Remember waaay back when we discussed Book 2 Plus?
Well I've got the itch to re-open this can of worms for Mike and Paul's sakes. Most of these items are things which are very likely to exist in the LBB world but were left out of Book 2's Ship Design System, but a few are things I would change with the Book 2 Ship Design rules themselves.
BOOK 2 PLUS, Version 3.0
1 ton per crew position, including emplacements, sensors, and the computer console. Spacious Bridge: 2 tons per crew station gets a DM+1 on tasks. Cramped Bridge: 0.5 ton per crew station, DM-1.
A Pod is a small craft hull. They are used for cutter modules, cargo lighters, demountable fuel tanks, and drop tanks, as well as small craft. For carrying pods, add two Grapples per 35 tons of pod: one goes on the pod or barge, and one goes on the carrying craft, at 1 ton and MCr1 per grapple. If used to fuel a jump drive, a 1-ton, MCr1 Transfer Pump is also required, and may be installed either on the pod or the ship.
Pod cost depends on volume. Base cost is KCr 200 for unstreamlined, and KCr 500 for streamlined pods. Construction cost adds KCr 300 per 10 tons. So, for example, a 30 ton streamlined pod costs (KCr 500 + 3 x KCr 300) MCr 1.4.
Type "1/2 A" Power Plant
This is a 2 ton power plant used by a few small craft. In relative strength it is about 45% the power of a Type A power plant. In practice this enables a 30 ton hull with 3G performance, and a 40 ton hull with 2G performance.
A Barge is an unpowered spacecraft hull. They are used for cargo lighters, demountable fuel tanks, and drop tanks. Add six Grapples per 100 tons of barge: one goes on the pod or barge, and one goes on the carrying craft, at 1 ton and MCr1 per grapple. If used to fuel a jump drive, a 1-ton, MCr1 Transfer Pump is also required, and may be installed either on the barge or the ship.
Jump Net
Cr100,000 per ton.
A flexible, uniform jump matrix for carrying loose modules within the jump bubble of a ship. Cr100,000 per ton.
Small Stateroom
2 tons, Cr 25,000.
A 1-ton stateroom and 1 ton of common space. Half the price of a full stateroom. Cramped quarters produce stress on occupants, making routine tasks difficult after 1D days.
Fixed Weapon Mount
0 tons, MCr 0.
Equivalent to a double turret in capability. DM-2 to attack. 0 tons. Uses 1 hardpoint. Control is multiplexed to an existing control station. Maximum number of fixed mounts equals the ship’s computer model number.
Equipment which enables specific tasks, typically research or mechanics. Every 10 tons enables 1 (CT) level of a specific skill. Minimum volume 4 tons (enables level 0 of a specific skill). No cost.
Cargo Hold Bulk Liquid/Gas
Tank dedicated for transporting liquid (or gaseous) cargo and items suspended within a liquid (or gas-specific) environment. As a capture tank, provides DM+1 per 8 tons on attracting patrons (maximum DM+2). No cost.
Bulk Handler Container/Liquid/Gas
1 ton, Cr 100,000.
Loader for moving cargo of a given type. 1 ton, MCr 0.1. Standard cargo container handlers can move 12 tons per hour. Liquid handlers can move 40 tons per hour. Gas handlers can move 60 tons per hour. Handlers can be ship-based, but can also show up in good starports.
LR Sensors
TL12, 3 tons, MCr 1.
Upgrades standard sensors (communicator, EMS antenna, and scope) to long-range capability.
Survey Sensors
TL12, +6 control stations, Cr 600,000.
An orbital range sensor package: Neural Activity Sensor, Densitometer, Field Sensor, Analyzer/Sniffer, Life Detector, and Proximeter. Adds 6 control stations to the bridge.
Drive Strength Rationalization (RULES SUGGESTION)
Drive strength is rationalized based on letter code. A drive’s strength is its letter (omitting I and O) times 100. The rating of a drive is therefore [drive strength x 2 / hull volume]. This reduces the strength of W, X, Y, and Z drives, and potentially harms existing Book 2 designs. The benefit is that drive volume is now directly computable, and larger drives are possible:
Commentary. If I were to rationalize Book 2 drives with High Guard, I would say that the Book 2 power plants are right on the edge of TL14 and TL15. Book 2 jump drives are sturdier than High Guard, hence the greater volume. Book 2 maneuver drives, on the other hand, appear to be quite fragile compared to their High Guard counterparts.
