SOC-14 1K
There are more types of armour in CSC. Armour can also be personalised by adding components.Armor Benefit: 10,000 Cr.
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There are more types of armour in CSC. Armour can also be personalised by adding components.Armor Benefit: 10,000 Cr.
There are more types of armour in CSC. Armour can also be personalised by adding components.
I don't see the problem? You get an armour for max kCr 10, and there are plenty of choices and personalisation options to choose from.
Was hoping this would be an actual errata thread, rather than someone nitpicking about how they would have written the rules differently.
They update their PDFs for people to re-download. A new printing of MgT2 hardcover books shipping soon will have updates. Maybe their site will have the changes made that we can download?Has Mongoose released any actual errata yet?
They update their PDFs for people to re-download. A new printing of MgT2 hardcover books shipping soon will have updates. Maybe their site will have the changes made that we can download?
Agreed. Has Mongoose released any actual errata yet? Anything along the previous errata that DonM had been compiling?
Does it make sense to you that (since they don't say different) 1 KG of TDX does the same damage as 10 KG?
They update their PDFs for people to re-download. A new printing of MgT2 hardcover books shipping soon will have updates. Maybe their site will have the changes made that we can download?
The weight of a TDX explosive is negligible, is how I take it to mean. It doesn't add much to your carry weight inventory.
I'm not sure where you are seeing TDX weights listed. Page number?So ALL TDX explosive, even a 1 Dton block of it is of negligible weight? And even a 1 dton block of the explosive only does the damage listed?
My point is, and has always been on this subject, how much explosive is required to get the results listed. It has never been about encumbrance.
I'm not sure where you are seeing TDX weights listed. Page number?
Really? Really? Ok mass. How much mass is necessary for the effects listed.
There is no weight or mass listed in the book. That is why you can't find it and is my entire point.
A TL12 explosive weighs less than a 0.5 kg TL6 explosive. I don't think the RPG deals much with weights that are less than 0.5 kg, do they? Rule Zero, on page 2 in my book, says Referees can change whatever they want basically.
You're right. 10 kg is not a negligible amount. However, TDX explosives weigh almost nothing at TL12 for role-play purposes. If TDX explosives could be made at TL6, maybe they would weigh the 10 kg you're looking for (Rule Zero). In the meantime, just use 10 TDX explosives (Rule Zero). Or use the Journal of the Travellers Aid Society No. 1 rules for TDX instead.Are you being deliberately provocative? Let us return to my 10 KG of TDX.
Tell me, Mr. Driscoll, how much damage will that 10 KG do? Can't tell? Neither can I. And 10 KG is not a negligible amount.
You're right. 10 kg is not a negligible amount. However, TDX explosives weigh almost nothing at TL12 for role-play purposes. If TDX explosives could be made at TL6, maybe they would weigh the 10 kg you're looking for (Rule Zero). In the meantime, just use 10 TDX explosives (Rule Zero). Or use the Journal of the Travellers Aid Society No. 1 rules for TDX instead.
Traveller is about magic flying spaceships after all. It's not a simulator.
Suggestion 1: like the drone requirement for Automated repairs, in order to automate ship functions there must be a further "conversion cost" for system manipulators. Perhaps a tonnage and cost requirement.
See that repair drones are not named, so they don't seem to be necessary...Allows the computer to make a number of repair attempts per round equal to the listed number
It clearly talks about a remote operatior, not the computer, as drone director.Repair drones allows a Traveller with the Electronics (remote operations) skill to use the Repair System action