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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Franklin uses the confusion and chaos to scoot over an borrow the the dead policeman's computer, slipping it into his parts bag and exiting quickly.

"I will be outside fellows. We should clear this area."
Once Julianne finishes handing the officer's handcomp, she nods agreement and makes her way outside.
Panthera has sold her shoe collection, so she's left with her snow boots and a pair of flip flops.

"I'm a classy girl, me. Look at the glamourous parts of town I get to visit!"

Panthera semi-unconsciously pulls her tunic's hem a little lower and zips up her jerkin. She pulls up the ponchos head to hide her hair.

She attempts to find the first 6 items on her list.

ooc: 13, 4, 9, 13, 10, 8 (+1 for Liaison)

She has a stoke of luck sourcing rations and snowshoes/skiis, but no joy as for vaporators and googles. She gets a lead in tracking down another rad-tent (hers can sleep 4), but no actuall tent. As for her own stores, she has some trekking trunks she can share, and a small supply of drugs.

She manages to get a 65% discount on one week's rations (dehydrated) for 6 people for cr473. The food is (ooc:2) good quality so thats a win!

She then finds a lecherous pawnbroker with several sets of skis and snowshoes in his shop. Using all her charm (and unzipping her jerkin) she manages to haggle him down 68%, so it cost cr352 to get 4 sets of TL8 snowshoes (she has her own pro-skis, and can rig up the trunks as a sled with the otherset of skis), though of varying quality (ooc: 4, 5, 3, 4): 1 fair, 2 poor, and 1 exceptionally poor.
Swatting the pawnbroker's advances aside with her newly purchased footgear, Panthera holes up in the GCarrier, to make some calls.

She calls Julianne, and then Frank, but gets no network coverage. Feeling uneasy, the guns the engine.

Getting Owen's answer service, Panthera says:
"Hi Owen, done some shopping and I've got food and some survival gear. We still need ponchos and HES's for anyone who needs it, but I'm afraid I'm run out of cash, only cr269 left. I've got a lead on another tent, but maybe we don't need it if we have the Gcarrier. Can you send me more funds to get the rest. Oh, by the way, I can't get any connection to the others on my aide... I got a bad feeling about this. The news channels are very quiet, unusually so, and all this conspiracy theory is making me jumpy. Call me as soon as you get this message. See ya soon."

Panthera lifts off, glancing uneasily in the rear view mirror, and makes another attempt to source cheap ponchos, (ooc: 5), but without joy. There's definitely something up with the Com-Web...
Owen has a few more drinks. He pauses briefly to be sick in a pot plant (must be a side-effect of the meds), and goes to his room for a bath, a rare luxury for a belter. With his head underwater, he misses his commo's beeps....
Ref says: "I bet it was the Sovs that planted that bomb."

"Naw, what interest do the Mind Rippers have in us? But, damn, where is the Imperium when you need them?"

"Got to be those lousy Greens they are trying to take over the entire Sector, and they got Imperial backing from what I heard."

"Didn't ye hear what happened to the Pride? She was sawed off by them pirates. Its the Imperium that keeps the whole thing from rupturing into chaos."

"The Imperium only interest here is to use us a staging point and service station for greenfield sites deeper in the sector."

"Look if we are supposed to protected by a Mason Gun in the sub fleet and the Navy and SPA guard against foreign attack. It got to be local."

"I don't know, there aren't anything noble about Imperialism."

(just some of the comments overheard outside by the players).

Later that night, as they settle in Stan's Place for another night of gambling and drinking. They catch the TAS news report on the bombing. It shows how the restaurant was a secondary target but the primary target was the police station next door. Then the reporter comments that several offworld terrorist groups with known links to the Ine Givar Central Committee. Law Enforcers are currently looking for two suspects at large. A composite computer rendition flashes up on the screen of the two suspects. One is a human female who looks awfully like Ditzie and the other is a Hiver that bears an uncanny appearance to Franklin.

Ditzie's roommate from the sorority appears on the screen, "Ya, like what I am saying she was never interested in her studies, she merely wanted to build bigger guns. She seemed to be obsessed with the whole violence thing. That and Pogo Sticks."

A stern looking Law Enforcer Chief appears on the screen, "Anyone with leads to the whereabouts of these two criminals kindly call 9-1-1 and we will send a detachment straight away. Do your duty citizens, our safety depends upon it."

There is a silence in the bar floor for a moment and then the usual drone of conversation resumes.
"Big fat hairy arse!"

Panthera lands the Grav Car at Stan's in a pensive mood. She's had no luck tracking down tents, and has heard nothing from the others regarding funds so that's that basically. Then she sees the newsfeeds on the ComWeb and her heart sinks when she sees Ditzie and Frank in those dodgy 'artist's impressions'.