Cost is also computable, left as an exercise to the reader, but read on...
Drive Price Simplification (RULES SUGGESTION)
Drive prices are reduced to simple formula. This changes canon design prices.
Fuel Requirement Rationalization (RULES SUGGESTION)
Fuel usage is rationalized based on hull volume and power plant rating. This is the formula used by small craft in LBB2. This potentially harms canon designs. Fuel usage is:
"Version 1"/Self-Processing Jump Drive
A specialized drive consisting of a power plant slaved to a jump drive. Total tonnage is the sum of the two drives minus four tons, and the price is the same as buying the two drives separately. The power plant only powers the jump drive, and does not require any fuel besides that used by the jump drive. Ships with a self-processing jump drive may not install another power plant, though they may have alternate sources of power (e.g. antimatter).
Black Globe
TL16, MCr 4.
The black globe generator converts hits to interior heat based on the ship's volume. At full strength, the globe will take hits equal to the ship's volume in tons, and the interior will become hot. At 400%, the interior becomes very hot, inflicting 2D of heat damage per minute to everything inside. At 900% the interior is 100 C, inflicting 3D per minute.
Antimatter PowerPlant
TL19 to TL27. MCr2 per ton.
These are devices which convert antimatter slugs into power. Each slug comes in a 1 ton container, and supplies enough power for a year of ship operations, or one jump. The power plant volume is 30 tons, plus 1 ton per drive 'Letter'.
TL14 to TL22, Cr 500,000 per ton.
These are accumulators, charged from exotic particles captured by a canopy. This charge is released in one spike to power a jump drive; collectors cannot therefore be used for normal ship operations. Volume is 5 tons, plus 1% hull volume per rating. Charging time is 1 week. Each point of damage taken extends the charging time by 1 week. After 10 years of operation, each additional year adds 1 more week to the charging time. Canopy replacement, at half cost, restores charging back to 1 week.
Well I've got the itch to re-open this can of worms for Mike and Paul's sakes. Most of these items are things which are very likely to exist in the LBB world but were left out of Book 2's Ship Design System, but a few are things I would change with the Book 2 Ship Design rules themselves.
BOOK 2 PLUS, Version 3.0
1 ton per crew position, including emplacements, sensors, and the computer console. Spacious Bridge: 2 tons per crew station gets a DM+1 on tasks. Cramped Bridge: 0.5 ton per crew station, DM-1.
A Pod is a small craft hull. They are used for cutter modules, cargo lighters, demountable fuel tanks, and drop tanks, as well as small craft. For carrying pods, add two Grapples per 35 tons of pod: one goes on the pod or barge, and one goes on the carrying craft, at 1 ton and MCr1 per grapple. If used to fuel a jump drive, a 1-ton, MCr1 Transfer Pump is also required, and may be installed either on the pod or the ship.
Pod cost depends on volume. Base cost is KCr 200 for unstreamlined, and KCr 500 for streamlined pods. Construction cost adds KCr 300 per 10 tons. So, for example, a 30 ton streamlined pod costs (KCr 500 + 3 x KCr 300) MCr 1.4.
Type "1/2 A" Power Plant
This is a 2 ton power plant used by a few small craft. In relative strength it is about 45% the power of a Type A power plant. In practice this enables a 30 ton hull with 3G performance, and a 40 ton hull with 2G performance.
A Barge is an unpowered spacecraft hull. They are used for cargo lighters, demountable fuel tanks, and drop tanks. Add six Grapples per 100 tons of barge: one goes on the pod or barge, and one goes on the carrying craft, at 1 ton and MCr1 per grapple. If used to fuel a jump drive, a 1-ton, MCr1 Transfer Pump is also required, and may be installed either on the barge or the ship.
Jump Net
Cr100,000 per ton.
A flexible, uniform jump matrix for carrying loose modules within the jump bubble of a ship. Cr100,000 per ton.
Small Stateroom
2 tons, Cr 25,000.
