0 to 2 points. (Roll 1D6: 1= 0, 2-5 = 1, & 6 = 2. For a result of 1, reroll after wearing for 1 month. If 2nd roll is also 1, wearer gains Shield ability or adds 1 to shield level. For untrained persons this ring acts as a special talent focus to provide shield ability. If ring is removed before the focus atunes itself to an individual, the process may be re-started one more time as listed above. Removal of the ring a second time before the process is finished will bar that individual from ever gaining the benefit provided. Once an individual is attuned to the ring, it may be removed for up to 6 months at a time without affecting the atunement. If removed for longer tha 6 months, wearer must re-atune to the ring, but change the timing from hours to minutes. The same applies if ring is atuned to another person. This ring only effects homo sapiens. It has no effect on any other race. After atunement, the stone will have luster it did not have before.

For best results, have the pawn shop owner choose an individual and tell them something like this; "This ring had a sort of glow about it when it was pawned 6 years ago. After about 6 months, the glow gradually went away. Now no one seems to want it. I loaned 200 Cr on it, but the owner was killed in an accident before he could redeem it. Will you give me 10 Cr just to get it out of the store? I'm not sure what kind of metal it is made of, but it doesn't react to any of my testing agents so it has to be some noble alloy of some sort.

BTW: if this is not clear send me a pm and I'll try to clearify what I tried to say above.
63. (This will definatly be non-canon) A small device about the size of 2 loaves of bread. Accompanying papers state that; "This amazing device will increase your ship's fuel economy up to 6%. The papers are dated 350 years ago. Two pages of the installation instructions have been stuck together so that trying to separate them makes the printing illegible (of course they are the most critical pages). This causes your engineers to make a mistake when they hook up the device. You make your first jump after installation and mis-jump (or so you think). Roll for setting for each jump until the crew figures out that you have created a jump multiplyer. (Settings are 1 to 6 which are the multiplyer for what your jump drive is programed to perform.) Either ask the engineer what he has it set for after each jump is initated or roll for the setting and give him the roll. Continue this until he figures out what is happening. Max multiplyer is limited to jump range. I.E. has no effect on J1 ship. J2 ships can multiply by 2 etc. Cost 1D10 x 100CR.

Slight editing done on March 3, 2006.
Changed 1 page damaged to 2 and re-worded to improve clarity
64. Jasper everblooming Roses. This is tl15 plant which looks like a dozen roses. Only needs watering once a week. Cost 500 Cr
65. Jasper forgetme knots. This is Tl15 plant which looks like the Terran forget-get-me-not flower plant. Note 10% if you bust the seed pot the pc will forget what happen during the past.
1 =6 minutes
2 = 12 minutes
3= 6 hours
4 = 12 hours
5 = 6 days
6 = 12 days.
Save will dc 25. cost 10cr.
66. Gold plated (22k) lint brush. Has secret compartment which contains a strip of silver with the number 8670309. Cost 50cr