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[Proto-Traveller] Starship Design

Try building that courier on a 200 ton frame. You should be able to get everything in the 400 ton ship except the extra cargo, and it's cheaper (mongoose rules).
So, back to the ship design, for a moment.

So, back to the ship design, for a moment.

Ship size is VERY straightforward...

Since drives are limited in SIZE by TL, the biggest ship buildable is also limited by what can be driven by the biggest drive.

Remember: TL 9 is drives A-D only... Which means an 800 Td limit...TL 15 is drives A-Z, and a Z drive can drive a 5000Td hull.


My variant of Small Ship Proto-Traveller replaces the drive table with formulas. Unfortunately that breaks the designs with drives W thru Z. :(