Well, you know what? I begrudgingly apologize for what I said. But after all the BS I've been through over the last ten years, consider it a kindness.
I don't know who the woman was in SF. (Edited at Blue Ghost's request) All I know is I got LITERALLY pennies on the dollar for the stuff I had bought so I could play Traveller with my friends, and were it not for the fact that I needed to keep working on films, and had investigations going on relating to a death in the family, I might have protested and said some nasty things and taken my kit home....which I probably should have done in retrospect, and told her where to step off with her offer.
Roger? Anyone who holds out for a cheque with lots of zeros is not altruistic in my not so humble opinion. I don't know the man, I'm not in the loop (I don't want to be either), I've never shaken his hand, spoken with him, exchanged emails, ... exchanged negative vibes...nothing.
What I do know is that there's more than just a log jam regarding this the long lost and much adored material from DGP. Hell, the stuff is such a hot topic I can't even give a compliment to Dietrick without hot words regarding the material, rules and his art.
So for all I care you all can tie a helium balloon around the original prints, let it rise in the air, and serve as target practice for some Air National Guard pilots firing sidewinders loaded with napalm.
To heck with it. Make new stuff. Call it "Super-Spectacular TRAVELLER Fifth Edition Supp", and spend gobs of cash on some top draftsman and artists, and let the chips fall where they may.