I don't think that's necessarily evidence that they're "past their peak" though... it may be that the companies that were successful with their d20/OGL products now have the resources to divert to other systems. I don't think what you perceive (if that is what's happening) is actually publishers deciding to drop d20 though - it's still a huge market and a good money source.
OGL d20 isn't going away after all - it's always going to be available for people to use and as such I think there's alwways going to be a market for it . It's kinda like a gravy train that's infinitely long that people can always hop onto
OGL d20 isn't going away after all - it's always going to be available for people to use and as such I think there's alwways going to be a market for it . It's kinda like a gravy train that's infinitely long that people can always hop onto