*checks flame thrower, tops off with napalm*
I think it's a case of Your Traveller Universe May Vary. I don't think hemming and hawing over how the construct was built in terms of the reality of the game's Official Universe is pertinent to the notion of including one or more in the 3I or elsewhere. Construction techniques with gravitics, to my mind, makes lots of things possible that could never be accomplished with hammer and nails.
I think the only limitation is finding enough matter to make your object feasible. You might have to plunder a couple of other solar systems to get the ringworld you envision, but using gravitics, I think, would just make constructing one of these things a matter of laying down survey points (in space), fabricating pieces with the proper shape or bend, and then dropping or moving them into position.
Personally, I don't see the big deal in making one. I think mister Miller and others have stated that a world's/system's typical TL maybe X, but it maybe X + Y in certain areas, and X - Z in others, allowing some leaps in science in technology, while lagging in others.
Meh....I'm going to write one up anyway like I should have ten years ago when we discussed this topic.