A 1-ton stateroom and 1 ton of common space. Half the price of a full stateroom. Cramped quarters produce stress on occupants, making routine tasks difficult after 1D days.
Fixed Weapon Mount
0 tons, MCr 0.
Equivalent to a double turret in capability. DM-2 to attack. 0 tons. Uses 1 hardpoint. Control is multiplexed to an existing control station. Maximum number of fixed mounts equals the ship’s computer model number.
Equipment which enables specific tasks, typically research or mechanics. Every 10 tons enables 1 (CT) level of a specific skill. Minimum volume 4 tons (enables level 0 of a specific skill). No cost.
Cargo Hold Bulk Liquid/Gas
Tank dedicated for transporting liquid (or gaseous) cargo and items suspended within a liquid (or gas-specific) environment. As a capture tank, provides DM+1 per 8 tons on attracting patrons (maximum DM+2). No cost.
Bulk Handler Container/Liquid/Gas
1 ton, Cr 100,000.
Loader for moving cargo of a given type. 1 ton, MCr 0.1. Standard cargo container handlers can move 12 tons per hour. Liquid handlers can move 40 tons per hour. Gas handlers can move 60 tons per hour. Handlers can be ship-based, but can also show up in good starports.
LR Sensors
TL12, 3 tons, MCr 1.
Upgrades standard sensors (communicator, EMS antenna, and scope) to long-range capability.
Survey Sensors
TL12, +6 control stations, Cr 600,000.
An orbital range sensor package: Neural Activity Sensor, Densitometer, Field Sensor, Analyzer/Sniffer, Life Detector, and Proximeter. Adds 6 control stations to the bridge.
Drive Strength Rationalization (RULES SUGGESTION)
Drive strength is rationalized based on letter code. A drive’s strength is its letter (omitting I and O) times 100. The rating of a drive is therefore [drive strength x 2 / hull volume]. This reduces the strength of W, X, Y, and Z drives, and potentially harms existing Book 2 designs. The benefit is that drive volume is now directly computable, and larger drives are possible:
Jump Drive volume: Drive Rating x 2.5% hull volume + 5.
Maneuver Drive volume: Drive Rating x 1% hull volume - 1.
Power Plant volume: Drive Rating x 1.5% hull volume + 1.
Cost is also computable, left as an exercise to the reader, but read on...
Drive Price Simplification (RULES SUGGESTION)
Drive prices are reduced to simple formula. This changes canon design prices.
Power plant and jump drive: MCr 1 per ton.
Maneuver drive: MCr 2 per ton.
Fuel usage is rationalized based on hull volume and power plant rating. This is the formula used by small craft in LBB2. This potentially harms canon designs. Fuel usage is:
fuel (tons per month) = 0.01 x hull volume x power plant rating
A specialized drive consisting of a power plant slaved to a jump drive. Total tonnage is the sum of the two drives minus four tons, and the price is the same as buying the two drives separately. The power plant only powers the jump drive, and does not require any fuel besides that used by the jump drive. Ships with a self-processing jump drive may not install another power plant, though they may have alternate sources of power (e.g. antimatter).
Black Globe
TL16, MCr 4.
The black globe generator converts hits to interior heat based on the ship's volume. At full strength, the globe will take hits equal to the ship's volume in tons, and the interior will become hot. At 400%, the interior becomes very hot, inflicting 2D of heat damage per minute to everything inside. At 900% the interior is 100 C, inflicting 3D per minute.
Antimatter PowerPlant
TL19 to TL27. MCr2 per ton.
These are devices which convert antimatter slugs into power. Each slug comes in a 1 ton container, and supplies enough power for a year of ship operations, or one jump. The power plant volume is 30 tons, plus 1 ton per drive 'Letter'.
TL14 to TL22, Cr 500,000 per ton.
These are accumulators, charged from exotic particles captured by a canopy. This charge is released in one spike to power a jump drive; collectors cannot therefore be used for normal ship operations. Volume is 5 tons, plus 1% hull volume per rating. Charging time is 1 week. Each point of damage taken extends the charging time by 1 week. After 10 years of operation, each additional year adds 1 more week to the charging time. Canopy replacement, at half cost, restores charging back to 1 week.
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