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[Regina] A Proto-Traveller Alternate Universe


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
The ATU I think about nowadays is a single planet reaching TL9, and the most powerful nations sending out the first significant expeditions.

Call the world Gaia, and assume it's an Alternate Earth that's somewhat similar than ours, but different enough to excuse the changes, sweeping generalizations, and errors I'm liable to make in sketching out an Earth.

Emerging from its first world war, one which involved some limited nuclear exchanges.

  • A world map, historical sketch, list of important cities.
  • A system map with detailed data and, where appropriate, historical sketches.
  • A 2D sector map showing the stars of other systems and the presence of gas giants, but nothing more. The system positions are engineered as needed from random data.
  • This is not an OTU setting.
  • There can be aliens, but no Vilani, Vargr, Aslan, Zhodani, Ancients, Droyne, etc.

The adventures are about how far humans will go to put themselves in danger's way in order to acquire something.

Name:               Gaia
UWP:                A867979-9
Trade codes:        Hi
Importance:         +2
Economic extension: A994
Cultural extension: 7B5B
Nobility:           E
Bases:              NS
Zone:               none (Green)
PBG:                313
Total Worlds:       7
Allegiance:         Na
Stellar data:       G0 V

The system has a human presence: a colony on Ares, outposts on the moons of Iopatrus, mining in the asteroid belt, that kind of thing.

Elusive alien ruins, stellar phenomena, prototype equipment and ships, prospecting, surveying habitable worlds, and small wars extending into space.

Hermes X210000-0

An inferno world; whatever atmosphere it might have is just due to gasses being thrown off of the primary. Things melt here.

Kythira X7C0000-0

A hothouse world with plenty of atmospheric volatiles. The atmosphere is in the process of burning away in a most disagreeable fashion. If it had had enough mass it might have been a gas giant, but it isn't.

Gaia A867979-9

1 AU.
A lightly-scorched but verdant world, snug in the habitable zone. It is about 70% water, mostly saltwater oceans. It has 5 continents, a major island chain, and (currently) 3 billion people. It used to have more people, and was a bit greener, but its first world war (TL 8) involved a limited nuclear exchange, subsequent proverbial Hard Times, and a long period of Time Out. They've slowly built their way back up to Pop 9 and TL 9.

6 major port cities are Tula (Columbia, secular-pluralist), Araucania (Patagonia, expressive-spiritial), Barnaul (Sawahal, expressive-pluralist), Sikarta (Kostanay, nationalist-secular), Pesht (Riga, reserved-secular), and Jubbulpore (Sind, spiritual-pluralist). There are 5 others.

Ares F631774-8

1.4 AU
A mineral-rich desert world along the outer edge of the habitable zone. It has wide plains separated by deep rifts. On the plains, the atmosphere is trace; in the rift valleys the atmosphere is very thin. More than thirty million people live on Ares; their domed colonies have been established on the plains. Archaeological expeditions have begun analyzing newly-discovered ruins of a million-year-old city.

6 major port cities represent 5 sponsoring entities on Gaia.

Iopatros LGG

2.5 AU
A huge ringed gas giant in orbit 5, and the primary resource for fuel in the middle system. It's atmosphere is close enough to the primary that it can be a bit touchy at times. It has a dozen or so large moons big enough to be considered planets.

Asteroid Belt F000671-9

5 AU
A source of raw materials for industry, this belt is being worked by a dozen companies and scores of independents. It's also a convenient source of fuel and raw materials for a mostly automated observatory complex.

Kronos MGG

10 AU
A medium gas giant. It's atmosphere is more reasonable than Iopatros, but it's less conveniently located than Iopatrus for fuel. It also has a number of large moons. If it had rings, they were swept long ago.

Varuna SGG

20 AU
A small gas giant. It's cool and dark, with a few significant moons. It has a pale, thin ring system.

Historical Sketch

The people had an early development similar to Earth's: civilizations rising in fertile areas in powerful city-states, with localized city-against-city conflicts yielding into a period of regional conquests, empires, and collapses, resulting in a multistate world.

-30,000. Neolithic/Chalcolithic Complex City-states sprung up, traded, warred, and collapsed in thousand-year cycles. Successful consolidations produced long-lived, sprawling empires.

-9,900. Bronze Age More of the same, except with bronze tools.

-5,200. Iron Age More of the same, except with iron tools.

100. Age of Sail More of the same, except with extensive and complex naval elements thrown in.

600. Industrial Revolution and Mechanization The industrial revolution lasted about a century, with Mechanization following quickly afterwards. It was this time that the first manned rockets were launched into space, and included a landing on Pryteni -- Gaia's smallest moon, a mere shard 50km across.

+800. Nuclear Age This period of time was followed by the flowering of an atomic age, accompanied by integrated circuits and the first true computers. Renewable power sources allowed a degree of sustained, independent operation, and competing interests set up stations on both of Gaia's moons. Satellites and robotic probes explored the rest of the system.

