just some suggestions, or should this be on Brainstorming?
I've used a race called the Nosferu (possibly a human nick-name), a humaniod carrion eating race (they only eat flesh that has died naturally, as they are pacifists). They inject digestive fluids into a well ripe corpse and then suck out the goodness. They are also canniballistic, part of their religion. They also have virtual immunity to disease.
These practices were obviously abhorent to most other races, but the Nosfreu kept to themselves, until someone thought they'd be ideal to test a new bioweapon on them, which surprisingly worked, rendering the whole biospere uninhabitable. Some Nosferu (several million), were immune to this weapon, but had to leave their home as everything else was dead, so now they wander as refugees, hated and despised, forced to live in ghettos and often persecuted.
Thats about as far as I'd developed them, but I'd also thought they might be pretty good at medecine too. Originally I was sticking them around the Spinward Marches, but in a way the Sol Rim makes more sense, as wouldn't Sol Party hard-liners find them intolerable?
Their homeworld doesn't matter, could be anywhere, as its dead, but they'd be found all over the place in camps and refugee camps, maybe begging...
They have a yummy ripe odour too....