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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Panthera sets to work trying to ignore the impending break up of the ice. She decides to let the others share her frame of mind, on the secure com.

"By the way folks, the smiling guys in the pod have all got holes in the back of their heads. Maybe you should watch our refugee."

OOC: not sure if I have to roll for the lot or for each pod in turn - I'll roll for all of them just in case.

mods: +3 Int

1: 7+3= 10 success
2: 12+3= 15 success
3: 9+3= 12 success
4: 5+3= 8 failure
4: 9+3= 12 success
5: 9+3= 12 success
6: 8+3= 11 success

So either all done in one or takes 7 goes to get the 6 pods

As Panthera pulls free the last grav module she prepares to leap for her life...
Ref says:
Panthera nabs 6 of the seven grav modules. Hoping against hope, Panthera crosses her fingers and trusts that the UNCERTAIN nature of the placement of explosives will not blow the vehicle to kingdom come. Her last statement echoes through the vehicle but as everyone is simply focused upon survival at the moment, nobody has time to give Felix more than a cursory glance.

Owen concludes and sums up the feelings, "We can all die now or resolve this together. I say we must preserve. Now, Panthera get the hell back here before that Pod sinks to the bottom of the world ocean."

The patron steps forward to take the explosives from Julianne and Ben grabs a shovel and a thermal lancer and heads outside. "If I don't come back...continue with the mission. My contacts in the city will ensure that you get paid. Film, as much as you can then tap into the datanet and send it over frequency 34-34-24."

Socrates goes to food storage pulls outs out a metal canister and takes a big swig shakes his head, wising a bit, "Sm-o-o-o-o-th" he concludes.

There is the sound of ice melting under vehicle and the distinctive tapping of the explosives put into place.

As Panthera glides over to orange tether there is a steady vibration on the rope.
Panthera's just gonna have to go for it. She takes a racing stance and pushes off from the pod. A brief disorientating sense of freefall in whiteout, then her thighs take the strain as she crashes on to the ice. She closes her eyes - she's taken a bead on the position of the vehicle and the blizzard just confuses her. She listens out for any warning in the way the ice squeaks and pops, wills her brain into her feet, detecting the slightest shift in the way her skis contact the ground. She distantly feels the 6 grav modules banging lightly against her flanks in the mesh bag. Her right hand grips her ice axe, pulling her forward. Her left hand absently grips the flare gun Ben gave her, seemingly the only part of her still aware there may still be a monster about.

inhale - left leg forward - exhale - right leg forward - inhale....
Ref says:
The ice begins to give way under the Pod. Jagged lines of cracking ice are making their way toward Panthera. Now is time for the final push of all out ENDurance the blinding snow and the weight of the modules making it a DIFFICULT task.

Owen cries out, "Come on, you tired, scrappy, flat chested old sow get a move on. Otherwise, we are all done for."
OOC: 11 +3(End) +2(Skiing) = 16

Panthera skis for her life. She is deafened by the roar as the ice shears behind her, her knees close to buckling as the surface below rucks and jumps. She crouches, elbows tucked into chest, knees straight forward.... The ATV rushes up to meet her; she swerves, legs burning with pain, and slams up hard against the side of the hull. She drops the sack of grav modules in through the hatch, then dives in after. Her grin is all that can be seen through her faceplate, and the comm channel is full of laughter.
Silently, Ben immediately begins work on installing the modules. His strange Hiver tools flash rapidly in and out of various bandolier pouches as needed. He uses two fields of vision for this, while the third is focused on the blast computer model he has formulated. This will be a fine balance of timing and accuracy...
Panthera doesn't stop for rest. Plenty of time for that when this is over. She helps Owen and Julianne throw out/stow equipment, chuckling away as she's still high on adrenaline.
Ref says:
The modules and detonators are a go. All that is needed is their installation. At which point, the patron pops his head in and grabs the modules and heads down a warren of tunnels that he has constructed under the vehicle. "Linking these together via meson beam was a pretty brilliant idea, Hiver."

The players can hear a dull thud of the explosives placed in the right spot. Owen is guiding Walter from above using a portable densiometer. Finally, all the explosives are in place. Now all the extra weight is cleared and the players have aligned the grav modules on the other side of the vehicle. So that when the explosives go off the vehicle should be perfectly aligned. They take up positions and hover around the detonating button. The griding of ice and water lapping against the outer skin is becoming more pronounced as the world comes around to face the gas giant as the dim light of its molted surface is appearing on the horizon."
OOC: Should I detonator or one of you? 2D6 and 10+ needed, no modifiers.
Ref says:
Invisible mesons communicate between the detonators and the computer. The screen proudly pops up a galanglic reprentation of the countdown. The detonator is now synched into Ben's computer. The clock counts down...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1
OOC: Roll 2D6 and await instruction
Ref says:

Despite all indicators of success when the display reaches zero, there is only a dull thud.

"Guess we are going to have to do this the ole fashioned way..." as the patron scrambles out of the makeshift harness that attached the players to wall of the vehicle.

He scrambles and collects some wire and and a battery and proceeds down the rabbit warren that was created to place the explosives.

All of sudden the vehicle, there is sound of an explosion impacting the snow and ice and grav modules on the other side seem to have stabilized at the right moment. However, the cabin is filled with the distinctive slurping of the being water washing against the outer hull.

