So can I get a concise summary of which rules sections were updated, and the kinds of changes that were made? I never realized my copy of the LBBs was the first edition.
Bob W.
Changes in Book 1, so far (change is in second edition Book 1):
Introductory text revised. Page numbering changed so that text starts on page 4. Section headings altered. Introductory text in each section often re-written, though main text often minimally changed. Text was re-typeset ("Traveller" is in boldface in second printing; italics in first; also, numerals were often replaced by number being spelled out--"three" instead of "3", etc.). Leading reduced, so more text appears in second edition. More use of formatted charts (though typically without the solid line border). Second edition is more crowded in layout, but not obnoxiously so.
Character Generation changes. Scouts get 2 skills per term instead of 1. ATV skill changed to Vehicle Skill. Merchant Service Skils -- Vehicle replaces +1 Stren. Other Service Skills -- Vehicle replaces Forgery. "Engineering" spelled out instead of being abbreviated. Scout Advanced Education Table 1 -- Air/Raft replaced with Vehicle. Some skills in some careers changed around in order, for no apparent reason as skill selection remains the same. Charts grouped together better in second edition.
Skill Description changes:
Skills are alphabetized in second ed. Where text is noted as changed or rewritten, no substantive changes to the mechanics exist unless otherwise noted.
Admin--+1 for promotions/raises deleted. Bribery mechanics changed (throw law level or less instead of 8+). "Electronics" instead of "Electronic". "Engineering" instead of "Engineer". Engineering skill fleshed out a bit. Forgery description changed (mechanics the same). Gunnery description expanded. Jack of all Trades description expanded; generally confers level 0 in all other skills. Mechanical description shortened. Medical description shortened. Xeno-Medicine skill added (though not available in character generation). Navigation referee notes expanded. Pilot skill significantly changed (clarifies that Pilot skill applies to 100+ ton ships; handles Pilot skill on small craft). Ship's Boat skill changed; rule that Ships Boats can only land/reach orbit on size 7- worlds eliminated. Mini-dogfight rules simplified; emergency landing rules eliminated. Steward text rewritten. Streetwise text rewritten. Tactics slightly rewritten. Vehicle skill added. Vacc Suit rewritten slightly (including a reference to "Combat Armor").
Default skills rules added.
Picture of Jamison deleted. Jamison text formatted differently; italics eliminated, making text harder to read. Jamison's first and middle names ("Alexander Lascelles") added. Jamison has more cash (Cr33,200 vs Cr 24,000) partly due to cashing his Middle Passage in for Cr7,200.
Character sheet (TAS Form 2) added. Character generation checklist added.
Combat Changes
Again, lots of minor changes in wording. Extra Surprise DMs added. Extra terrain added to Terrain DMs Table. Very Long range redefined as 11-20 range bands. Damage allocation assumes no modifiers to damage rolls, so text stating how modifiers are applied to damage is eliminated. 1/2 level skills are changed to zero level skills. Parties make a morale check after losing 20% rather than 25%. Size 8 worlds have standard gravity rather than size 7 worlds.
Tech levels added to weapon descriptions. Electronic sights broken out from telescopic sights. Combat Armor added. "Combat Armor" replaces "Battle Dress" as armor type. Coup de Grace added. Archaic Firearms added. Antique Equivalents (i.e., 20th century equivalents) for guns added. Special rule for Pikes (p. 43 of first ed.) eliminated. Weapon damages revised.