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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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"I am more "worried", if I understand the concept, about not being able to complete the mission due to a lack of focus on critical data. I have no worries of humans and adaptation."

(TO Owen)

"Did you say that you have Grav Belts on the list for 110Cr? I would like ten, please. One for my direct use, and 9 for parts."

Ben resumes the lecture, from exactly where he left off... knowing that the audience is non-hivers, he presents it as if they were. IE for creatures that hang on the edge of thier seats over Mitosis Rate figures... the effect should be rapid boredom on the human observer, in spite of Ben's enthusiasm.
Ref says:
"I am sorry Ben, but I am broke. I even cut back on the food supply hoping that we find whatever it is sooner than later. Here you go..." passing the datapad over Ben.

Felix donning his red shirt, "Even there is a lack of critical data, it is the Unknown, Ben, don't you have any curiosity to see at least what is down there. Maybe, there is nothing or there could be treasures beyond dreams. Plus, I kinda want to know who built that thing, don't you? Especially, I don't like the idea of prison or being shot, as an option."
OOC: For a list you might want to check out here, don't forget about the 20% mark-up http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/peter/consolodated%2072.pdf
"Um, can I have some clothes....?" cheeky smile

"All my kit that got left lying around this facility would be nice. Took ages to build up that collection"

Thinking hard

"What are conditions like where we're going? Heat, cold, air, toxic, pressure?"

"A new ice axe, climbing gear, more stims, high tensile rope, lots of ration bars, grav belt most definitely, did I say stims?"

"...er, fusion powered pogo stick, erm, no scratch that, what am I thinking? Auto-pitons, yes, and perhaps some stims."
Ref says:
"The interior of planet has never been fully mapped, should imagine that it contains large pockets of oxygen just like the surface. There could be leakage world griding, of course. However, we have established the route in which this device took, there was breathable air for at 3km. After that our probe encounter some sort of anomaly in which the grav thrusters suddenly went off line. Fortunately, it had a wheeled back-up system and when it left that particular zone it headed back to the surface.

Heat and cold, vary as you can imagine with expedition. Toxins released from natural processes can be a danger most certainly but pressure remained remarkably normal possibly due to the honeycomb nature of the interior. I beg, your pardon, Count, I did not mean to interrupt." says a frail old voice.

"Pardons are not necessary, Doctor Verne. For you are the only one who has travelled thousands of leagues beneath this world's frozen seas and journeyed toward the world's centre. And, course, my dear, you will given adequate clothes akin to what you wore when you entered this facility. At no expense." the Count purrs.

"We really don't much about this world. For the locals never really explored it. Preferring to live their lives in those mobile caravans that you travelled in. It is really only the Imperium that has built up the infrastructure on the planet. Prior to that they had a population of less than a 1000 and were in danger of extinction," Verne continues.

"In the deep depths, who knows if more of these monsters reside." Verne says with a shiver. "But, as a scientist, I can clearly say that whilst the shell of this creature seems to be created from alloys akin to what has been found by mining expeditions on this world, its technology clearly is not of it."
Ref says:
"To assure some security, we will equip each you with a homing beacon that will not only reveal the location of your fellow team mates in relation to each other but allow the surface to know where you are. It can act as a two way communication device over a limited distance say not more 50km and capable of a short burst in case you want to signal a distress call. In which, I will dispatch a unit of my finest Marines to initiate a Search & Rescue. Frivolous use of this device will not be tolerated. Should anyone, do so, expect dire consequences.

Perhaps, Zeke you would like to choose for you and Mr. Felix here." the Count further purrs.

Verne continues, "Your prime danger will be the unknown, you are transversing where nobody has transversed before. Who knows, you might actually learn the origin of the skittles to which, I am sure that the Count would amply reward you."

