SOC-14 1K
That's 3 votes for a moratorium. Case closed.
I don't think three votes is "case closed". I've said several times that I started this thread simply to have "someone in the know" to answer the pertinent question.
It's a shame that those who know little, or less, about it have chimed in. Particularly as they feel compelled to trash a guy when to little is known.
I'm content with DonM's take on the situation and am happy he is working on it. If aramis is correct, and he often is, the "problem" may resolve itself.
From the looks of things, if Roger Sanger hadn't paid for the stuff, it would have been tossed out and that might have been that.
As it is, there are compelling financial reasons for both Sanger and Marc to be "a bit stubborn". Marc has T5 to sell, and Sanger want's to get his best offer. None of us know either what Marc may, or may not, have offered, or the same from Sanger.
DonM claims he's working on it and that should be good enough for all of us. DonM is pretty straightforward and I think we all trust him when he "speaks".
Let's not trash Sanger, but let's not have any more censorship either. Let's ALL try being rational adults.