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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ben motions to Juli, Owen, and Pantera and privately confers with them...

"Miss Julianne. Please render Mr. Socrates unconcious.

Owen. I do not think explosives will serve. There is no way to predict the shearing on the ice effectively. And the proximity could kill us.

If you could get everyone to please move to the side of the more stable side of the vehicle. Carefully. I will re-route power to the Hull and get rid of that creature. I will then rewire my welder and try to heat the outside of the vehicle by means of induction.

Please keep everyone calm. Do not move around too much after settling."

OOC: I think I missed it... did the Patron guy come back, or is he still out in the snow?
Julianne takes a powerful sedative out of the medkit and quite handily sticks it into Socrates.

"There, that out to serve for now."
Felix can feel the cast on his leg solidify and harden into a shell. A combination of painkillers and growth factors diffuse beneath his skin and begin the task of knitting the broken bones together. After a few minutes, Felix shakes his leg experimentally, “Feels like I could run on this!” but Julianne looks at him sceptically.

As the others explore outside, Felix begins rummaging around the back of the vehicle for a make-shift crutch. In a locker marked “Special Circumstances” he finds a host of old skiing equipment: half a broken ski; two worn out boots of unequal sizes; ski wax; old sun screen; goggles with a crack across the left eye-piece; an old college scarf in badly faded colours and an alpine-style walking stick. He picks out the walking stick, and is inspecting a badge nailed to the stick depicting an ibex when an inhuman scream penetrates the cabin.

Pointing towards the figure through the windshield, Felix yells, “That’s him! That’s him! Now do you believe me?” Socrates’ eyes widen in amazement and he struggles to speak. Just as he seems to have regained his senses, the door abruptly opens. Socrates turns ashen in fear and Felix raises his newly found walking stick in defence, momentarily forgetting that his leg is in plaster and overbalancing in the process.

As Felix sprawls on the floor, Julianne pokes her head round the door and says, “Quit fooling around and get over to the other side of this wreck. Ben’s going to fry the hull!”
Ref says:
Socrates body suddenly goes limp and falls to the floor. The patron's voice is carried over the Com but nowhere to be seen. Owen confirms that he is not anywhere near the underbelly...

"Benny, I think that you are still forgetting we are turned over and just by putting all our weight on one side will not assist. Furthermore, using any sort of external heaters may actual cause us to sink further into the ice. The bulk of this world is just ice and water. We have no idea whether we are resting on any sort of landmass and if the water you claim you heard earlier. I would speculate that it is the latter. This vehicle is not equipped for submersible action. I say the explosives are the only way combined with the grav modules." relays Owen.

Upon hearing the cry echoing over the others com, for the winds effectively cut out any sound outside, "That's it. I coming in to discuss this." as he darts into the airlock.
Franklin makes some rough calculations...

"Explosives may work. But we must be extremely precise in placement. There is no way to reduce charge in the device. And the gravitically polarized blast pattern in this case could be the problem. TDX Shears. We will need to place Charges at 39 degrees to G-Plane of Blast, at roughly a distance of 4-5 meters. I am a gambling Sophont. But am unsure of the Odds here. There are many variables."
Ref says:
"Damn it, I am just a journalist, not a bleedin' statistician, and I say we gotta try. Just who is going out to retrieve those Grav modules will have to have some MECHANICAL or ENGINEERING skill, Panthera? Do you think you could make another journey out there? Of course, if you are willing to do the skiing I am sure we could try doing remotely, although, it seems our radio communications is pretty frakked up because of the Brown Dwarf. Is your communicator a Meson Com, Benny?" looks over at Panthera expectantly.

"I don't know what other skills you all have but I suggest that we all sit around the table here and knock up a plan for the placement." Julianne says in a cool refined voice.

Just then another inhuman screech is heard, Owen turns, "By God, it's the patron, out there. Someone with a suit bring him and maybe sedate him, as well, just not to much if he willing to be our canary..."

“Otherwise we could still do this the old fashioned way…” says Julianne as she pulls out a bunch of disproportionably sized sticks that she fashioned out of chopsticks from the pantry.

“Let’s end the discussion, as all of our lives at state. I say let’s vote. Sticks or do we let that crazy fool risk his life for all of ours.” wistfully rubbing the bruises from around his neck.
OOC: with the approach of the holidays, I will try to still visit these boards on a daily basis (make your posts interesting and lively) but if nobody posts we will resume again afterwards. All the best for the holidays everyone!
Ben reads the microdot performance statistics card of the TDX charge. Getting his first set of data from there.

Then he takes a quick reading of the outside liquid, getting accurate temperature and mineralization readings by extending a test probe out the door. This is Data set two...

