Yeah, but the thing that makes d20 so popular is the OGL. If only WotC could publish d20 material, it wouldn't take over any more than AD&D did (and as it was, that still outsold all the other games). But by having the d20 OGL, it means that anyone can publish games using d20. And other publishers - at least, all the smart ones - though "aha, now we can get in on the D&D market, since if you know D&D then you basically know how to play any d20 game". So they embraced OGL and jumped on the d20 bandwagon. Hunter must have also spotted the opportunity and now we've got T20, and I bet it's doing pretty well for itself as a result (in fact, I'm sure Hunter has already said that it is) - much better than it would have done if it wasn't d20-based.D20 is surviving because Stores and Gamedesigners bought the lie that D20 will replace all other systems. Since the Designers did, the stores had to follow to some degree; many whent whole hog. Also, the distribution network is KEY.. as many store only buy what their distributor reccomends, and Alliance apparently went WHOLE HOG AND WALLOW pro-D20.
Distributors do exert some control, but most carry non-d20 stuff, and assuming the distributors stock whatever you're looking for a decent store will gladly order something that a customer wants (if not, go find a decent game store).
But fact is, d20 sells in large amounts. And by selling in large amounts, the shop makes more money. So it's natural that they should make the things that sell most more prominent (though your store does sound somewhat extreme about it).
If they can't - or worse, won't - order things in, or feed you crap about the publisher being dead or whatever, then screw the FLGS and order direct from the publisher - the publisher makes much more money per sale that way. (if publishers weren't so afraid of undercutting the retailers, they could actually sell the product for less than you'd find it in the game store and still make at least twice as much profit off each sale. But that doesn't happen

In fact, I wonder if QLI could sell a revised CT exclusive to their own webstore only, without the retailers whining about being left out of it.