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Powell Class Modular Scout

Originally posted by Egapillar-:
Arghhh! Shorter and more raked!
"Arghhh!" indeed... I stay up all night (as if that were any different than usual), and finish up a new set of deckplans for the modular scout in CC2 (that was the last ship I did in Paintshop Pro -- much better now, I think) and now you want me to do shorter and more raked. :rolleyes:

Hokay, I'll try some varients in that direction and post them in a a day or two. Thanks for the feedback -- I really do appreciate it. :D
Really? I thought he wanted them shore and more rakeds

Here are two versions of the winged modular scout, one with the wings shorter and more raked than the other. Comments, please. :cool:



Thanks -- Brook
Brook yep #2 is about what I had in mind. But I still think it looks like it could fall over in a high wind. Maybe putting little landing gear on the ends of the wings, sort of like the ones on B52s.
^ Yeah, the wings kind of don't match the hull, especially with the Sith Infiltrator style wing tip stabilizers. Maybe back to something more blocky.

If is was meant to be a high performance atmospheric craft, then it wouldn't have a blunt nose.
With the wings, it kind of reminds me of the Klingon 'Bird of Prey' class ship used in the 3rd and 4th movies. ;)
What do you folks think of this version:


Fittings for carrying two additional modules on the sides -- does Jump 3 with one module, jump 2 with two modules, and jump 1 with one three modules. It keeps the chunky working boat look of the thing and is much more versatile. Could make for a nicely flexible merchant vessel, too. Just the thing for a retired scout. :cool:

Part of the charm is that artificial gravity in the outboard modules is going to be at right-angles to that of the main ship.

I included a detail on how the landing gear stow, though it might be difficult to see in this much reduced pic. I think this is the version I'm going to go with.
^ That is so cool! Great idea. Can you redesign it as a small containerized cargo hauler?

I've built several way stations using modules, maybe this ship would ferry modules into a system and assemble them to support colonization or as an advance base of operations.
I'm really liking this design. It's a nice, quirky little ship. A lot of character.

Out of interest, I thought for a moment that the outboard modules might rotate on an axis to create gravity but they don't seem to. Why are they at a right angle to the main body?

I think they are at right angles so as to take advantage of the integral fittings of the cutter module, the attachment points along the top of the modules. If they weren't designed that way, then you would have to put the attachment points out on outriggers, which would take away strength from the design. Am I close?
I would imagine you would have to jettison the modules before making any kind of landing.

Can you post a higher resolution photo on your website and I can then add those features to my model.
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
^ That is so cool! Great idea. Can you redesign it as a small containerized cargo hauler?

I've built several way stations using modules, maybe this ship would ferry modules into a system and assemble them to support colonization or as an advance base of operations.
Thanks. :cool:

I'm not sure it needs any redesign to function as a cargo hauler -- did you have nayhting in particular in mind?

The frame is pretty minimal -- drives, avionics/computer, bridge, turret, and a small stateroom. It's designed to use modules for additional quarters, specialized survey packages, cargo, etc.
Thanks, Crow. :cool:

Originally posted by jwdh71:
I think they are at right angles so as to take advantage of the integral fittings of the cutter module, the attachment points along the top of the modules. If they weren't designed that way, then you would have to put the attachment points out on outriggers, which would take away strength from the design. Am I close?
What John said.
Originally posted by Egapillar:
I would imagine you would have to jettison the modules before making any kind of landing.

Can you post a higher resolution photo on your website and I can then add those features to my model.
I expect the attachment rails are strong enough to support attached modules in an easy, grav-assisted landing, but not in hot reentry or under hard maneuvering.

Is the gridded profile at the URL in my private message to you okay?

Thanks. :cool: