Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Aramis museum currently has an exhibit extoling the virtues of TL15 Imperial technology up to and including a TL15 meson spinal.
Are you suggesting that the population of Aramis have no knowledge of TL15 science, engineering and technology despite Imperial 'text books' being available, despite there being a TL15 IN base etc?
Not at all.
Aramis is TL 11.
Effective Range is two levels, up or down. That's 9-13.
EDU can increase effective range if it is higher than homeworld TL. But, barring that, Skill always increases effective range.
Anybody with Engineering-2 or Mechanics-2 would have an effective range of 7-15 and can understand the cutting edge TL 15 systems of the Meson Gun.
This is also how people at the Starport work on TL 15 vessels. They are either highly educated (thus, increased effective range) or they are highly skilled (Skill-2 or higher to work on the TL 15 stuff).