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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ben works with two views (IE, four arms and four eyes) to quickly cut Zeke loose.

"I have higher standards for those in service. I am content just keeping you from killing me. Let us be off!"

Ben gets ready to bolt from the area..
"Whet the hell do you mean by higher standards?You trying to say I'm not good enough to serve a Hiver? I don't think i like your insinuation.What I did earlier was my Job.I may have been hired by a madman,but in my profession a contract is a bond of honor.You don't braek that bond until your job is done or your employer goes nuts and breaks the contract themselves! I gave my word to help you and Damnit!I'm going to help you!"
Zeke turns in a complete circle and asks,"OK,now what?Which way do we go from here?"
(Ben's eyes narrow as he holds a small black control with a large round blue button on it...)

"No insult intended. But you do seem to have an impulse control problem. Honor or no. It is obvious that you are a skilled warrior. My requirements are that a clear assessment of the tactical situation be made before attack. (He replays the footage of Zeke firing on him) To avoid misunderstanding."

"Let's try to work towards getting back with the others... (Ben flips open his inertial locator and checks position) Are you any worse for wear?"
Ref says:
The inertial locator gives wild readings, at some points it indicates that that they are there 5m in front of them, other times it points to the fact they are in the wall, etc. Ben looks over the mechanism; everything seems to be in working order, it is just the strange physics of the object that is playing havoc with the device's sensors. Rigging it to Zeke's locator can only confirm that the signal is somewhere in the object there is a weak Imperial Navy distress beacon.

The webbing sways like a curtain, parting revealing inky blackness that nothing penetrate moving in that direction is possible for a few meters than some sort of barrier prevents any further movement.

A corridor then appears with strangely encrusted gemstones along the keystone with a yellow, blue, red sequence. As the players approach the gems light up from an inner light, the dance in a dizzying array of colours making one almost dizzy from the changing patterns.

Panthera descends down the hole Mission Impossible style. There she comes across a relative empty room with a strangely patterned mosaic on the floor. They almost form glyphs in a completely alien script. As she descends further, the rope performs, an “Indian Rope trick” reversing itself and seems to be leading upward.
[OOC: Ignore the Galangic translation...that is not what is says]
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
OOC: Can we solve it?
OOC: I don't know, can you? In other words, none of my challenges are insurmountable, they just require thinking or clever action. If in doubt about a particular course, first they to discuss it in the Player's Forum and if you want to just an opinion on a strategy, you can use PM but I would prefer if you try to work things out yourselves.
Panthera 'climbs' toward the 'floor', to get a closer look at these symbols.

She examines the surface, looking closely for indentations, tiles, or switches. She does not touch the surface.
Ref says:
The symbols are stationary but closer inspection shows they are formed by some sort of liquid moving in different cavities. Even at the closest inspection it is difficult to tell if the liquid is contained in some sort of vessel or it is moving through channels carved onto the surface or is free standing.

No indentations, tiles, or switches are visible just the lettering.
OOC: It is a line in Klingon from the Spin Doctor's "Go Ahead Now"

"if you wanna kome round baby just go ahead now"

It is either really cool or really sad that I know this...
"Hey guys its another chamber, though the gravity's all frelled up!" Panthera yells back up the shaft.

OK, no point in faffing about...

Panthera touches the surface, not where the 'liquid' appears to be, but around the edge of the symbols.
Ref says:
As Panthera's hand approaches the surface, her hand polarizes. Sort of like the effect of a negative from a film (dark areas turn white & dark areas turn white)**.

"So, what are you saying do you want us to come down after you? Can you secure the rope anywhere, as there is nowhere up here." asks Owen.
**although, if you have the effect of a Dalek gun from the old Doctor Who series, you will get an idea of the effect that I am trying to convey although without any of the consquences of Dalek gun.
Now that really is weird!

"Not yet guys! There's something really odd about this room - gravity seems to be reversed, and my hand just went all negative when it got near the wall. Hold on....."

Opposites. Down is up and colours go negative.

"It might be a form of communication. Don't know what it's saying though. Things go reversed: gravity, colour. Maybe it's telling me to go back, but why then open the portal?"

Panthera tries rotating clockwise on the rope....
Ref says: So, Panthera rotates clockwise on the rope with no noticeable difference. Owen cries out to Panthera, "Let me have a look, perhaps I can make head or tale of it."

He helps Panthera out of the hole. "Strange," he calls back, "did you notice how the letters seem to be made of thousands of little organisms. I am going to touch them." He reaches out and touches the letters, they are encased in some sort of soft tissue, the rope trembles for a second and becomes slack with no apparent weight.

There is a pause in the colour sequence over the doorway. If either Ben or Zeke wish to press the stones... They must attempt the following task.
OOC: Pressing the Stones of Doom, each character is given 3 chances to score 40 or greater. Success or Failure must be reported to the Referee. For the purposes of the game the character only tries twice. Doing things like writing down the sequences should be role played such as the recording of the stones sequence on a holocamera, etc.
Originally posted by Klaus:
OOC: don't understand. what are "Stones of Doom"? How do we press them?
This sequence is meant for Ben & Zeke but if you want to try for pleasure. Clicking on the text opens a flash enabled hyperlink.

Anytime there is a --------------------- it refers to action of another party.
Since it seems safe, Panthera helps Felix get into the chamber with his gammy leg, then insists Ditzie goes down before her.

She drops the 'slinger down after her. After a wary glance round the corridor, she joins the others back in the second chamber.
OOC: Zeke & Ben be sure to check out the previous post!
Ref says:
As Panthera glides down (or climbing up depending up one’s perspective) the rope, the remainder of her party are sort of standing on a null space beside the letters which are now glowing red softly.

Ditzie asks the bleedin’ obvious question: “Where’s, Owen?

Owen is nowhere to be found. However, his pen is lying on the ground next to the letters. Nor are there experiencing the weird polarizing effect that Panthera encountered earlier. Close inspection of the area around the lettering reveals a glass shaped disc embedded into the floor. A fine dusty powder seems to be swirling about but nothing else seems to be visible. There are neither other apparent entrances nor exits.
"Oh............ Frell"

Pick up his pen, and then rub some powder between thumb and forefinger. Talc? Sand? Flour? Salt? What's the texture like.

Feels like Talc. Somehow, Panthera gets the sense this is all that remains of Owen.

Close eyes. Tentatively Sense around the room. How many life-forces within 1m?

Too much interference from the object everything seems to energized with life.

"Erm.... Owen?"
Zeke wacthes as the hiver plays with his little device.After about five mins. he moves to the stones and presses one.they all flash rapidly for a few seconds and then stop for a second.Then,suddenly one stone flashes!Zeke,not knowing what else to do touches that stone.it again flashes,follwo by a second stone.Zeke repeats the process,and then three and four,etc.
After twenty-two in sequence,he misses one and the stones all flash rapidly and the stone he missed lights up,and the "game" begins anew.

OOC:I got 22 on first try and 41 on second.
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