Here's the point that Timerover misses: with my rules, you can build the small craft shown in Book 2 -- close enough to make no difference -- and you can also build variations of them as well.
And it's the same system as ship design. The price is not the issue, because you can design cheap small craft.
Timerover, despite his on-again, off-again grumpy nature, is actually just complaining about Classic Traveller's pricing scheme. His argument is not
really with me; my goal was to get quite close to LBB1-2-3.
But anyway, what he should have done was built a Shuttle and a Free Trader with my rules, and showed everyone where the costs are, and how to build small craft on the cheap. Luckily for all of us, Book-2-like rules tend to be simple enough to just sit down and play with.
Type A Free Trader.
200 ton streamlined hull, MCr 14.
Model/1, MCr 1.5
Two single turret ... ah... let's say heterogenous Laser-Missile-Sand. MCr 2.4.
Jump, Maneuver, and Power-A: MCr 18.
Scoops. KCr 100.
Crew: let's make room for 4.
Passengers: let's make room for 6.
So, staterooms and common areas: MCr 5.
Standard life support. MCr 1.
12 ton bridge. MCr 1.2.
I suppose we have an Air/Raft. KCr 100.
Look, already found a typo. Two. And no 'niche' rule mentioned.
Holy crap, are we done already? Have I told you I LOVE Book 2?
Ton Component MCr Notes
--- ------------------------ ---- -------------------
200 Streamlined hull 14
--- ------------------------ ---- -------------------
1 Model/1 1.5
2 Two single turrets LMS 2.4 Laser-Missile-Sand
16 J- M- and PP-A 18 J1 M1 P1
22 Fuel - 1 pc, 1 month ops
1 Scoops 0.1 100t/h
20 Crew space 2 4 crew
30 Pasenger space 3 6 pax
4 Low Berths (8) 0.8 8 low
1 Standard LS 1 40 people-weeks
12 Bridge, spacious 1.2 6 workstations
4 Air/Raft 0.1
2 Niche for Air/Raft 1.5
1 Airlocks (2) 0.2
2 Cargo Lock 0.4
82 Cargo -
TOTAL ================> 46.2
So NOW we compare apples to apples. A 95 ton shuttle is not much cheaper than a 200 ton starship.
To which I answer: so what? Look at the difference between an insystem craft and an interstellar craft. It's the jump drive and jump fuel, and for smaller craft anyway, size.
Here's a version of the shuttle:
Ton Component MCr Notes
--- ------------------------ ---- -------------------
95 Streamlined hull 8 (100 ton hull)
--- ------------------------ ---- -------------------
3 Model/3 10.5
7 P-plant B 7 P3
3 P-plant fuel - 29 days
3 M-drive B 6 3G
3 Bridge, standard 0.6 3 workstations
2 Long-term LS 2 120 people-weeks
1 Airlocks (2) 0.2
2 Cargo Lock 0.4
71 Free Space -
TOTAL ================> 34.7
You want cheap, then strip out the computer, downgrade the drives and LS, and use a 90 ton hull:
Ton Component MCr Notes
--- ------------------------ ---- -------------------
90 Streamlined hull 3.2 (90 ton pod)
--- ------------------------ ---- -------------------
1 Model/1 1.5
4 P-plant A 4 P2
2 P-plant fuel - 31 days
2 M-drive B 4 2G
3 Bridge, standard 0.6 3 workstations
1 Standard LS 1 40 people-weeks
1 Airlocks (2) 0.2
2 Cargo Lock 0.4
74 Free Space -
TOTAL ================> 14.9