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SOC-14 1K
Just out of interest folks, who's planning on using what rules for TNE 1248? It's going to be as systemless as humanly possible, of course, but I'm keen to find out what rules people intend to use...
TNE, since that'd be the closest fit in terms of setting and how the rules fit into the setting.
It'll make more sense as a TNE product, since that's what it is.

I doubt I'll EVER get to actually "play" it, though. But there is some hope now with this new group I joined, and TNE is probably the system I know best of the 7 available.

My second vote would be GURPS, since it has such a huge, established market, and to a certain degree, should be easiest to write to.
MT/CT character gen, T4/CT hybrid combat, FF&S1 Ships or there abouts. But since I own T:TNE and T20 and I have GURPS Lite, if it's rules lite I don't foresee a problem converting anything to what I need.

From a commercial / ease of production point of view, might I suggest you work in T20 (since it's what QLI publish)? And then invite the good folks here to do conversions as required; once you reach layout stage you can look at whether there will be space to include T:TNE and / or CT conversions in the final product or whether you could do them as a download. Likewise, perhaps you could approach SJG about publishing online conversions for G:T, perhaps via JTAS? That way you get maximum rules coverage but also maximise the setting information in the book.


Nick Middleton.
Looks like I failed to make that clear enough.

1248 will be as systemless as possible, though if it leans towards a rules set then naturally that will have to be T20.

What I meant was - what rules do people expect their gamers to be using in 1248? Ie, will folks convert to T20? Use a hybrid T/5 (which was my favorite system untile T20), or what?
MJD asked:

"Just out of interest folks, who's planning on using what rules for TNE 1248? It's going to be as systemless as humanly possible, of course, but I'm keen to find out what rules people intend to use..."


Sadly, I've passed out of the catagory of people who play Traveller and into the catagory of people who play with Traveller.

If a miracle occurs and I get to actually play, I'll use whatever RPG system the GM produces; most likely T20 or GURPS from what I've seen.

If another miracle occurs and I am the GM (shudder), I'll fall back on my old, crazyquilt house system; a CT skeleton with MT's task system and extended careers, a GURPS-ish chargen using points to pick skills, personal combat a melange of Snapshot and AHL (although BITS ACQ looks damn good), and ship combat a Mayday/HG2 fusion. I'd probably plug in GT's trade and star system generation rules simply because I like them better than CT thru T4's and I haven't seen T20's versions yet!

Jeepers, I'm playing Franken-Traveller!

BTW, hardback, softback, PDF, vellum, carved in rock, it doesn't matter. We're ALL going to buy M:1248 AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT!

Sorry to say that T20 is not on my list of priorities. After buying 4 generations of this stuff, and not having anything to play it with, I simply can't justify it to myself anymore. I WILL get this book if you put it out, but if you put any kind of rules in it, there will have to be some explanation of how to use them. (Hey, throw in a copy of T20 and I won't have anything to complain about!) :D
Why buy TNE again??? I don't need the rules. I have the rules for CT, 2300AD, MT, TNE, T4, gurps and not T20. What would this do for me. What I need is materials...ships, starports, races, world examples...

I am starting a campaign here in tampa.

T20 1212 - a variation on the Corridor sector TNE background. Fill in needed rules with TNE, Gurps, and CT.

Originally posted by Savage:
Why buy TNE again??? I don't need the rules. I have the rules for CT, 2300AD, MT, TNE, T4, gurps and not T20. What would this do for me. What I need is materials...ships, starports, races, world examples...

No-one's asking you to buy any rules again. That's the whole point of MJD asking the question - he's just asking 'what system would you use to run/play the SYSTEMLESS 1248 setting in'. Anyone who thinks he asked 'what system should I use in the 1248 book' has misunderstood the question.

That said, MJD - if you do put ship stats or alien races in the book, what system are you going to use to describe them? Is it just going to be a text description and that's it? Or is that what the point of this question is? ;)
If I get to 1248 (We're in 1114 now, but accidents happen), it'll be MT/CT hybrid with some flavour stuff ripped from GURPS, TNE, etc. I keep meaning to get wound into T20, but it just seems like too much work to learn a new system (I am buying it though). T4 really looked sorta like CT+ to me, so I steal things from it to. The guts will be MT though. Though I too am looking at ACQ, plus old AHL and Snapshot and Striker II and wondering if I can't get a bit more 'tactical combat' out of one of them.

On another front, what about Project 5641 (or is this it? I didn't think so...)? THAT is the one I'd *really* love to see the light of day as an ATU (Alternate TU). Again, systemless, it should be a great resource and I liked what I've seen of it so far.

Originally posted by MJD:
Just out of interest folks, who's planning on using what rules for TNE 1248? It's going to be as systemless as humanly possible, of course, but I'm keen to find out what rules people intend to use...
Where I am right now, it will depend a lot on who I can get to run with. I'd love to use the original TNE rules. Of late I've been rediscovering that sets many virtues.

T4/T5 would be nice too, but the reality is probably either G:T or T20 for the simple fact that those two are more likely to be known.

Where stats are necessary, they will be for T20. T20 ship stats are of course compatible with High Guard.

We'll probbaly set up a page on the side with some conversion data on it.