"Ahem, this is a scientific expedition, not a prospecting mission, much as major corporate interests may be interested in the origin of the skittles, and it should take a secondary concern. The safety of this entire realm and possibly the Sector is in danger," the Count shoots out and giving Doctor Verne a withering look.

see Library Data on skittles
"For additional security , sir? I also have the implant that you so wisely implanted me with after you so graciously resuced me from that Titanic." (OOC: having no emotional inflection really helps in me acting like i support this lunatic)

(to Owen)
"If I wanted you to buy something for me, Owen, I would say "Owen, go buy me a Grav Belt, and I will pay you later. I would like you to get me a Grav belt, at least one. I of course will pay for it. Why are you broke? I suggest we find a gmabling hall first chance and solve that."

Ben looks over Dr. Verne, suspiciously...
"Of course you mean you figuratively went to "the center of the earth". Also sea exploration is no big deal. I do it all the time."
Ref says:
"After, I am sure you will make the most suitable modification to your list, good Hiver. I am sure this young lady would like to make her suggestions with prices attached and finally to my good mercenary friend Zeke. Time is of the essence. En route, we can find suitable attire for you all by repairing the damage or simply replacing items forthwith.,” the Count cheerfully says.

Owen shifts over to one side, "I realize how much that you love gambling, Ben, but this is somewhat bigger than that. I would suggest that you if look at, more akin to, not as a pastime but as a real threat. We will need your brains and technical expertise here more than ever. So wrap you head around that rather than meaningless games of chance."

The tablet passes over to Zeke.
"If you have any paperwork that I would need to fill out in order to get the Laser Carbine, then expediting that would help. I do not plan to rob a bank with it, But I am going to cut out any bits of that edifice that try to absorb me or you. It is a tool, not a weapon."

"Perhaps it is the term "Laser Carbine" that is disturbing. We can call it something else if you prefer. Very Well, I will need one "Goldfish" with an Extra Power Pack."

"I do not understand your objections, considering what has already transpired. I do not understand what bearing "Law Level" would have on the mission. One could also ask where Fusion Guns fit into the Law Level Schema..."
(To Owen)
"Soon you and I are going to have a chat about cognitive reasoning, sir. You assume too much. You see Gambling as "some silly game of chance" When in reality, it is a chance to make money fast from suc.- ... fellow players..."

"I won't mention gambling again, since it seems to cause you so much consternation."
"A standard 7mm Guass assault weapon,some frag grenades,and a good combat knife.A cobat field mad kit and survival rations.Also I expect a Fifty percent increase in my commission,and I want my team to join us on this expedition.
The last demand is nonnegotiable;All previous transgression by these good people are expunged!Completely forgotten and forgiven."
"OK, here's my shopping list:

100m TL10 rope 120cr
Autograpnel 214cr
120 Ration bars (30 days) 96cr
3 x Maglite Torch 72cr
Grav Belt 110cr
Flak Vest 60cr
Ice Axe 144cr
Personal Comm 120cr
64cr worth of Stims........"

Examining the stuff the Counts lackeys bring in, salvaged from the kit she left all over the installation.

"Only one set of skis, damn. Cool, more rope. My mPod, excellent. Micro-stove, intertial compass, combination mask, and my hostile environment suit, in several pieces. What the hell was I doing, Owen? Snitz, lost my poncho. That was a gift you know.... But hey, here's my old climbing boots."

After dressing in a regulation navy coverall (insignia-less, of course), Panny turns to the Count.

"So what's the pay on this trip Count-baby? My time don't come cheap ya know."

Panny's right hand is held out in a conversational gesture; her left is flicking and tossing the new ice-axe in it's harness.

Looking down at the fairly loose fit of the coverall, she muters to herself: "Could do with getting this taken in...."
Ref says:
"Payment will depend upon the outcomes of your expedition. Passage without any charges, is ample reward enough... the Count icily intones.

"As it is within my power and right to have you all shipped to the four corners of this Sector via the Prison Barge for breaking into this installation. And, Zeke, you will recall, it was only through my good intervention that the good Baron Vladimir Harkonnen did not have you quartered and diced for leading a rebellion against his government and I have furthermore staved the charges against you when you and your men used nuclear weapons against that unarmed civilian transport when you believed it to be a pirate Q-Ship," the Count says a reproachful manner.

"As for the weapons, I think the laws of this world make it quite clear. And, I will not tolerate any dissention from that point. We are still fighting a battle on this world for its incorporation into the Imperium."

