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{PREVIEW} T20 Cover Inks

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Reginald:
The crashed ship and air/raft with their supplies will also be added over the weekend most likely.[/quote

Forgive the question but ... are you making Survivor: The Traveller Edition RPG?

There is a problem with having a crashed ship?

Yeah. Sort of.

For a game that has Traveller in its title, would look contradictory by its cover art showing a crashed ship with a stranded crew on a possibly unknown planet.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Reginald:
Yeah. Sort of.

For a game that has Traveller in its title, would look contradictory by its cover art showing a crashed ship with a stranded crew on a possibly unknown planet.

As opposed to a Mayday message about a ship under attack perhaps?

The crew was travelling in the ship when it came under attack and was forced down on the planet. Now the crew has to travel to the nearest starport to either get what they need to repair the ship or secure some other form of off-world transport so that they may continue their travels

Also, if you will note the original post, the name of the crashed ship will be added to the uniform of one of the crew. The name of the ship is Beowulf. The cover continues the original mayday message from CT (and GT) to the next scene in the story, what happened to the ship and crew AFTER the attack.

Of course we could always just put a guy in bermuda shorts, with a suitcase covered in travel stickers, and a tshirt that says I Love Regina on it. That would sure say Traveller!

Sorry I just HAD to go there...


[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 10 November 2001).]
I'll admit my first reaction upon viewing the proposed cover was certainly not flattering. But the more I look at it, the more I can see its potential. As my groups resident Vargr, I have to add, that if his (the Vargr's) tunic ends up being red, you may as well slap a enterprise insignia on it, and illustrate him getting disintegrated. How about a vest, perhaps similiar to the IISS utility vest that appears in the MegaTraveller equipment sheets from DGP (I understand if you can't use that vest specifically for copyright reason, but something similiar with lots of pockets)...and you can add some piping and and some obnoxiously garrish colors, oh and perhaps a wrist computer for some extra detail.

As for the big guy...I'd say he should be carrying some luggage...its a waste of valuable resources for a big dumb looking lunk like that to be standing about empty handed...maybe he should have a air raft bumper across his shoulders with some survival gear stacked up/strapped on it. Yeah..that would be good for him. <eg>

Other than that, most of the other postee's have addressed the other issues I had with it, and you've responded to those.


"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and can be seasoned by a wide variety of tasty condiments."

"Who's your Daddy?"

[This message has been edited by DaddyDragon (edited 10 November 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
As opposed to a Mayday message about a ship under attack perhaps? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well...the ship under attack also would not lure new players as many I am sure would think of it as another Starship Battles genre and confuse it with BTC. The cover ought to inspire a sense of wonder and the exploration of something new. Other than the original First In (again check out Jessie website to know what I mean). The closest that we get is perhaps MegaTraveller Journal #1. The closest we get is some damn fine B&W inks throughout the Traveller universe.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The crew was travelling in the ship when it came under attack and was forced down on the planet. Now the crew has to travel to the nearest starport to either get what they need to repair the ship or secure some other form of off-world transport so that they may continue their travels<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am willing to buy that line. But it doesn't quite live up to a game about Travelling. Even look at the T4 cover, for all its flaws the Chris Floss artwork really conveyed a sense of other-worldlyness.

Carrying over the themes from CT is...at best...a kinda good idea [edited by kafka47], as it is largely the diehard fans who recognize the mythology. Don't get me wrong, for when I read GT text that indicated: "Help is on its way." I immediately recognized that SJG was essentially bailling out Traveller from the follies of T4 era which was welcome until I realized that GT essentially repeats CT. But that's fine, I just get disappointed in SJG and LKW...however, their planetary sourcebooks and Heroes series is beginning to make me interested again.

I suppose what I am driving at is that it is my hope that T20 represent something new while retaining the best of the old. Everything that I have seen so far (unfortunately, I am not on the playtest files) makes me think that; this is true. So why shouldn't the cover reflect that?


Of course we could always just put a guy in bermuda shorts, with a suitcase covered in travel stickers, and a tshirt that says I Love Regina on it. That would sure say Traveller!


Already been done by GT in Rim of Fire. I can understand your feelings, afterall you are presenting us with your vision of Traveller and it probably reflects the best market research that is avilable. We Traveller fans are troublesome lot to please. But as I indicated in my original post, more surveys, more feedback will result not only in a product that satisfies more but will achieve higher sales. Look at Milieu 0, or late TNE stats, the more that fans were consulted...more higher sales.

Problem is how to bring in the new players and for that the simple answer is art.

For I did an informal survey in which I spent two days at my local FLGS (for another project) and asked every new user what drew them to particular RPGs. 85% answered cover art. 10% was rules/background. And, I realize that the situation of the RPG market is often cross-marketed with comics rather than books. Therefore, there is a need to appeal to comic readers but I really think this cover is a mistake.