Fatigue toxins, a very long day, and the remains of last night's hangover cause her to start hallucinating. She thinks of how she dragged Frank on the makeshift sled and wonders if we could disguise him as a ski-bot... She has an image of Ditzie riding a Frank-propelled ski-bot... That girl is so tomboy, always fatigues... I got some really girly clothes that might fit her... And I got some hair dye left

She enter's Stan's and finds the group. She blurts:
"We can turn Ditzie into a robot and I've got a really nice frock for Frank, and we can dye him pink."

Slumping into a chair next to Julianne she says: "Got rations for us all for one week, snowshoes to boot, ha ha, for 4. You need rad protection. I got no more money" she pulls out what cash remains and loose change spills all over the table onto the floor "Mines a double G & T", before her eyes close and her head slumps onto Julianne's left shoulder.
At the close of the news report, Julianne (stating the obvious) says, "Looks like someone's interested in a setup. We outta put out a few false leads to mess with them."

Julianne gives Panthera a very surprised look when she sits down and puts her head on Julianne's shoulder. However, Panthera is already asleep and misses it.

"A robot, huh? Pink Hivers, too. *Sigh...* Let's ask when she wakes up. And someone get me a blanket, please."

"Oh, and if we want to get something with living space, I know how to drive wheeled ATVs.

When she has the blanket, she covers the both of them, and falls asleep planning to find rad protection in the morning.
Owen is up bright and early, helping Stan prepare eggs and fish. They have a brief argument about the meaning of tea. He goes for a walk and prints out the newsfaxes - he's a hardcopy kinda guy. He buys some short-range commos for the group and fiddles around with them to beef up the encryption, to limited effect. [OOC - rolled 8 in task. Electronics-2, Cryptography-1 skills]

When Pantera wakes he offers her coffee without so much sludge in it, and Cr300 contribution to operating expenses.

He takes out his usual array of pens and highlighters and assaults the newsfaxes.
Ref says:
On flash paper a note is left for Julianne, it reads: "I did not think that you would be so stupid as to compromise our position. West gate meeting moved up to noon." with that there is a momentary flash and the nothing is left but the atoms of carbon.

There is still quite a substantial amount of shopping left and no player has attempted to determine where they're are going. (OOC: Remember there was a challenge or task roll, I would prefer if you took up the challenge). Your grav car rental ends at noon, unless you want to pay an additional 200Cr. Panthera may be in need of help transporting the bulk of items.

Law Enforcers seem to be on edge, whenever they are coming into Stan's Place. The theft of their hand computer seems to have gone unnoticed by local officers in area around Stan's Place. Preliminary attempts at accessing the computer show many levels of encryption and that it possesses a wireless relay.

Even Stan seems more subdued. When asked about the reason is that it seems that everyone is afraid where the terrorists will strike next. There is a marked increase in body amour with the marines guarding Imperial installations. The local news is filled with the bodies of yesterday's explosions occasionally interspersed with the images of the young woman and the Hiver.

Owen's fiddlings with the communicators pays off. He is able to get a wide range of communication, unfortunately to break the code will take time. Most of the communication is taking place between the Count's Orbital Palace, the Diplomatic Centre and someplace deep in the Wilderness. Anytime, he tries to zoom on a location a tracker signal is launched to determine his location.
OOC: Guys, try to make your postings more lively! As we still could recruit more players before something results in a temporary closure of the adventure to newcomers. I know how Real Life(TM) can wear one down. But, we really need to get posts that you guys are feeding off each other's actions and I promise that I will be able to supply the adventure.
Owen takes the handcart and unloads the grav vehicle. He puts all the stuff in his room, if no-one else is up (he is an early riser). He leaves the cart, and returns the rental grav, after clearing it of all items.

Pulling up the collar of his chunky jacket, he hurries back to Stan's...

When the others wake up, they find Owen sitting at a table. Spread on it are maps, charts, and half a dozen compact communicators. He is methodically scanning the charts for the Erase Li Plains. He is also noting any plains that aren't named.
Panthera awakes to the smell of coffee.

"Ooh, coffee, cheers."

A few gulps, not even showing how bad it tastes, later she spots the maps and charts on table.

"Ooh, maps, cheers." Flashes a smile at Owen.

Panthera pours over the maps, investigating gradients, checking for crevasse country, glacier flows, avalanche dangers. She checks the area to see if she has already crossed it or seen the area on her previous trek (OOC:???). She calculates the party's gear and the potential hazards and sees if it adds up.

