Malefant sayeth:
"Actually, it's well known that d20 is the system that most people buy. Even if only a fraction of people who buy d20 books play it, there's still probably more people playing a d20 game than there are non-d20 Traveller players. From a market point of view, it certainly makes sense to use the system that is most commonly bought by gamers."
It may be true that more people buy D20 systems than D6 systems or CT/MT. It probably is true but that does not necessarily mean that the D20 system is inherently better. The Betamax/VHS struggle proved that popular did not mean better.
Further, to extend that same logic to its full and ugly consequences, the seal of approval from the marketplace doesn't necessarily mean "better" either. While D20 may outsell D6 systems/CT/MT, video games/play station/xbox/ outsell both D20 games and CT/MT Etc. Basically we are dinosaurs playing dinosaur games. The popularity of Resident Evil and the like far outweigh Traveller.
If economic might makes right then we should throw Traveller into the tarpit and jump in right after it. But we don't, do we?
"Actually, it's well known that d20 is the system that most people buy. Even if only a fraction of people who buy d20 books play it, there's still probably more people playing a d20 game than there are non-d20 Traveller players. From a market point of view, it certainly makes sense to use the system that is most commonly bought by gamers."
It may be true that more people buy D20 systems than D6 systems or CT/MT. It probably is true but that does not necessarily mean that the D20 system is inherently better. The Betamax/VHS struggle proved that popular did not mean better.
Further, to extend that same logic to its full and ugly consequences, the seal of approval from the marketplace doesn't necessarily mean "better" either. While D20 may outsell D6 systems/CT/MT, video games/play station/xbox/ outsell both D20 games and CT/MT Etc. Basically we are dinosaurs playing dinosaur games. The popularity of Resident Evil and the like far outweigh Traveller.
If economic might makes right then we should throw Traveller into the tarpit and jump in right after it. But we don't, do we?