Greetings this thread is to solicit ship designs for a Terran pre interstellar wars campaign using T4 FF&S designed ships for the Terrans. Some T5 elements may be used such as the QREBS system, which is encouraged as most Terran designs of this time should be concidered experimental.
This is for a IMTU campaign the following restrictions are in place for the Terrans:
TL=9 this is the default tech for Jump 1 but as we just got Jump 1 at the start of this campaign you may concider that we are mostly at TL=8 with some experimental TL-9 items. We may deploy any technology currently seen in the space programs of earth, and perhaps extrapolate a bit from designs that have not flown as of today, so rockets, Nuclear Thermal Rockets, Ion Drives, Advanced Ion Drives, Orion Drives, and it's fusion relative. Fusion rockets, Solar sails. Any drive system documented from NASA or ESA or their competetors can be used, just link the public documentation and we'll figure out the thing's performance in game terms.
The Terrans Have Fusion Plus, but it's still at the tea kettle stage, it generates heat , boils water, steam turns a generator to produce electricity. Too bad boiling water stops the reaction so we have to have a high pressure section to generate the heat and a heat exchanger then to do the actual steam generation, so it's a fusion power plant with stats identical to the ones published in table 218, (including minimum output), we just do not have a magenetic bottle and hot plasma at the core of our fusion plants, just an array of plladium electrodes in pressurized heavy water. Yes our fusion plants do go Boom when hit, it's a steam explosion as the heavy water flashes to steam when the pressure is released, not a fusion explosion.
No gravetics, Have not invented it, have no knowledge of it till the Benard's star expedition returns with evidence of gravetic technology in action. Thus long duration missions should concider the need to have environmental gravity for the crews. Ship either uses spin gravity or has a habitation module that spins seperate from the ship. As the campaign progresses we may obtain some anti grav tech from the cavemen. but that is for the role playing to bring home that goodie.
The Terrans are inexperianced with Jump space and of refueling directly from a gas giant atmosphere: (we lack the shielding systems that allow us to go near the gas giants and their radiation belts) Hull minimum armour level is set to 1 for habitible areas of the ship only. (think gold foil and aerogel for insulation) Our jump drives are of the "Jump Bubble" variety, so there is no requirement for a rigid hull to support a jump grid.
The Imperial ships are standard TL 11. War ships are designed mostly with missile space combat and lasers relagated to point defense roles. Some ship classes are bombardment only specializing in nuking a world from orbit.
Transport ships are designed per normal Traveller OTU conventions Class III life suport, floor plates providing artificial gravity, and g-compsentation for comfort. The Imperials will be locked into their ship designs and cannot change them during the campaign. They may produce ONE additional class of ships after the wars start, and that is the Fighter.
This is a Large ship universe: Scouts run to 1,000 Dt, Destroyers to 5,000 Dt, Light Crusiers to 10,000 Dt Heavy Crusiers to 20,000 Dt, Transports up to 20,000 dt
Next posts are for the mission specifications in the Request for proposals, written as in campaign documentation.
This is for a IMTU campaign the following restrictions are in place for the Terrans:
TL=9 this is the default tech for Jump 1 but as we just got Jump 1 at the start of this campaign you may concider that we are mostly at TL=8 with some experimental TL-9 items. We may deploy any technology currently seen in the space programs of earth, and perhaps extrapolate a bit from designs that have not flown as of today, so rockets, Nuclear Thermal Rockets, Ion Drives, Advanced Ion Drives, Orion Drives, and it's fusion relative. Fusion rockets, Solar sails. Any drive system documented from NASA or ESA or their competetors can be used, just link the public documentation and we'll figure out the thing's performance in game terms.
The Terrans Have Fusion Plus, but it's still at the tea kettle stage, it generates heat , boils water, steam turns a generator to produce electricity. Too bad boiling water stops the reaction so we have to have a high pressure section to generate the heat and a heat exchanger then to do the actual steam generation, so it's a fusion power plant with stats identical to the ones published in table 218, (including minimum output), we just do not have a magenetic bottle and hot plasma at the core of our fusion plants, just an array of plladium electrodes in pressurized heavy water. Yes our fusion plants do go Boom when hit, it's a steam explosion as the heavy water flashes to steam when the pressure is released, not a fusion explosion.
No gravetics, Have not invented it, have no knowledge of it till the Benard's star expedition returns with evidence of gravetic technology in action. Thus long duration missions should concider the need to have environmental gravity for the crews. Ship either uses spin gravity or has a habitation module that spins seperate from the ship. As the campaign progresses we may obtain some anti grav tech from the cavemen. but that is for the role playing to bring home that goodie.

The Terrans are inexperianced with Jump space and of refueling directly from a gas giant atmosphere: (we lack the shielding systems that allow us to go near the gas giants and their radiation belts) Hull minimum armour level is set to 1 for habitible areas of the ship only. (think gold foil and aerogel for insulation) Our jump drives are of the "Jump Bubble" variety, so there is no requirement for a rigid hull to support a jump grid.
The Imperial ships are standard TL 11. War ships are designed mostly with missile space combat and lasers relagated to point defense roles. Some ship classes are bombardment only specializing in nuking a world from orbit.
Transport ships are designed per normal Traveller OTU conventions Class III life suport, floor plates providing artificial gravity, and g-compsentation for comfort. The Imperials will be locked into their ship designs and cannot change them during the campaign. They may produce ONE additional class of ships after the wars start, and that is the Fighter.
This is a Large ship universe: Scouts run to 1,000 Dt, Destroyers to 5,000 Dt, Light Crusiers to 10,000 Dt Heavy Crusiers to 20,000 Dt, Transports up to 20,000 dt
Next posts are for the mission specifications in the Request for proposals, written as in campaign documentation.
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