"GUN IT!" cries Socrates, "This vehicle ain't designed for underwater operations!"

Owen jumps out of his harness, figuring that the long pedal must be the accelerator pushes it down with all his force.

The sound of wheels skidding across snow and ice can be heard before the hum of the motor is resumed. He scrambles on a HES and goes out looking for the patron once he feels confident he has moved sufficiently far enough away from the sinkhole.

There an arm covered in ice and snow with a thumb sticking up in the air lies the patron completely frozen from the environment. Owen rushes him back into the vehicle but it is too late. The Players look around at each other, wondering what their next move ought to be.

"I gotta teach you, folks, how drive this thing if we are going to make our way to Area 51 before our rations fail us. And, about those bullet holes, Sir. Don't want want no cutthroats on my tub." Socrates menacingly sneers, as pulls out a mining laser and points at Felix.
“Now ho… hold… Just hold on a second.” replies Felix as he tries simultaneously to breath in, swallow and clear his throat. “You think I shot those people? You’ve got to be crazy! I was barely conscious when you found me. I’ve got no gun – and there’s no weapon in the pod either. There’s just no way I could’ve done it.”

“If I were you, I’d start looking at her,” Felix nods towards Julianne. “She was up on the Pride. I remember seeing her and she was hanging around a pretty shady bunch too. Looks to me like she had some “unfinished business” to attend to when she saw the pod had made it.”

“And what about Panthera? Skiing here… skiing there… Do we really know what she’s been up to while we’ve been stuck here? Hell, we only have her word for it that there are bullet holes!”

“And anyway,” here Felix leans towards Socrates and lowers his voice to a whisper, “I know it ain’t kind to say it but if there’s one person here we can’t trust it’s … you know… an alien.” Felix glances meaningfully at Benny.
Ref says:
"All very valid points, my Friend, however, we just don't know what is left here in the universe to trust. Come clean, now with your intentions, all of you and I will decide who lives and who dies. The way I see it, you have to honour frozen Walter's wishes here otherwise, you ain't real men or alien and I might as well turf the lot of you out and let you fend for yerselves. As the money ain't good enough for me to risk any more of this nonsense, if you are going to act like a bunch of friggin' pansies and freakin' amateurs." says Socrates without moving the laser.

Owen's eyes look down and scuffles his feet, in a timid and hesitating drawl, "Yeah, I know we are not perfect and you problem wanted some sort of ex-Imperial crackerjack team of specialists but we the best hope for this world and its people. You gotta place you your trust in something, so it might as well be us..."

The image from Panthera's camera fills the antechamber...
From a distance he watches as the group argues amongst themselves,as one pulls what looks like a small mining laser and points it at the others.He continue to observe as they seem to resolve their discusion and enter the vehicle.
"Their on a heading of south-southwest.Inform his lordship and advise on further actions.I'll keep trailing and watching.Rhodes out!"
"If you're gonna burn a hole through his brain the least you can do is listen to his story"

Looking dowm on Walter's frosted face...

"Any way to thaw him out? Maybe revive him, maybe at this Area 51?"

Quick glance out the window...

"And what was that critter?"
Ben turns his voder up to 25db and gets ready to deploy his well-used Reflec Shield. His voice booms inside the vehicle... loud enough to startle. He raises up on his feet, head up and stares into the eyes of a madman...

"Put down that weapon at once. Though I abhor violence as a means. I gaurantee one of us will get to you. You are giving us no choice. You will die. All for your delusional ravings. Drop the weapon. Now."
Ref says:
The loud boom startles Socrates and he drops the laser. Owen deftly drops to the ground to grab it. In the ensuring struggle, Owen sets it off syncing Julianne's hair and firmly points the laser at Socrates.

"Now, you are going to teach us how to get to this Area 51 and wait for our return. Any funny business and we going to have to nail you. Understood?" Owen states in his gravest of voices. "Now, give me a swig of what's in that flask of yours." wheezing a bit afterwards.

"We can't do anything about Walter, here. Area 51 is not likely to cooperate with us if our mission there is break in, are they Panthera? Judging from all accounts there is a secret there that the Imperium wants to keep quiet. Fortunately, it does not seem to be all that impressive. Let's salvage what we can and I say we dump Walter here. Benny, as you are the only one without a proper kit and if we are going to make our way up the Caldera's rim, you won't survive...anything you can do fashion something out of Walter's HES that would accommodate you?" says Owen taking charge of the situation. Funny, never thought myself as the leader sort but I guess in a company of fools, I have been elected their Captain.

The proximity radar seems to be pinging that there is an object located some 5km from winnapego. It could be another rover or it could be Imperial.

Julianne makes her way to the Driver's seat, "Now, old man, we need to get out of here, NOW. How do you drive this thing? Seems largely automated but need to reconfigure the controls for something that I am more familiar with..."

Socrates calls up the holographic matrix and Julianne punches up, a standard Sports Utility Van for your choice of dash controls.


Zeke suddenly notices that the argument has come to abrupt halt with someone else holding; the image from within the cabin seems to be fading indicating that the vehicle is moving. Active EMS shows that he is now in range of the vehicle's scanners and that it has established a lock on his current position.
Julianne reconfigures the controls for Galian Marines standard, or as close as she can get to it. Then she starts driving, with the immediate aim of getting out of the drift.
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