In the Type R mod discussion here:
I was planning That a 5000 TN freighter to had miss jumped after being attacked by a commerce raider. The raider took out the M drives and the freighter jumped as a last resort, but was struck in the J drives in the process of jumping. It ended up in a system less hex. In desperation, the crew took to the ELB's after setting the power plant to maintain minimal power as long as possible. They also set an emergency message to be activated when the transponder responded to another ship's query. Bad news for them was that a pirate crew found the ship several years later. Half the ELB's had malfunctioned. The pirates did in the rest. Then they ferried in enough parts to jet the drive systems working again.
They then converted the freighter to a capture ship for ships up to 1000 TNs. It can actually carry up to 1500 TNs total. There are also 8 ship's boat armed as fighters. Modus Operandi is to jump into a system with little or no means of fighting them, lie low, and start broadcasting the actual message the crew had recorded when passive sensors detect a likely candidate. They would then capture the other ship, move it into the cargo bay, and jump outsystem. Judicious action is taken to not get greedy and give the operation away. In the past 5 years they have taken over 100 ships in a 4 subsector area. The idea is the the PCs to allow themselves to be captured in hopes of locating the pirate base. As the pirate will jump as soon as possible after the victims' ship is secured in the cargo space, they will get an unwelcome surprise when the battle dress equipped PCs decide to exit almost immediately when the jump starts. Some NPC will persuade the newbs that they will be better off allowing the capture as soon as they see that they are facing 8 fighters. By then the NPC will have figured out that this is the only reasonable way to find the base.
I plan to reward the PCs by allowing them to have a ship the pirates have captured some distance away whose owners have issued a quit claim after the insurers paid off. As about half of the 100+ ships taken will be recovered, this seems a fair payoff.
I was planning That a 5000 TN freighter to had miss jumped after being attacked by a commerce raider. The raider took out the M drives and the freighter jumped as a last resort, but was struck in the J drives in the process of jumping. It ended up in a system less hex. In desperation, the crew took to the ELB's after setting the power plant to maintain minimal power as long as possible. They also set an emergency message to be activated when the transponder responded to another ship's query. Bad news for them was that a pirate crew found the ship several years later. Half the ELB's had malfunctioned. The pirates did in the rest. Then they ferried in enough parts to jet the drive systems working again.
They then converted the freighter to a capture ship for ships up to 1000 TNs. It can actually carry up to 1500 TNs total. There are also 8 ship's boat armed as fighters. Modus Operandi is to jump into a system with little or no means of fighting them, lie low, and start broadcasting the actual message the crew had recorded when passive sensors detect a likely candidate. They would then capture the other ship, move it into the cargo bay, and jump outsystem. Judicious action is taken to not get greedy and give the operation away. In the past 5 years they have taken over 100 ships in a 4 subsector area. The idea is the the PCs to allow themselves to be captured in hopes of locating the pirate base. As the pirate will jump as soon as possible after the victims' ship is secured in the cargo space, they will get an unwelcome surprise when the battle dress equipped PCs decide to exit almost immediately when the jump starts. Some NPC will persuade the newbs that they will be better off allowing the capture as soon as they see that they are facing 8 fighters. By then the NPC will have figured out that this is the only reasonable way to find the base.
I plan to reward the PCs by allowing them to have a ship the pirates have captured some distance away whose owners have issued a quit claim after the insurers paid off. As about half of the 100+ ships taken will be recovered, this seems a fair payoff.