Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Capt. Blacklight:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />
Thats fer polite company.
Rude people, I'll call CPT Blacklight in for a chat with...or Joshua McCaen's boys (mercs) of the "Merry Widow"
For a friend, anytime </font>[/QUOTE]_________________________________________________
Why thank you BL, I knew that retainer fee wasnae nearly enough.
Seriously though Padre fletch I answered your poll in one sense only--what my players pack. My PCs while "we" like gauss pistols (and I prefer the mini gauss pocket version meself), usually go auto pistol/ snub pistol. SHotguns for "close encounters".
The Players PCs like gausspistols and ACRs with RAm GLs. but RAM GLs weren't on here. Also, LAGs, or mini guns. (ala Predator).
For the law level thingy, Phydaux, whatever works in YTU, go for it.
"This first before all else, go armed."-the Athenian Papers, Plato.
[/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Gauss Pistols are Strictly for Social Occasions. And Body Pistols for when the Law Level say we shouldn't (and whayt PC has ever gone unarmed, given their chosen lives
If we are talking about going to the dance? Well that opens up a whole 'nother box.
Then it's Combat Armor and ACR/RAM grenade to the front with the VRFs and LAGs in support. THEN we get mean