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Preferential Enrollment and Preferential Enlistment


SOC-14 1K
Evening all,

I have to admit that I after getting T4 of reading Book 1 Chapter 2 Character Generation pages 15 to 24 I went directly to the tables. The tables have a similar layout to MT so I went ahead and generated a few characters. I recently took the time to go through Chapter 2 and discovered that there are two, in my opinion, important items missing from the tables for Advanced Education and Career.

Step 3 Advanced Education on page 19 has a topic titled Preferential Enrollment which allows a character to skip rolling for Admission. Basically any character that has two or more admission qualifying characteristics at two points or more above number necessary for the enrollment gains automatic admission.

Step 4 Pursuing a Career page 21 has the topic of Preferential Enlistment which has the same criteria as used for Preferential Enrollment.

Two of the characters I generated, had I read pages 15 -24, would have been automatically enrolled in an Advanced Education option or automatically enlisted into the Marines.

Advanced Education tables associated with Preferential Enrollment are College, Military, Naval, and Merchant Academies.

I believe that all the Career tables are associated with Preferential Enlistment criteria from the example on page 21.

Hopefully anyone who decides to use T4 characters will now have a heads up about the missing Preferential Enrollment and Preferential Enlistment criteria from the tables.