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Request for a T20 FAQ stickied


Never having played a d20 game, I'm confused about just what is needed for T20. I know there is a T20 "The Traveller's Handbook", but what is not clear is do you NEED any of the other d20 books (Modern, D&D, etc.) in order to get all the rules one would need, or is the T20 book truly self-contained? Looking at the T20 Lite pdf, it says things like "Traveller characters possess the normal d20 attributes..." but then doesn't spell out what they are. Are they covered in the full T20 book, or do you need another d20 book?

I know snippets of explanation are around, but they appear incomplete and are often wrapped up with OGL jargon. This forum strikes me as the perfect place to outline th T20 system (with its d20 background).
Those are covered in the D&D Players Handbook, or part of the Open Source guidelines for D20 products. There is URL that I have at my home computer which compiles all the Open Source D20 rules that I am sure someone else can post. If not just wait and I will do it when I get home.
You need the 3rd edition D&D players handbook (or optionally 3.5e) to cover the base ruleset; even the d20 SRD does not cover everything, although it covers 99% of it.
This board is amazing. You guys must live by your computers!
Thanks for being so helpful to a poor noob. I've been many, many years away from any RPG and it certainly has come a long (confusing and convoluted) way.

As a note, I started when the D&D books weren't even available in Australia and we had to use the Judges Guild Ready Ref Sheets and just imagine what they were talking about :confused: