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Polls: how should these work?



Hunter's given me permission to make polls available as an option on this board , but only I (as moderator) can make them (we don't really want rampant polling all over the place here!). So this means we need some kind of system in place to get me to set them up for people

Unlike on the polling board, I reckon this means we should use other threads for discussion of topics, and then only start up polls if we reach an impasse in the discussions (to start one, you'd have to either PM me or I can set up a sticky poll proposal thread for people to use).

Anyone got any better ideas for how this should work? If so, post them here!
Sounds fair. I would also try to use discretionary notes to add why you would like a particular position. eg. If we are doing the question of the time period. Add all the advantages and disadvantages.

NB: Personally, I would like to see it set post-Rim War but pre-Classic Traveller. This is a milieu that we don't bump into too many canonistas.
well, post all the discretionary notes etc for the other threads for now
. Otherwise they'll get lost in this thread.

When we do a poll, you can (presumably) still comment in the poll thread...
Originally posted by kafka47:
Sounds fair. I would also try to use discretionary notes to add why you would like a particular position. eg. If we are doing the question of the time period. Add all the advantages and disadvantages.

NB: Personally, I would like to see it set post-Rim War but pre-Classic Traveller. This is a milieu that we don't bump into too many canonistas.
Did you see?: Topic: Spica Sector Project - What Era?
The CSSP Plan has been updated to reflect recent discussions (see the second post of the CSSP Plan thread).