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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Julianne thinks to herself, I don't think that most Imperials are either that well-informed or that interested.

"So, do you have any photographic equipment for us to use, or do we have to go buy it?"
"And how do we get to this plain? If it's an overland trek you all need to get suits and gear. I can rig up carriage for Frank but the rest of you are going to need your own kit. I'll need maps and the latest weather reports if I'm to plan a route."

Despite only just returning from an overland trek, the illicit nature of this job and the frankly bizarre company she'll be in has her excited. She's got enough reserves for another trip, though she'll have to stock up on anti-rad treatments going out again so soon
Frank looks across at the man as he hands some very old and moldly bread under the table to somewhere...

"Now then. You were saying that the Zhodani were performing psycho-alterative experiments on you?

To what end?

Why You?

Do you mean "the Zhodani" as a general people or the action of a specific group inside the Zhodani Consulate?

What is your overall physical state now?

Have you eaten,slept?

(Frank's eyes clearly narrow)

Do you have any diseases?"

You may have said these things before in your previous ramblings. But here we look for truth. As you say.
Owen joins in Pantera's planning discussion.

"We'll all need a few of those ponchos, like the kind you have. Lots of food and... well, you're the expert. If you could, it'd be nice if you could make sure we all have the right kit. So if you could take care of survival supplies, that'd be great.

What about the local wildlife? Is there anything we need to defend against? Are sporting weapons of _any_ kind allowed? Or is it bare fists against nature? I'd like to know who lives around the place, if any. And I'd like some kind of forward base. Hell, we could just get a cargo container, grav it out there and insulate it as a base for our 'holiday'".

[OOC: do we need a medic?]
Ref says:
The Patron says: "Don't worry about transport, I have friends in the Scutterbugger's Guild. They can arrange transport. My holocamera and gear is stored in a safe place. Meet me at the West gate, the day after tomorrow."

With that he gets up and leaves his menu on the table. When the players take the menu, there is a 1000Cr note affixed to section marked fish eyes soup. With a note, don't try to double cross me.

Perusing through the Library Data on the world, players find that all weapons are prohibited but fortunately there is no fauna larger than bacteria (on the surface...the seas is another matter), weather is generally going to be blizzard marred with heavy snowfall, oddly the area that the patron mentions is not on any map. (OOC: Difficult Computer Use to break in to higher databases. or more realistically...translate the name of the plain using whatever resources you see fit).

A waiter approaches looking rather impatiently, "Are you ready to order?"

In a quiet whisper without moving his lips utters: "May I suggest that you follow your friend's leave, soon the Cops are going to be here. There are eyes in the sky."

When the players look up there is a black sphere - no other than, a mobile police surveillancebot hovering a few metres away.
...time to go.....

Owen barely winks at the company, and says

"Well that was on the odd side of crazy. I'm going to find a medic. Meet you all back at the hotel?"

He leaves, taking the grav vehicle, and heads to the nearest clinic to have his wounds seen to.
Ref says: The sphere seems to linger for a while longer before departing to another location. On the restaurant's view screen, there is a segway dealing with Prince Varian and the Zhodani Ambassador.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />DISSOLVES TO A CONFERENCE CHAMBER

Cigarette-smoke drifts above a long narrow table in a narrow space. A half-dozen ranking TECHNOCRATS are jammed along wither side in folding chairs, with Zhodani Ambassador (Colonel-Doctor Ianshaplzdier) at the head.

An individual wearing jet black Zhodani military fatigues. Only identified as Zhodani Diplomatic attache.
Obviously, Colonel Doctor, the purpose of their mission was to obtain specimens of this life form. The android dissected a single specimen. One of the pre-larval forms -- like the thing that killed Lenko.

And you believe that these creatures are of potential military importance?

Yes, provided it's possible to clone the alien spores recovered from the android's skin and clothing...

With the goal of programming these "machines" for use as weapons?

The adult form, Colonel-Doctor, is evidently a killing-machine of great strength, extraordinary sophistication. No evidence of intelligence. Purely instinctual.

Our sources in the corporationist infrastructure are aware of the existence of a special project with SuSAG's Weapons Division. We have been unable to penetrate their security...

The Intelligence Officer suggests that this special project concerns the alien?

PRINCE VARIAN (Looking rather confused):
I remind you, Colonel-Doctor, that the Imperium experiments with the alien genetic material only with computer models. If we are prepared to violate primary biological warfare limitations in the Strategic Arms Reduction treaty...then we...

And may I remind the good Prince Varian that the SuSAG corporation is obviously prepared to do so -- that they may already be doing so...even with knowledge of the Imperial government. As ever, our level of technology lags slightly behind that of the Imperial cartels... But now, by chance --

By chance? You refer to the proven bravery and constant initiative of our People's Commando Division --

(As a smoothly, a seasoned Political infighter covering his bases):
Not at all, Major. Their courage is unquestioned. Nonetheless, consider: we are in possession of a potential weapon -- a whole new technology, if you will -- that SuSAG and the Imperium clearly intend to develop. We are in, as they might put it, on the ground floor. But only if we choose to be, if we choose to hold our advantage.

I agree. We have no choice but to proceed.