A cover as I said ought to inspire a sense of wonder, even the best covers of graphic novels know this. How to do this and inspire the comicbook readers... I am not sure as I still prefer books.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kafka47:

Already been done by GT in Rim of Fire. I can understand your feelings, afterall you are presenting us with your vision of Traveller and it probably reflects the best market research that is avilable. We Traveller fans are troublesome lot to please. But as I indicated in my original post, more surveys, more feedback will result not only in a product that satisfies more but will achieve higher sales. Look at Milieu 0, or late TNE stats, the more that fans were consulted...more higher sales.


I'm not a market researcher. I'm just a consumer with knowledge of store sales in Greensboro and Winston-Salem, NC and Roanoke, VA. The question that I feel should be asked about the cover is: did Sovereign Stone D20 or Touched By The Gods (with cover art) outsell Traps & Treachery or any White Wolf D20 hardcover (with a "tome" or "manual" design)? If the answer is no, considering that the alleged target audience is D&D players new to Traveller, then cover artwork is perhaps not the answer that leads to higher profits. The answer is clearly no in the three markets I've mentioned; perhaps Atlanta produces different buying patterns.

Again, with the disclaimer that I'm not a market researcher and the assumption of a December or January T20 release: T20 will be facing direct competition in the form of Fading Suns D20 and the Dragonstar Starfarer's Handbook. Fading Suns is slated to be a softcover with a cover painting, while Dragonstar will be a futuristic "tome" design on hardcover. Which do you guys really think is going to perform better in terms of sales?

I can appreciate the desire to make T20 distinctive from other D20 products. I can also appreciate the concept that the man with the license and the vision gets to see his vision realised. But, with sincere respect intended, one should carefully weigh if T20 is a business project intent on making a profit in an already established market, or if it's a vanity work with the freedom to not conform to that market's demands.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
As opposed to a Mayday message about a ship under attack perhaps?

Of course we could always just put a guy in bermuda shorts, with a suitcase covered in travel stickers, and a tshirt that says I Love Regina on it. That would sure say Traveller!

Sorry I just HAD to go there...


[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 10 November 2001).]

Actually, the bit about the sticker wouldn't be out-of-place. Most people who travel a lot in real life tend to pick up stuff like this, applying them to backpacks, cars, and anything else they like. It would also tend to give a slightly ragged appearance, taking that "brand new" look off of any equipment the party might be carrying.

Just my opinion.

Simon Jester

-If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
I find the cover art too superhero-comic too.

I;d prefer to lose at least one alien, add at least one human female, some gear - crumpled vacc suits on the ground, a suruvual pack, some tools - and a decent handgun, or some other weapon!

I agree on all these points. The pic screams Space Opera/Supers to me.

To bring it in line with Traveler's aim (hard SF) give them all kit. They've just bailed out of a downed ship..... what's the first thing a bunch of players are going to do? They're going to need decent outdoor clothing, backpacks, an inertial locator, drop the handgun in favour of a survival rifle or some other long arm.

I preferred the FFE 000 cover.

How about this to make the picture a little more Traveller? The ship that attacked the Beowulf flying at the characters from the background, and one of the characters pointing to it. And maybe a laser bolt coming from it.

How's that sound?

No one has said anything about the moons in the background yet so I will.

They are _very_ big. Moons that big will create tides hundreds of times higher than on the Earth. How many miles inland are the crew and do they know that they're likely to be killed by a wall of water when the tide comes in? How stable is the ground they are on with all that tidal stress? Is that a deliberate feature of the planet they are on or did you just want to draw big circles?

Tides are a function of the moons pull on the planet. Moons that occupy that large a chunk of the sky are either very big, very close, or both. Since gravitatinal pull is dependent on mass and the distance between the objects^2 then moons that big (degrees of arc) will create very large tides. The larger moon has at least ten times the angular diameter of luna so it is either ten times bigger (and a thousand times as massive, if of similar density) or it is ten times closer (and thus pulling on the planet a hundred times more).
OK here goes.

I am one of the new customers you are trying to attract with that cover art.

Is this game at all serious about Sci-Fi?
First of all, Giant moons are great looking, but according to physics, I would think that a moon THAT big would be crashing into the planet below. Physics is just about the single most important aspect of Sci-Fi. Break the laws only when absolutely neccessary (FTL travel, beam weapons, and artificial gravity). Those moons seem to throw all of that out the window.
Second, Aliens are not Terran--that's the point. Before just throwing something together, think about why it would exist. A giant mantis is out. It's an earth bug! Who says that all sentient insects must be large? Exo-skeletons are far more fragile than internal skeletons; that's why you don't find bugs larger than your hand. Don't get me wrong, large insects are cool if they're alien enough (check out Master of Orion 3 for concept art, they got it going on over there). Let's see it make a comeback. Smaller though, with technology.
My biggest qualm is the flavor of the cover. It screams, "Look at me!! I just survived a plummet from orbit, followed by a fiery crash, and still managed to change into my sexy superhero outfit to pose for my cameo, all without disrupting a single hair!!" If it was my cover, I would want the first impression to say something like, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" not "It was a dark and stormy night".
Where is the GRIT? The GRIME? The FEAR of just surviving being blasted out of space, into an unknown, very GRIM situation? (their attackers returning).
What is up with all the muscles? One: would you want to hotbunk in a cramped free trader with the incredible Hulk? Two: larger muscles have diminishing returns; a super- strong race would have muscles like steel cables, most likely squat, coming from a world with high gravity.
What is up with all the perfect speciemens?If I had a choice between a good looking mechanic that didn't know a 3/4" wrench from a flathead screwdriver, or a mutated grease monkey that can make my fusion generator purr like a tiger, then you know who I'm going to hire. Real people have flaws; it's what makes us individuals, and what makes fictional character memorable. If this game is just going to be Buck-Rogers-cheesy-50's- Sci-Fi-chain-mail-bikini-ripoff, then you can kiss my hard earned $$$ good bye.
Ok, there was the unrelenting opinion of one of the new customers. To all of those old timers who put their time and money in all the renditions of 'Traveller' to bring it to the next generation of Gamers, my hat's off to you.

