Small Craft
Gig: Using a 20-ton hull, the gig is capable of 3-G acceleration, carries 1 ton of fuel tankage and has a crew of two. A gig may mount missile racks, sandcasters, and a single laser. The maximum computer for the gig is a Model/3, only a Model/2bis maximum may be mounted if a laser is one of its weapons. The craft has 6 tons of excess space available for custom use, and costs MCr 22.
Lander: Using a 10-ton hull, the lander is capable of 2-G acceleration, carries 1 ton of fuel and has a crew of two. A lander may mount only missile racks or sandcasters. The maximum computer for a lander is a Model/2bis. The craft has 4 tons of excess space available for custom use, and costs MCr 8.
Type ML Longboat
Longboat (Type ML): Using a 100-ton hull, the longboat is intended as a light multipurpose unit favored by both jackers and belters for prospecting and independent trading. It mounts jump drive-A, maneuver drive-A, and power plant-A, giving performance of jump-2 and 2-G acceleration in a streamlined hull with fuel scoops. Fuel tankage of 40 tons supports the power plant and one jump-2. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/1bis. There are one-and-a-half staterooms and four low berths. The ship has a single turret at its hardpoint with one ton allocated to fire control and a sandcaster mounted (usually with multipurpose loads). There are no ship’s vehicles. Cargo capacity is 15 tons with connection points for a 10 or 15 ton L-Hyd tank to be mounted there (KCr 20 for 10-ton, KCr 25 for 15-ton).
The longboat requires a crew one: pilot/engineer. The ship can carry one passenger at double occupancy (middle passage only) and 4 low passengers, along with 15 tons of cargo for commercial service. The ship costs MCr 27.91 (including 10% discount for standard designs) and takes 9 months to build.
Alternate Sandcaster Loads
These are different kinds of canisters that can be loaded into the standard sandcaster launcher. All standard sandcaster launchers have a ready supply of 3 sand canisters and a magazine equal to the ship’s tonnage/5. An autoloader may be installed that consumes either one turret weapon space or 0.25 tons of internal ship space and costs KCr25.
Standard – This is the standard sand canister listed in the main book. 50kg, Cr400.
KKV – A kinetic kill vehicle that acts as a shotgun blast of shrapnel against another ship in a barely effective manner. It may also obscure as a normal sand canister. The KKV does ((1D/2)-2) hits damage when it contacts another ship. 50 kg, Cr500.
Small Missile – A powered self-guided piece of ordnance that does 1D/2 hits when it contacts another ship, it is weaker than the standard missile. 50kg, Cr2500.
Sensor Drone – A cluster of sensors in a canister that is equivalent to a standard/commercial ships sensors connected to a communicator and a 24 hour duration battery. 50kg, Cr2500.
Comm Laser Defense System
This is a setting for the communications system that allows the message laser onboard each ship to be used in a point defense mode. It is mediocre at best and cannot be used as a missile defense (missiles are hardened against this minor weapon). The CLDS may be fired at other ships, but will only do ((1D/2)-2) damage per hit it actually scores on another ship. Every ship has this as part of its onboard systems.