That's preposterous, the Imperium and its megacorporations would never stoop to such a low level. Therefore, I then I go on record as strongly advising that the android be returned to Anchorpoint. Are your technicians capable of repairing the thing?

Repairing it? Why?

You lack a sense of the importance of gesture, Braun. Let us avoid their customary accusations of barbarism...

Our technicians will repair the thing. Return it to you... And we will proceed. We will clone the alien...


Where a skull & crossbones appear, with a notation: "Long Live 34!"
The image shifts becomes scrambled for a minute, the TAS logo appears and then resumes a program entitled "Famous Pets of the Archdukes of Gateway" that was interrupted by the pirate broadcast.
Julianne looks to the others and says, "I think I have an idea on what the mess on the Pride was all about."
Frank looks over at the woman as he stares into the salt shaker...

"Indeed. What are your thoughts? My first notion was personnel breakdown due to drugs. Some disease. Or perhaps sloppy cloning practices.

As to the attackers, whoever they were, they were extremely sophisticated in technical applications. The Machines used strategy on an almost Sophontic level."

Produces a small bit of the smashed spider robot's leg armature from his pouch of broken camera parts...
Owen is at the medic for the next couple of hours and after that he will wait at the hotel until contacted.

If the players need the grav rental while he is at the medic, it's parked there and Pantera has keys.
"Yadda yadda politics"

Deftly pocketing the cr1000 bill with which to purchase supplies, Panthera checks her aide and logs on to a wholesalers for trekking kit. She orders what she reckons the party needs, with lowest value items first. Therefore: rations, water vaporators, glare goggles, snow shoes or skis (if affordable). She tries to get a reasonable second hand tent (rad certified), and checks her own stores to see what see can share out.

It is probable that the cr1000 will not be sufficient for ponchos, serious ski's, and most definitley hostile environment suits. Once she has purchased all she can she'll have to ask the others, in the nicest possible way, for funds to get the rest, and will then pack it all in the grav vehicle Owen has hired.
Ref says:
Panthera mulls around sullenly the marketplace. Most of the vendors have the same answer, "Sorry honey, no money, no funny." Late in the afternoon, her hand computer pings and informs her that her entire wharedrobe of shoes auction has gone for 95Cr to an offworld buyer willing to pay the standard 1000Cr transportation fee, so long as pick-up is before Nightfall.

In her absentmindedness, Panthera has reached the "seedier" part of town dominated by pawnshops and used clothing store. There she finds a number of merchants that are willing to haggle with her.
OOC: To make a successful haggle.
Difficult. Streetwise, Negotiation, Persuasion or Trader only one may be used. 2min.

If Exceptional Success is one of the rolls - roll 2D10 (01-99%) and this will be the percentage of discount. Treat 00 as 0% If regular success then just 1D20 to calculate discount. If failure results then task may be retried at the next level of difficult. If another failure results or Exceptional Failure is the result then the doors are slammed in Panthera's face.

Quality roll 1D6 for each item purchased (only after puchase has been made)

1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Poor 5 Exceptionally Poor 6 Unusable.

Buyer beware is the unofficial moto of Traveller, afterall.
Originally posted by Jame:
Julianne looks to the others and says, "I think I have an idea on what the mess on the Pride was all about."

Ditzie finally perks up, after spending a long time brooding into a tankard of Sparkling Coffee.
"This is just a theory, of course, but I'd say it has something to do with that conference they just holovised. SuSAG is probably in on it to some extent, what with the bioform android and those spores, whatever they are."
Ref says:
The surveillancebot has returned back in vicinity of the restaurant. The remaining players around the table can see a few law enforcers idling around the main entrance. Trying hard not to be seen in the distance is Grav Police Van.

Inside they see one of the drunks that Owen picked up earlier showing something to one of the officers.

The officer nods and is scanning the nearby establishments with some sort of device that looks like bullhorn connected to a power pack.
"Staggering implications. If it is some intercorporate conflict. That usually means trouble for us consumers. The details elude me at the moment. But do both parties involved (OOC: Meaning Naasirrka and SuSAG)have overlapping fortes? Do they compete in the same markets for the same goods and services?"

(shuffles deck of cards)
Ref says: A Law Enforcer comes out from the shadows and asks the characters to produce their universal id for a routine verification. Upon scanning their ids scruntizes their faces taps a few notations into the handcomputer. Tips his hat, thanks them and proceeds to ask other customers. Across the ways, the officer with the bullhorn-like device zooms in on the restaurant where the characters are sitting.

In the next instance, the entire front window of the restaurant is blown outwards. By a powerful bomb blast. Emergency vehicles have are racing to get to the scene. The characters remain unscathed. However, the Law Enforcement Oficers lies dead a few tables away. His handcomputer seems to also marginally affected by the blast. Everywhere people are screaming and in general state of panic.

A second explosion rocks the establishment next to the restaurant bring down the roof. All the idling officers rush there to help clear the debries. A remote sensorbot of Hiver construction comes within proximity of the Law Enforcement Officer and begins to issue out a choking green gas causing the officers to fall down like dominoes.
Owen returns to the hotel, having seen the medic, and buys everyone in the bar a drink to celebrate his made up "Emperor's Day".

He assumes Pantera has the grav.
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