Ah there's the Hit System V0 thats lifted straight from CT as you say and is included because its "useful in some situations".
Yes, and NPCs use the simple system.
As part of the STAMP combat, Injury is detailed on p222 and relates the Effect to the Injury and the details what it Inflicts. Different effects cause different injuries and are assigned to a hit location using 2D
I think you've got it wrongly.
Detailed Effect character damage is System V0, on page 215. After penetration.
This is verified on page 220. See the chart? Look at the Bullet effect. It must penetrate armor, and if it does, hits are applied to C1, C2, and C3.
How are they applied? Via the V0 System.
Page 222 is only a Hit Location system. Every round that you are hit, you roll on this chart to see where you were hit. Damage is the same as the V0 System.
See the Injury chart? All that tells you about a Bullet wound is that its severity is decided by Total Hits/2. You're the one who tole me that, I think!
Also note the hit location table on page 222. It states, "If Injury is Hits or Cuts, Consult Hit Location Table. For other Injury, go directly to Injury Table."
So, most of the time, you won't check the Injury Table unless you've got some other type of Damage type. For example, Bang damage renders the character deaf for a number of rounds equal to the total Damage.
The process of getting hit with a slug thrower in T5 is this:
1. Roll Damage and check for Armor Penetration.
2. Check for any Effect damage (usually, there isn't any with slug throwers).
3. Use System V0 to apply Damage. (NPCs use the shorthand method).
4. Roll Hit Location for the hit.
The term "hit" gets confusing because a character can only be hit once by any opponent during the combat round--as a result of a successful attack task. A character can get hit multiple times during the round, but each hit must be by a different successful attack throw from a different attacker.
And, then, the game refers to damage points as "hits".
So, if I roll to hit my target, and am successful, I hit him. It's considered one hit (see pg. 214, under Penetration).
I roll my damage, which, say, is 3D, and I get a 15. My target wears AV 5 armor, so damage that penetrates is 10 "hits" (see pg. 214 under Potential Damage).
Then, the defending player applies those "hits" to his three physical scores using the V0 system (this is on pg. 215).
Then, the hit location system is used, just for color, I think, to note where the character was hit (pg. 222).
Theres also a more detailed Battle Damage system on p232
That's for vehicles.
The term "Injury" is used for damage to characters. "Damage" is used to for damage to objects. I've seen this in the text somewhere, but look at page 220 and page 221. Pg. 220 chart is about Injuries Beings. Pg. 221 is about Damage Objects.
GunMaker has a column marked Hits(v1) which I think is supposed to be related to the Hit System V0.
I think that's what you said earlier up thread. H1 is the first damage die assigned the weapon. You add H2 and H3 to this, if applicable.