SOC-14 1K
I want to add I just came across James Maliszewski's post about Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches.
He writes in part:
I'm quoting it here because I think he's right. And to make it clear I'm not ragging on the product. James is pointing the setting is bare bones and the Referee has to bring something (anything!) to it to make it work. The spices added can be quite limited or really extraordinary -- it is up to the Referee. (I suspect the spices I would add would be considered quite exotic for many.)
Previously I had seen this as some sort of bug. After this thread I see it as a decided feature.
He writes in part:
It's an incredibly bare bones approach, leaving lots of room for individual referees to flesh out the Spinward Marches as they see fit, within the bounds of the basic data provided. Of course, Traveller's world descriptions are famously vague, with lots of leeway for individual interpretation of, for example, government types and other similar information. What The Spinward Marches is then is a largely blank canvas on which a referee can paint his own picture. Some elements of that picture have already been drawn in outline, but the specific shades and hues, as well as the fine details, are left entirely up to the referee to decide...
It's an incredibly open-ended, flexible supplement that can be used in a wide variety of ways. Moreover, it contains so many worlds that one could, quite literally, use it for many years without ever exhausting all of its possibilities... Certainly there's not a lot of detail here, but that's by design. Part of the fun for the Traveller referee has always been finding new and devious ways to interpret the alphanumeric world descriptions in ways to make the characters' lives "interesting" (in the Chinese curse sense) and this supplement removes a great amount of the tedium of having to randomly generate those descriptions oneself, since, in 1979, almost no one had a home computer to generate them automatically...
I still retain much fondness for the game and products like The Spinward Marches are a big part of why. Its supplements were, by and large, truly optional and intended as aids to creativity rather than replacements for them. Likewise, the default setting of the game was remarkably broad and demanded that it be individualized by each referee in order to be fully usable. I can't help but love that, which probably explains why I'm reflexively skeptical of settings that provide lots of detail. The Spinward Marches proved you didn't need a lot of details to make good use of it -- in fact, it was better that way.
I'm quoting it here because I think he's right. And to make it clear I'm not ragging on the product. James is pointing the setting is bare bones and the Referee has to bring something (anything!) to it to make it work. The spices added can be quite limited or really extraordinary -- it is up to the Referee. (I suspect the spices I would add would be considered quite exotic for many.)
Previously I had seen this as some sort of bug. After this thread I see it as a decided feature.
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