Thank you all for your time.

[This message has been edited by Forlarren (edited 02 December 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
Heh, blame me for him
I like the look of him with it.

I will try to be generous here.

It is very ugly.

That bug thing is abominable, the Aslan looks too lion like (they are not Flash Gordon's Lion Men).

It just clicked: It looks too "Flash Gordony"

And the gun...

I would rather you took the colour picture in the T20 logo. It is nice, colour, looks exciting.

Or just have a black cover with a red stripe. It worked before.

Or how about a strip of artwork along either the bottom or top with the rest being CT look. Just emphasize the phrase "science fiuction adventure in the far future" more

I realize you like this, otherwise you would not have put it up, but if I was a first time gamer (and I was once) my first reaction is that is too kiddy.

Simple works. Look at D&D3E...Looks like a chest. White Wolf had the green marble cover for Vampire and it worked. Using D&D3E, make it look like a starship hull (panels, airlocks and such)

Simple works. Gaudy scares people off
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Look at D&D3E...Looks like a chest.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Well, it was once argued that the cover art for D&D 3e looks more like a girl's diary complete with a hook/lock and studded jewels but that's what I would consider a proper simulated book would look like in the medieval period, especially a tome that would contain secret (thus the lock).

But I do agree with you, keep it as simple as you would have done on past Traveller books, maybe add a holographic space ship (or an emblem of the Beowulf) on a black on black cover with the red Traveller title on the top and a small d20 trademarked logo on the bottom.

Anyhoo... just some random thoughts

[This message has been edited by Reginald (edited 02 December 2001).]
Why not use the cover painting from the GRIP TRAVELLER Edition as the cover for the T20 rulebook? It's good and captures the feel of TRAVELLER very well. Not to mention it's already done!
But I guess the experts know the answers already.

Look at the roaring success of T4!

Whoops! Bad example

HELLO! Fans talking! Think "fan reaction overall to ugly Foss art"

I know I am ruffling a few feathers here and there are probably those who are saying "shut up". But this is constructive criticism; I want Traveller to live on. I always have, ever since I bought my first box of LBB's in 1981.
I remember other games of the time having "cool artwork" and Traveller being black with a stripe, or black with a stripe and two bands. They are gone, Traveller lives.
There are people here who hate MT, who hate TNE, T4, GT. But we all love Traveller.
Through thick and thin, we are here.
Pardon the soapbox, but please, for the sake of long term fans: Don't use that art.
Ummm, anyone remember TSR's old Sci-Fi Star Frontiers?

Both different cover art pictures had the 'We just crashed' look.

Somehow, I don't think a product with the traditoin of Traveller wants to project itself using the same method a 4 year product of the mid 80's did.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Where is the GRIT? The GRIME? The FEAR of just surviving being blasted out of space, into an unknown, very GRIM situation? (their attackers returning).

So true. I want a future with more grit, grime and grim. Traveller has for a long time erred too much on optimism. Secret is balance. Follow the example of GT world books which stress how it can be played Light, Dark and Gray.
I'm not a grognard - I only bought my first Traveller books about six years ago - The New Era, then a 15-year-old copy of the boxed Starter Set picked up for £2 in the second-hand section of my local games store.

I quite like the front cover of 'The New Era' (though not the back of it). However, I have to say that Classic Traveller design, the red lettering on shiny black, is just the coolest thing ever, and was what made me want to get into Traveller in the first place (that and the Traveller articles in old 1980s White Dwarfs). I'm primarily a D&D player, with a liking for the now-sadly-absent 'big-booobed chick in chainmail bikini' style alluded to earlier - I guess my ideal d20 Traveller set would have the red text on black Classic outer cover, then plenty of big-boobed chicks in tight spacesuits for the interior art...

I have to say that something about the planned d20 cover doesn't 'feel right', and clearly I'm not alone in this view. The expressions on the characters' faces seem blank, almost moronic. The large number of aliens and absence of female characters does seem un-Travellerly. Oh well, I will still buy it.