He then constructs a computer model of the crash scene holographically based on his brief run outside's footage. He takes into account the mass of the vehicle, its shape, the geometric and physical forces necessary to flip it... This is Data set Three... Ben begins to visualize...
Ref says:
A three dimensional representation pops up of the winnapego predictment. 4 charges laid out along the collapsed sidely approximately 6 meters apart with eight grav modules spaced at 3 meters. For it work perfectly, all explosives would have to be in perfect alignment. However, it known that we do not live in a perfect world but a material world. Furthermore, it would 8 grav modules on the other side. The problem being that there only 10 modules on the Pod. (OCC: I am going to let you guys figure out how this can work).

Julianne fetches the patron inside, and immediately injects something into his neck and he sleeps soundly beside Socrates.

"That still doesn't solve our main problem..." holding out the sticks to the others; "Or do we trust our lives in this crazy old fool"
Ben's head looks about rapidly...

"I admit that I can be a bit eccentric. Even by Hiver standards. But Crazy? Might be overstating.
As far as Old goes. I am still pretty young by Hiver Standards. And Fool. Perhaps you are right. But I am a fool for Survival."
Ref says:
There is some stirring from the bodies below.

"We gotta make up our minds quickly. I say if the the fool has demolitions knowledge, he ought to go for it." Owen says brushing away the sticks. Giving Felix a quick overview how they got hired for this job. "We can probably still complete the job, as I would want to see the truth as my brother journo puts it get out."
Ben keeps on working on finding the right set of physics for this stunt...

(taps at Comp Display.)
"We need to lighten the truck by 300 kilograms besides passengers. More would be better. All unecessary weight must go.."

Ben produces a garbage bag from a pouch and starts stuffing items into it from around the vehicle. Meanwhile, the computer model of the stunt is not looking too promising... 8 out of ten tests result in destruction of the vehicle and a very sloppy death for the chilly crew.
Ref says:
With each kilogram lessened, the computer simulations seems to be looking up. Loosing exactly 300 kgs seems to be the way to go. The problem is that time is pressing onward. Soon will the time for a deep freeze as the world swings on the other side of the gas giant dropping temperatures that it would be dangerous to exit. If components from the Pod are to recovered, it is best that it be done so within the next few minutes (OOC: next couple of days folks in Real World(tm) ~ want this resolved by Jan 2nd). But, in delaying the placement of explosives beyond another posting will result in a re-establishment it as as a Hasty task.

Both Socrates and the patron seem to be coming around.

“What the hell, did I bonk my nodding on…” demands the Patron, “I was outside demanding that you gools open the airlock and then everything sort of went white or black thereafter. Socrates, where do you store the explosives?”

Socrates nods over under the deacon’s bench where the table is. Amongst the potpourri is several remote charges of plastic explosives.
Panthera presses up against the ice as she dimly makes out movement in the blizzard nearby. Something big and shaggy, at least that is what her imagination plays out for her. She tries not to breath, though the rational part of her brain scolds her for being silly, you're in a HES and there's a howling gale outside it's protection. She answers back but there's a monster that should not exist prowling around after my ass, explain that, dren for brains. Then she realises she's arguing with herself and pulls herself together.

She'd been attempting to return to the pod to fetch the grav modules, but got disorientated in the snow. Maybe it was the radiation or the snowglare, or maybe the last few days had just been too mad, but she experienced an episode.

The creature was gone. In a break in the blizzard she spotted the bright orange rope she'd attatched to the pod flapping in the wind. She presses onwards.

OOC: task to reach pod roll 11 + 2 (Skiing) + 4 (Dex) = 17

She just pulls out the two modules she can easily get to and then starts back. She can tell the light is getting dim. Night will fall soon and that means the deep freeze

OOC: if a roll is required for pulling the modules, Panthera gets 6 + any bonus from Int or Edu (+3)

OOC: to return roll 8 + 2 + 4 = 14
Ben approaches Pantera as she falls into the inner lock, displaying his chronometer projection.

"You must increase your module to trip ratio. You must make better time."
Ref says:
Owen directs Panthera remotely via the Mason communicator. Whilst, Julianne and Ben are constructing the detonator through carefully placing the explosives together with a crude battery charge dismantling the vehicle's communicator to act as a remote.

Panthera glances into the cabin once again, there the skeletons seem to be grinning back at her. The image gets relayed back to Owen who jumps out his skin but reports back to Panthera to stay focused. As she as another 6 more modules to remove (OOC: 10+ needed to roll. Modifiers are Mechanical & Int or Grav Vehicle). The ground around the Pod seems to becoming increasingly unsettled. A warning light from her belt seems to be flashing incessantly indicating there is a strong chance of the ice under the pod is becoming unsettled and will soon part.
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