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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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For some reason she cannot fathom, Panny is quite dispassionate about Felix, and isn't inclined to help him at all. She is somewhat surprised by this, and shrugs.
She flashes the light up to help Zeke, and moves out of the way of the pebbles coming down.

She casts a glance into the dark, trying to discern any movement.

om oh me padme om, om oh me padme om, om oh me padme om
Ref says:
As Ben leisurely descends he chances to look at the mineralogical make up of the rock. There are scattered veins of different elements but in very trace amounts. This planet is very poor and would not make a likely planet for mining, save if it weren't for the skittles.

Owen cautiously moves onto to the rope, however, after feeling the violent shaking decides to stay on the top and call down. "Everyone ok, down there?"

Panthera meantime peers into the impenetrable darkness and feels the chill of being alone in the dark. The small maglight is now winking and getting covered with the debris from above.
OOC: I have not forgotten about Zeke & Felix but awaiting their resolution and if possible I will try to narrate around the events.

Furthermore, I have decided every two days in Real Life time will equal 1 day spent underground. This way we can simulate realism much more effectively.

Lastly, * after a number will be used to stand in for degrees whether measuring slope or temperature.

Good luck, in this next stage. -The Evil Ref.
Zeke examines his pack and discovers that he did not get neither rifle nor knife,But was grant the mother of all Multi-tools! he also recieved a nice Collapsible Baton of some alloy or another.Satisfied,he follows the others in the descent.

Ben adjusts the sensitivity on the radetector and begins to scan... With free arms he takes representative samples of te area and marks the collection time in the log.

He inserts a fresh recording slug and continues...

"Zeke, let me tie off to that armor of yours."
Zeke helps ben tie off,and anchors himself as securely as possible."So tell me exactly why we're doing this for the Count,and what do you think we'll find down here?"
OOC: Mark, I assume that Zeke passed the above rolls mentioned above.

Day 2

Ref says:
The passageway continues along in a zigzag pattern moving ever downward. Every so often they come another sheer drop, having successfully naviagated the first one, they do the subsquent ones with relevative ease. Rad levels remain quite high but within the tolerable levels that their suits allow for. In fact, rad levels are significantly lower than what one encounters on the surface.

The passageway is now marked by porous rock with a distinctive honeycomb feature. Inside the rock, diamonds glisten and reflect the light. None are of high quality even for industrial purposes however the create an odd shimmer.

Later that day the passage returns a more darkened hue of granite composite with rocks strewn. The temperature keeps rising that your suits are having to activate cooling. Making the air difficult to breath as it very quickly drys the insides of your throats.

As the party pauses for lunch, in a large cathedral like passageway they pause and admire the ceiling which seems to littered with stalemates forming distinctive bulb like bodies.

"The Count, may have is own reasons for wanting us down here, but I am hear to save lives. Did you see what that thing did in a short span. What if it was not the only one. Fut-her..." says Owen as his voice gets cut off by a large rumbling sound.

The very earth under them begins to shake violently and the stalemates fall causing 1D6 Dmg.

"Everyone, OK? That was probably just a moonquake..." explains Felix.

The shattered remains of the stalagmites is interesting as their composition is almost entirely of heavy metals in their purest forms.

Moving down the corridor, they come to a 3 way branch in the corridor."
Some images to put you into the mood...



Ref says:
Ever further into the darkness the party presses onward. They come to a forest of tiny crystalline growth, when analyzed it would appear nothing like this could have grown naturally, as crystals of this purity usually requires a zero g environment. Pressing forward, they come to a steep incline which with the proper equipment they are to climb perhaps more surprising on the side of the stone wall, there forms an equally steep incline with another wall on the other side.

Strangely the surface of the inside of this "U" structure is perfectly smooth, so much without the proper moorings one would slip with ease. The rock around are become more and more balsamic and veins of different ores begin to appear. There is gold embedded in the rock but without the proper mining equipment is only possible to remove just a few milligrams.

Continuing deeper, they come to wide open space, as they transverse they see a wide pool of a clear liquid, the air here is quite pungent. There is no way around it as it takes up the whole cavern floor. It would appear to be some sort of underground lake.


OOC: Needless to say, things are not as well illuminated as they appear in these pictures. You would approach these places with only about a 10m pool of light in diameter.
Ref says:
Ben's infrared vision is hampered throughout by "plumes" of superheated air that cloud the vision however, he does occasionally gain the benefit of enhanced sight. Usually, when it comes to avoiding natural sinkholes and scaling the different chasms. When he does come to the pool and they extinguish the torch, the pool does appear to be much colder than sounding air. Further off in the distance, there does to some sort of exothermic reaction taking place.
OOC: Feel free to use the Grav belt to assist in movement, regular depletion of cells do apply however.
Ref says:
The pool remains perfectly still. There is no life of any kind but nor have you even seen simple life forms above the level of bacteria, which even that has been sparse in the caverns. The liquid is perfectly clear and unassuming. As Felix scans the air, his screen flickers and dies. About 20m into the pool there is a large outcrop of rock, large enough for a single sophont to stand upon, although Ben might find it tight.

Ben has the GB set to low/passive and is more going for neutral bouyancy rather than zooming around. Zeke does most of the towing, with Ben Data Sampling with views one and two, and keeps an eye out on what is going on with view 3.

He begins standard Federation Explorer procedures... pH testing the water, running a biomni culture series. He also scans the cave, rendering into a computer model for his viewer. Always the pearl shaped holocamera glitters with perceptual activity, filming everything...
Ref says:
As Ben dips the probe in the "water" the receptor fizzles and disintegrates. There is an acid, acrid smell coming from the smoke. It would take a day to repair the probe assuming that you could find something compatible in terms of parts.
Day 3
Ref says:
Hungry pangs strike Ben on the third day. Owen and Felix offer a portion of human food so long as he agrees to eat it like a human. Sadly, the corn dogs did not taste at all like they do at home.

Peering over the "lake" there seems to be no way around it. They could backtrack two days and hope that might them back to a point beyond it. Equally, true the moonquake could have blocked one of the passageways.

The lake seems to have been caused by the actions of melting snow and rain from the surface, which in itself was quite acidic, but passing through several layers of hydrogen and sulphur has greatly magnified the acidity.

The stones in the middle seem to be stable islands for now but their foundations underneath the surface seem far from certain.
OOC: Just not so close together separated avg 3m
+/- 4m
Ref says:
With Ben in tow, Zeke attempts to leap across the stones. Halfway through something causes him to lose his balance. His skin bubbles then perforates leaving muscle and bone in a silent scream. Soon soft tissue, such as in the eyes melt and bones are turned in jelly then are dispersed to the four corners of the pool.

Suddenly, there is some movement from within the pool. Ben sees an arm stick out before a large object with many teeth leaps out and snatches it to depths unknown.

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