"However, I understand the need for the carrot, but that will depend upon your outcome. And, lastly, we back again to you, Hiver. Is it the Grav Belts you want only, as the Goldfish, as you call it is vetoed. You will be charged for one mechanical cutting tool." says the Count.

Felix concludes, "I guess that I will have what Owen order but I would want an atmosphere tester in lieu of the First Aid kit." Looking at the other characters, "Who knows what's down there. I am kinda scared."

With that the players are escorted outside to the howling wilderness to an awaiting Cargo helicopter with guns levelled at them at all times. The guards seem menacing and do not engage in any discussion.

After about 3 hours, the helicopter descends to the main part of the city that has been cleared of all people for as far as the eye can see. They are escorted across a yellow law enforcement cordon and lead to down to what was the basement of the building. They are further nudged along till they come to area where an irregular hole in ground has been formed, jagged, and sharp corners of hard rock protrude.

One of the guards calls out some sort of code, a circular grav platform rises from the depths. He shoves the players upon it. Immediately, the disc descends some 500m.

Owen lighting a torch (max. light time 12hrs) reveals a cave like mouth in the rock ahead of them. There are many rocks strewn about as if from some sort of demolition. As they exit from the platform, it rises very rapidly to its max height effectively sealing the exit.

There seems to be ample air. Although, it is very still but not stagnant. The ground is rough and corse. You can only see about 20m ahead with the fusion torch.
"Shall I take point?"

Before entering the passage, Panny's right hand grabs a pill bottle from her beltpouch. Her left then grabs her right wrist and astruggle seems to take place.

"St...p, nnnnnn...., bitch" Panny mutters.

Then, her left hand drops away and she pops a pill into her mouth.

"Ah, that's better!" big wide grin

Hefting the autograpnel over one shoulder, and fixing one of her maglite's to her belt, and the climbing axe in her right hand, Panthera moves forward, looking at floor walls and ceiling for telltale stress lines.....
Ben eyes Panny rather narrowly...

"Please do not tell me you are affected by some narcotic at a time like this. If you are unable to function, you are on your own. ."
Ref says:
The cavern is quite large the edges are rough and hewn at the same time. There does seem structural faults along the lines where the foundation for the building was sunk in. The passage way continues then suddenly drops at 75* (degree) turn downward for about 25m.
"OK, a plan for this: I'll fix a rope up on this piton, to help you get down. Benny, you might want to use your grav kit. Then once we're all down I'll climb back up and get the piton; we don't know when we might need it again..."

Using a hammer, how archaic. Old school iron pegs...

ungh.... nnn.... tetetetetete.... ziatleipr.....
Ref says: Panthera slinks down the rope into the inky enveloping blackness. The edges of the shaft are roughly hewn. Soon the blackness engulfs her, as the light held by Owen’s fusion torch on top of the cavern disappears. Echoes rivet and bounce off the walls of the cavern. She can feel her heart pounding against her chest. The darkness is now complete, only her expertise assists her in this part of decent. She slips and falls. Fortunately, not more than 5m and falls to the bottom of the shaft. The bottom is also hewn with small rocks and boulders and seems to have a passageway that leads beyond. The edges of are very sharp but venturing forward in the pitch-black corridor would not be wise.
Fix the rope at the bottom, both ends (it's pulled throught the piton so that there's 2 lines going down), then climb back up to help the others get down.

"One at a time guys! Zeke, you first: you're heaviest and you're armed! Next comes Felix: hows the leg by the way? Then Benny. Owen, you take up the rear. I'll come and get you when I'm finished."

She's left her maglite at the bottom so people have an idea of how far there is to go.
Ref says:
Felix's weight shifts around causing the rope to swing quite violently. "Leg is fine, oh, oh, no." (OOC: Zeke make a Dex check to avoid a very heavy object falling down on top you and knocking you off the rope. And, a Str and Dex, if you wish to catch him or Str.+ End and Dex if you wish to slow him down)

From below Panthera can hear the tumbling of a large object moving down the shaft. She also begins to feel a slight drizzle of small pebbles rattling against the maglight.
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