Found it! It lists the 4 most valuable precious metals in the mix: Platinum, Iridium, Palladium, and Gold.
100 tons of Earth ore yields 5 ppb platinum, 1 ppb Iridium, 15 ppb Palladium, and 4 ppb Gold for a total value (2012 prices) of $74.
100 tons of asteroid yields 1400 ppb Platinum, 760 ppb Iridium, 870 ppb Palladium, and 215 ppb gold for a value of $11,578.
The big factor in profitability of asteroid mining is how fast you can turn over loads. The longer it takes to move material from the belt to a smelter / refinery for processing, the less credits per time period you get. I rough calculated from that table that a seeker on a 2 week turn around schedule would make about 4,000 to 5,000 cr per month gross. When you take the cost of fuel, maintenance, paying the crew, etc., into account you are on a pretty thin margin.
It helps to dump the jump drive and everything associated with it if you can keep transit times under a week. That gives more room for ore.
If you also add some sort of automated mining robot that can store the ore, you do better again as you waste little time loading and unloading the ship. I designed one that would be the size of a standard cargo container and a seeker that could carry 7 of these. You'd need 21 to operate at peak efficiency though ( 7 mining in the belt, 7 on the ship going to the refinery, 7 waiting at the refinery to be picked up and taken back for more ore).
The ship wouldn't be jump capable and the crew is reduced to two or three (pilot, robot operator, mechanic / engineer. You might not need the engineer if the ship is reliable and can be serviced regularly).
The mining robots are the size of a standard shipping container. At the rear it contains a small power plant and grav propulsion module. The front is just a space for holding the ore. There are clamps / attachment points to allow it to latch onto the asteroid. The mining equipment then basically breaks up material and loads the box.
You might even add separate equipment doing the mining on the asteroid and loading these. When full the containers move into position for the transport ship to collect and move to the refinery.