+900. Nuclear Exchange and Exhaustion Regional conflicts finally came together in an unfortunate opportunity, and a world war with a limited nuclear exchange bombed most of the world back to the pre-industrial stage. Famine and disease due to the loss of agricultural output and poor living conditions, and continued conventional fighting by various splinter groups ensured a long and painful regression and recovery period.

+1100. Emergence Finally new nations climbed out of the wreckage of the old, built new cities, and started reaching out.

+1300. Expansion The discovery of gravitic drives initiated a great effort by nations and corporations to colonize and/or exploit resources on Ares, Iopatrus, the asteroid belt, and other places; this in turn sparked the creation of a private merchant marine service, usually drawing personnel retired from military branches or government services.

+1350. Early Interstellar Researchers out past the asteroid belt perfected jump theory and tested the first jump-capable ship: a vessel that was mostly fuel tank.

+1400. Present The Gaian Scout Service is incorporated, and the first interstellar missions are dispatched. Decades of refinement has brought the jump-1 drive within reach of interests private or public, commercial or governmental. Tanker and rescue ships are retrofitted for exploration, and the market for external fuel tanks explodes.
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Makes for scouts being extreamly Important. Main system stats? I am guessing the main world is getting a bit crowded Hi Pop 9 Low pop A?
So the players are these explorers? And their prior history is a pre-jump career that gained them a shot at this new frontier?

Sounds a bit (or a lot) like a campaign I've wanted to run for a while. The Terran's first jumps. Pre-contact with the Vilani the careers were tailored to reflect exploration and exploitation of the solar system and then maybe a little in-play limited to that while the whole experimental jump and Barnard's Star mission and first contact were played out in the background by NPCs. Until word leaks out that "We have encountered the aliens, and they are us!" Then it's off to the races. In any number of ways.

The idea (exploration/unknowns) is an appealing one to me anyway :)
Very much off topic - sorry - but why not use Earth and forget the Vilani?

The early stl colony ships, intrepid explorers on experimantal jump craft, totally unknown space beyond. Could be more fun.

oops - Dan and I thinking the same thing again lol ;)
I was thinking that, too. There are two things:

1. Seems to me that it has to be an "Alternate Earth", one that's not closely modeled on ours, simply because I don't want to worry about mistakes and broad generalizations I'll make with the countries.

Good call. More freedom but still familiar. The history of early solar system exploration in AM6 isn't too bad that way though. It kind of forwards things to an era more international cooperation and united world government. Maybe not the way you would want to go though.

2. Seems to me that it should be an "Alternate Universe" with a different sector map than the Solomani Rim.

Not a requirement, but if rolling your own anyway then why not :) And there's no need to even contact the Vilani for that matter. Or any (sentient) aliens.

3. In fact, for an Alternate Earth setting, I'd be tempted to alter the nature of the jump drive to fit a different "feel" of the setting. A generic Lightdrive; not stutterwarp or subspace or jumpgates.

So, like simple FTL or near FTL? With the whole relativity issues and looong travel times?

Or something else entirely? Like (what's it been called... drawing a blank) a teleportation drive? Instant travel between established points (with or without the destruction of the original and creation of a copy at the receiver end fun :devil: ) or simply coversion to information and reconversion in a different place (quantum copies kinda thing) back to matter.

But we're drifting off topic I guess :D
Given the limited number of worlds in play, I wouldn't generate the subsector randomly. This seems like a situation that calls for advance planning about where the players will go next and what you want them to discover there. Because this universe is so small, it's development needs to be guided more than most.

There are several rpg books I use when considering a near future ATU.

GURPS Teradyne and Cyberpunk Near Orbit and Deep Space. The GURPS THS space setting is pretty good too.

Now add stl travel to distant stars (already done) and the invention of the jump drive.

A great Traveller setting with loads of background, but with the potential for me to make loads of stuff up.

I may be tempted to write this for MgT ;)
The ATU I think about nowadays is a single planet reaching TL9, and the most powerful nations sending out the first significant expeditions.

Call the world Gaia, and assume it's an Alternate Earth that's somewhat similar than ours, but different enough to excuse the changes, sweeping generalizations, and errors I'm liable to make in sketching out an Earth.

The sector map shows the stars of other systems and the presence of gas giants, but nothing more. The system positions are engineered as needed from random data. It's still a 2D sector map -- not the nice 3D map from AD2300.

This is not an OTU setting. There can be aliens, but no Vilani, Vargr, Aslan, Zhodani, etc.

The adventures are about how far humans will go to put themselves in danger's way in order to acquire something.

Name:               Gaia
UWP:                A867999-9
Trade codes:        Hi
Importance:         +2
Economic extension: A994
Cultural extension: 7B5B
Nobility:           E
Bases:              NS
Zone:               none (Green)
PBG:                304
Total Worlds:       9
Allegiance:         Na
Stellar data:       G0 V

Interesting and its actually similar to a concept I had started some time back of a lost pre-jump sleeper ship from earth landing in one of the odd clusters just outside our galaxy (remember its only a 60 year sleep trip to Andromeda at 90%C so a near cluster isn't that far off)

And the entire OTU is contained in a very small insignificant portion of the Orion arm of the milky way (just a fingers worth of that arm really)
Might as well work up the rest of your home system I think it just might get very nicely developed as early on Jump Drives arn't going to be cheap.
...early on Jump Drives aren't going to be cheap.

