Isn't there a mention somewhere of the K'kree using robotic smallcraft/fighters?.
Note also that in MgT TCS the example fleet uses robotic fighters rather than manned craft. Saves finding berths for all those pilots
Once again, we pehaps should define what we mean when we say
In MgT there are drone fighters (and other robots, but the thread is for robotic ships), but I don't see them as true robots, as I don't see the RW drones used by some armies as robots.
IMHO robotic ships would mean ships where no sophont controls them, acting autonomously by their robot brains, while ships mostly robotic but sophont controled (as RW drones) would be more called drone ships.
As I already said, I designed several years ago a drone fighter for MT (using CT robot brain rules), but IMTU I ruled, to avoid abuse of them, that they need highly trained people (IIRC they needed skill in robot operations, communications and fleet tactics because each operator controlled more than one, usually a 10 drone squadron).
Note that crewmembers might be organized by watch, but until T5 it is not mandatory to organize a watch system.
MgT specificies for pilots that 3 are needed to cover 8 hour shifts.
In any case, I agree most crewmembers are needed only in specific situations, and so no shifts must be organized. Navigator is only needed when position must be determined and before entering jump, Pilot is only needed in real space (out of jumpspace), medic only when there are ill/injuried personnel and to revive people from cold bert, gunners only when there is combat (or danger of it), etc...
In fact, the only crew I think about that could need to be covered 7/24 are engineering (albeit probably at reduced numbers most routine time) and passenger crew (ditto).