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Powell Class Modular Scout

Originally posted by Egapillar:
Ok, I have added some of Tanuki's Updates, I am not sure what I am going to do as far as fins. on it. I am not quite sure they really belong.
Very nice!

I've sent you a couple of views w/dimensions marked on and around the fins in the "Modular scout" private message thread.

Take another look at the deckplans I sent and you'll see that the bribge window shouldn't wrap all the way around. Take out the aft panel -- it can go next to the fuel scoop instead.

Thanks! :cool:
Take another look at the deckplans I sent and you'll see that the bribge window shouldn't wrap all the way around. Take out the aft panel -- it can go next to the fuel scoop instead

I have yet to redifine the bridge viewports. I question the additional windows near the intakes. your lacking space in there as it is.
Originally posted by Egapillar:
Take another look at the deckplans I sent and you'll see that the bribge window shouldn't wrap all the way around. Take out the aft panel -- it can go next to the fuel scoop instead

I have yet to redifine the bridge viewports. I question the additional windows near the intakes. your lacking space in there as it is.
I mean something like this:


The windows by the fuel scoops look out from the avionics bays.
Pretty nicely faked in. but there is hardly enough room inside the cabin to hang one's hat, let alone extra viewports. Why not put them in the cabin below.
Originally posted by Egapillar:
Pretty nicely faked in. but there is hardly enough room inside the cabin to hang one's hat, let alone extra viewports. Why not put them in the cabin below.
The cabin wall goes straight up from the floor down there, and space between that and the outer curve up to the bridge is full of bridge electronics. Could put a holo-panel on the forward wall of the cabin linked to cameras on the bridge and get the same viewport effect in the cabin.

Probably don't need the side windows, but I'm remembering shipboard time when I'd go find an unoccupied storeroom or go aloft by the fire control radar just so I could be alone. There was always someone coming in or out of quarters and the messdeck and so on. Occasionally you just want space to be by yourself.

This is a pretty cramped ship and I figure that a couple of spots where one can just be alone and look out at the stars or whatever might be nice.

Those angles at the front of the avionics bays just felt right for that -- hence the windows.
Added some updates:

1. Shortened vertical stabs to 2m
2. Added my standard turret which increased the the diameter of the forward pylon to 3.1M
3. Added hatch for primary airlock
4. Added landing gear hatches
5. modified the bridge view port and added portholes port and starboard

Pictures are here
Added some more features to the powell, including those long sought after horizontal stabs (that aren't horizontal after all)

Pictures are here

Wish I could post the pictures here in the forum, but it ain't working for some reason.
Details. Recesses with bits of machinery. Pannelling, grilles etc etc.
Texture it. Dirt, specular, markings and so on and so forth.

As for the overall model - Maybe make the pods a bit more interesting than just plain cylinders.


Hi !

I really like this model, as it is very purpose directed.
Its much more complicate than the one body meshes I get along with

Could you provide an perspective rendering of the ship, too ?

If its about the model, I perhaps would bevel or round some of the edges of the upper part.
But generally maybe its time to start the texturing work

Would You provide a mesh format in order to assist regarding the texturing ?


Texturing I can do, but it does not look good. This is an engineering tool I am using, not a 3D Graphics program. I will have to leave that to you guys. Crow promised to texture it once Tanuki and I are satisfied with it.

To the Cutter pods. I will be adding some surface features; seperation lines, maybee viewports, landing gear hatches, etc.

Thanks for the feedback.
Or you can download POVray. A very awesome 3D renderer, can do a lot of things that the big expensive programs can do.
I don't know if have time to learn. I work full time, parent full time, and go to school too.

Still it might be fun. We'll see what the learning curve is.