Like traveling Faster than light?
Or motion without a corresponding reaction?
I have to admit that it was my post that was originally quoted in the OP.
The point that I was taking mild issue with was the willingness to swallow camels but strain at gnats. One frequently encountered example is the ship arriving in a system via 'magic' FTL Jump Drives, then accelerating with an almost infinite Delta-V using 'magic' Maneuver Drives, then 46 pages of debate on how Piracy is impossible because you can see EVERYTHING in space glowing like a beacon and nobody could hide or run or intercept.
All of the 'gnats' are true, and very good arguments for 'realism' ... but we have already swallowed the camels. True 'realism' doesn't allow for FTL, or near infinite Delta-V. The application of realism is already a selective process.
So, accept that. Embrace it.
"Choose ye this day what sort of space adventure ye will play."
I just wanted to point out that REALISM is not a holy grail of fun. Dysentery is realistic, but not something I generally want to worry about in a game.
What I object to is the misuse of the word 'realistic' as a debate strategy to dismiss anything else as 'unrealistic'. I hate to break the news to anyone, but most of the Traveller core tropes (FTL, Gravity drives, Star Empires, Marine cutlass) are already 'unrealistic'. It is part of a concept called 'fun'.
I am not anti-realism, I am just pro-fun.
So what's the harm in swallowing one more gnat?