She speaks up to any of the party who is listening.
"We need more stuff. We wasted the grav vehicle yesterday because no one would stump up the cash for the necessary purchases. Well, I've spent all my own money on sourcing our gear (and I normally charge for this service), been groped by creeps, and have been fetching and carrying all yesterday. So perhaps someone else could go today and get the rest of the stuff we need. I have made a list."

The list reads:
Rad proof tent
rad poncho's for every member (ooc: what's the count now?)
glare goggles if you want 'em
more rope (200m lightweight)
HES's if you don't have one
a proper trek-sled
medical supplies
silver spray paint
some kid's toys with diodes and screens and beeps

She puts the list in Owen's hand and grins. :D
Then she gathers Frank and Ditzie and takes them upstairs.

To Ditzie:
"I can change your appearance, at least until we get out of here, with some clever make-up and clothes."

She gets out a tiny dress, some horribly mismatched stripy tights, some pink hair dye and some make-up.
"We can make you look like a stroppy teenager."

To Frank:
"Hard to disguise a Hiver. Remember the contraption I dragged you on? Well, how about we rebuild it, make it more enclosed, but a gap in the bottom so you can push yourself along, stick on some flashing lights, spray it silver, and hey presto! A robot! Well, an auto-sled anyway. I know it's whack, but we could pull it off from a distance."

Panthera changes into a dark grey/green skinsuit and checks out her trekking suit, and straps her ice axe to the clasp on her thigh.
Owen, to the surprise of all present, produces a black eyeliner pencil.

"Stole this off some Blak Deth fans. Knock yourself out, kiddo", and passes it over.

Today Owen is modelling a fetching vacc suit of Imperial design. The chevrons and markings are unclear to groundlings, but any spacer will recognise a Navy officer's combat recon suit.

He looks at the list, and clears his (bruised) throat.

"Ahem. I have a proposal. As we are acting together, we should form an Honour Company - that is, acting on verbal agreements alone, and keeping no documentation, we each invest the same amount into a common fund. I propose Cr500 each to start with. Until completion of our current intended task, we hold in common all assets accrued, at which point we divide equally. I further propose that we rent an ATV and trailer without delay, in addition to the above-mentioned items. I would caution you all to avoid mentioning specifics of our venture in our current location, and invite you all to early dinner in our new trailer this evening, all being well."

All those in favour?

[OOC} updated tech details to include pic of Owen.
OOC: an obscure movie quote

- Do you know what we need, man? Some rope. - Absolutely.

- What are ya, insane? - No, it ain't.

Charlie Bronson's always got rope.

- What? - Yeah.

He's got a lot of rope strapped around him in the movies, and they always end up using it.

- You've lost it, haven't it? - No, I'm serious.

That's stupid. Name one thing you'd need a rope for.

You don't fxxxxn' know what you're gonna need it for. They just always need it.
"Oh, I quite agree. I'm somewhat familiar with the Galian Navy model of that combat recon suit, so if there's a way to get ahold of one I could use it. And some rope, good long tough rope."
Owen resolves, not for the first time, to stop drinking. It's obviously slowing him down. He slaps his forehead. Of course. "Our mutual friend said he'd arrange transport. Something about a Guild. Okay. So forget the ATV ...I'll get the things on the list - asuming you all pony up the 500."

By the afternoon he has everything except

rad-proof tent
a proper trek-sled
medical supplies
silver spray paint

hostile evironment suits - way over budget. Failed to find rental.

He got 6 each of the ponchos and goggles, 200m light rope, 50m each heavy rope and paracord. In addition to the LED's and panels just bought,
Owen has a reasonable collection of electronics gear and tools. He has some gold spray paint left from yesterday. While his personal vacc suit is rather expensive, he does have a cheaper civilian vacc suit at the disposal of the party.

While getting toys he bought a variety pack of cheap batteries, and a pair of toy binoculars with low-quality video recorder, in a bright plastic case. He was disturbed by the lack of toy guns - even imitations seem to be banned on this world. Or maybe they were just out of stock.

All this shopping has made him very bad tempered. Resolving not to drink, he smokes an entire pack of cigarettes, glaring at anyone who objects. Pushing his handcart through the snowbound streets, he growls at anyone who comes near, like an anti-Santa.

he has a thought. "Eraze LI. Maybe that's a company name? Must check the local business registers..."

[OOC: Lacking LBB's at the mo, estimate above spend at Cr 1200. ]
Frank hands over Cr500 to Owen while surveying several news feeds... He remains in his Vacc Suit, opaquing the helmet to almost black. He quickly deactivates the wireless relay on the Lawman's handcomp.

"I'm in. Owen. In absentia. I am going to go lay low for a bit. I will be with you linked to your comps. But do not worry. I can cover my tracks very well.

