Except for a table or two.
Except for a table or two.
My favorite temperature table...
It's out of a public domain science textbook, and I've heard a legend that is the reason that specific table didn't appear in WBH...
30°C Upper limit of human comfort.
25°C Upper limit of optimum human “room temperature”
18°C Lower limit of optimum human “room temperature”
15°C Base Mean Surface Temperature for Terra.
6°C Minimum for crop growing season on most worlds.
0°C Lower limit of human comfort.
Hmmm, I suspect that those temperatures for comfort are based on Northern European concepts of comfort as 30 degree Centigrade is only 86 degree Fahrenheit, ...
My favorite temperature table...
It's out of a public domain science textbook, and I've heard a legend that is the reason that specific table didn't appear in WBH...
2300°C Upper limit for solid planets (planet vaporized).
1535°C Melting point of iron.
327°C Melting point of lead.
100°C Water boils.
50°C Upper limit of human habitability.
37°C Physical strain on human body.
30°C Upper limit of human comfort.
25°C Upper limit of optimum human “room temperature”
18°C Lower limit of optimum human “room temperature”
15°C Base Mean Surface Temperature for Terra.
6°C Minimum for crop growing season on most worlds.
0°C Lower limit of human comfort.
-5°C Crop “killing frost” temperature on most worlds.
-20°C Lower limit of human habitability.
-36°C Hardy plants killed on most worlds.
-78°C Carbon dioxide solidifies to form dry ice.
-183°C Liquid oxygen boils.
-196°C Liquid nitrogen boils.
-273°C Absolute Zero.
The man's an opportunist. He did not author it. It's too bad he wiggled and wormed his way into possession of it.
I say let it burn and forget about him.
After my first trip to England, I became much more suspicious of British explorers claiming extremely hot conditions, as to the British, anything much over 80 degree Fahrenheit is hot. Reading Sir Samuel Baker's accounts of exploration in Africa added to that when he writes of how nearly impossible it is for a white man to do anything at a temperature of 93 degree Fahrenheit. When training at Fort Riley, Kansas in the mid 1970s for ROTC, we were operating it temperatures of about 100 degrees, and that was wearing woolen fatigues and combat boots, along with web gear and helmet.
I vote we call a moratorium on critiques of Rodge.
Sorry, Blue, that's not quite true. (Hey, see what I did there?!!) Yes, he was in the right place at the right time, but it was a bit of a fluke. And he paid real money for the rights and the leftovers that Joe had been going to chuck in the dumpster, which also helped Joe out cash-wise. There was certainly nothing sinister about it, before or after. It was all done with good intentions.
I vote we call a moratorium on critiques of Rodge.
Look, I've dealt with Joe Fugate. All he's really aware of is that Rodge never was able to get anything DGP to print, and that the contracts with Rodge did NOT include a reversion clause.
Too much, too good and too popular.