I wonder? Maybe the alternative drive idea mentioned could be something easy like a tweak or twist on the already widely in use interplanetary drive. A eureka discovery. A simple conversion/add-on and your old IP drive can cover interstellar distances as well. Suddenly all those ships, even the crappy old slow ones in the hands of characters, find a new life in exploring and exploiting the nearby solar systems.

Just spinning ideas.

Not that working up the home system details isn't worth doing. It can be the base of operations and source of extra adventures.
I wonder? Maybe the alternative drive idea mentioned could be something easy like a tweak or twist on the already widely in use interplanetary drive. A eureka discovery. A simple conversion/add-on and your old IP drive can cover interstellar distances as well. Suddenly all those ships, even the crappy old slow ones in the hands of characters, find a new life in exploring and exploiting the nearby solar systems.

Just spinning ideas.

Not that working up the home system details isn't worth doing. It can be the base of operations and source of extra adventures.
Interesting thought there. hmmn very interesting....worth jotting into my note book of intersting idea's
I like that, too.

The trick is in making it feel right for the setting. Especially if you're souping up your M-drive.

For example, a 40-ton device with strange inertia-cancelling properties. Turn it on and a ship is in FTL mode. And the bigger the ship, the less space-expensive the device is.
I like that, too.

The trick is in making it feel right for the setting. Especially if you're souping up your M-drive.

For example, a 40-ton device with strange inertia-cancelling properties. Turn it on and a ship is in FTL mode. And the bigger the ship, the less space-expensive the device is.

Hmmn more a medium sized ship universe then (1000T+ ships being the smallest for excellent cash making capability). With say 5000T ships being the norm for commerce..as opposed to 200T and 800T..in the OTU
Hmmn more a medium sized ship universe then (1000T+ ships being the smallest for excellent cash making capability). With say 5000T ships being the norm for commerce..as opposed to 200T and 800T..in the OTU


My setting will be as vanilla Traveller as my current situation permits.

How about dropping a partially habitable world and/or moon into the home system? That would lead to a pre-jump colonial effort among the powers which would also spark the creation of an in-system "merchant marine" in private hands. Those private ships can then be retrofitted with you FTL system.

Some substantial private presence in space needs to be part of the setting if you don't want the players to be employed by various government agencies.

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I wonder? Maybe the alternative drive idea mentioned could be something easy like a tweak or twist on the already widely in use interplanetary drive. A eureka discovery. A simple conversion/add-on and your old IP drive can cover interstellar distances as well. Suddenly all those ships, even the crappy old slow ones in the hands of characters, find a new life in exploring and exploiting the nearby solar systems.
The Quantum 2 Jump Drive, maybe? ;)


How about dropping a partially habitable world and/or moon into the home system? That would lead to a pre-jump colonial effort among the powers which would also spark the creation of an in-system "merchant marine" private hands. Those private ships can then be retrofitted with you FTL system.

Some substantial private presence in space needs to be part of the setting if you don't want the players to be employed by various government agencies.


Colonies and corporations, aye, right on target Bill.

How about dropping a partially habitable world and/or moon into the home system? That would lead to a pre-jump colonial effort among the powers which would also spark the creation of an in-system "merchant marine" private hands. Those private ships can then be retrofitted with you FTL system.

Some substantial private presence in space needs to be part of the setting if you don't want the players to be employed by various government agencies.


And why not flesh out the rest of the system (or have someone do it) as well?

One question - is this to take place as an analog for current Earth potential, or is it to take place after another expansion, perhaps millenia earlier?
And why not flesh out the rest of the system (or have someone do it) as well?

I already have particular system contents in mind. I've posted some of the details.

One question - is this to take place as an analog for current Earth potential, or is it to take place after another expansion, perhaps millenia earlier?

It's like this:

(1) similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar
(2) explaining something unfamiliar through its similarities to something familiar

The world is just familiar enough. An alternate Earth in many ways: continental drift took different courses, so populations spread and mingled differently, but the same themes are present -- the tensions of Nation or People, safety or sacrifice, reserve or expression. I'm trying to find a way to paint a caricature of some of our cultures in these terms on Gaia. For example, Columbia is a secular-pluralist culture, Kostanay is a nationalist-secular culture, Sind is a spiritual-pluralist culture, Riga is a reserved-secular culture, and whatnot.

In all, I'm looking at 12 possible cultural stereotypes:

expressive-nationalist - e.g. Mediterranean states
expressive-pluralist - e.g. Africa
nationalist-reserved - e.g. Asia
nationalist-secular - e.g. Asia
pluralist-secular - e.g. "The West"
pluralist-spiritual - e.g. India
reserved-secular - e.g. Eastern Europe
reserved-spiritual - e.g. Tohono O'odham Nation
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Great work robject

very interesting story lines to be derived and a great start for a variety of campaigns..