Thankfully. The snow will perhaps make it harder for the population of this area of space to hunt me down like some sort of animal. This is the third time I have been accused of some capital crime or another. I am beginning to think they perhaps do not like Hivers. Perhaps it is only me.

Either way. I am going to take some time to plot my next moves. I need to adopt a different strategy if I am to survive here. Do not try to contact me. It is unecessarily risky. I will know what goes on via telepresence.

I am basically unarmed and alone in an extremely hostile area. Why are these people hounding me so?"

(Continued in PM to GM)
Owen pulls on his vacc suit's command helmet, and connects the secure comm wire to Frank's suit.

"Stay in touch, mate, and stay reasonably close. Either of us could need the other in a hurry.

Is there any possibility another Hiver is in the local area, and the authorities think it's you? Or perhaps someone impersonating a Hiver? They certainly seem convinced that crimes have been committed, and that a Hiver was involved.

Take one of these short-range commos, I've done some work on them to improve the encryption. Even so, I'd keep transmissions short, and treat it as an unsecured line. The code phrase -'Everything's real shiney here'- can be used as a distress call.

I'll do what I can to look after you while we get to the bottom of this. If it's simple racial bigotry I'd guess it'll all blow over. I can't be sure, I don't know the local politics.

You say you're basically unarmed, would you like me to build a contact stunner for you? Purely for self-defence, of course. Wouldn't be too hard to modify a common household gadget...

Sure you're okay in there? Don't want some coffee or anything?"..

He leaves Frank to it, and removes his helmet.

"Systems check OK. Everything's real sh.... real nice."

[OOC - busy until Friday. people are welcome to 'zombie' Owen till then. Try not to walk him off any balconies.]
"I do not know, my friend. If another Hiver is involved. It could be so. Thing is. We normally seek each other out on such worlds. Saftey in numbers as it were.

I have my switchblade. But I may be contacting you soon. I may need materials sent to me. Keep the comm. Mine will work better for what I need. They will not find me."

(He hands Owen Cr500 slyly as they shake hands...)

"Just in Case."
"Here's the Cr500, plus an extra 100. Something to take care of; off for a while."

Julianne goes off to meet the whoever-it-it at the West Gate.
Ref says:
As Julianne arrives at the West Gate she sees what appears to be a convoy of interlocked winnebagos (see technical details for picture). A clean cut man bumps into her wearing Scout fatigues. It is no other than the patron.

"Where is your stuff? Where is the your party?"

"This place is hot and I can't understand what your Hiver is doing staying still. We have to get moving. The window is opportunity is closing and the door is going open but if we don't make the renovation the whole foundation will collapse."

"Can't hold up this convoy, for you sleepyheads much longer. Can you be ready in 15mins. I thought you were professional troubleshooters but it looks like you are amateurs."

"Have you established the location of the plateau? My man knows where it is approximately. Security he says is non existent. Just like this world."

"Did you see the big bang at the restaurant. Those Imps will stop at nothing to give the independence movement a bad name. Whole thing is a setup, you know."

"Got your lighter? It's probably time for my medicine."

"That ex-TAS guy can he be trusted? Something about him, can't put my finger on it. Usually, TAS people are much more professional, he seems like he trying to hard to be something he is not."

"Have your arranged transport offworld, nothing fancy, even an icebox will be fine. Over the border, there is a growing community of emigres"

"Can't trust those weather balloons, you know, they have microcams. Look out!" as he shoves Julianne into the nearest snowbank, "Those surveillancebots are recording everything."

"Gallian, eh? Don't meet many of those this far spinward. The Zhodani might be interested in you. What's the Federation's stance on psionics?"

Helping her out of the snowbank, "Got that lighter? Anyhow, we can be idling about here much longer."

Gesturing to the vehicles, "Welcome to home over the next 5 days or so. Get a move on. What are you just standing around for?"


Eraze LI does not appear on any business registers either. Much of the world seems to be completely unexplored. While most of physical geography landforms are noted most are not given names outside of the main city located in the Southern polar region. Hookups to orbiting satellites is not permitted save for broad weather data. Owen and Panthera pour the maps. (OOC: Are you taking up the challenge or going the boring route of dice roll)

What they find makes life difficult is that there actually few land mass other than at the polar regions that poke up through the ice. Most seem to extensions of submerged smokers that have eventually made their way to the surface.

Frank and Ditzie retreat into the shadows of the bar. In a blink both seem to be gone. (OOC: Never got your PM). A scan shows that the police computer is still emitting some sort of low frequency wave trying to mask itself as a power signature. This began when the main wireless relays were severed.
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