SOC-14 5K
I was just reading the rules about combat and cover. Rocks, corners of buildings, forest... And started thinking about cover on ships. Ducking behind the edge of a hatch and poking your head out perhaps.. and then I thought... Why not armored hatches with gun slits and ballistic view ports for the bridge, engineering and other locations crew might hold up in and try to protect?
Your thoughts?
I guess it depends on how paranoid you are about someone trying to take over the ship. I am assuming that you are mainly thinking of hijackers, as if you are being boarded, you are pretty much out of luck as it is.
As near as I can make out, the decks and bulkheads of civilian ships in Classic Traveller are about half-inch to three-quarter inch high tensile strength steel. (I will present my reasons for that in another thread.) Plate of that thickness, properly framed, will handle a pressure differential of about 10 standard atmospheres, making explosive decompression a bit harder.
For the bridge, and probably engine room, you could put in a double wall bulkhead, 3/4 inch plating with six inches of ablative material between the bulkheads, making it hard to burn through with a laser torch. Manual hatches in each bulkhead, same thickness steel, one opens outwards and one opens inwards into the bridge. The outer hatch can be manually locked with old-fashioned steel bar. Ditto interior hatch. The deck flooring outside of the hatch and the corridor leading to it have pressure sensors to determine if anyone who should not be there is standing outside. Micro Peeping Tom cameras are also covering hatches and corridor. Inside of bridge is a small arms locker to arm the bridge crew, along with Vacc Suits. Same for the engine room. Both of them have separate life support systems, independent of main ships system to avoid gas in the ventilation system. Hatches are normally secured but not locked down. If desired, the corridor outside of the bridge can be vented to vacuum from bridge controls.
If you really want to get serious, then you isolate the ship crew completely from any passengers, with solid bulkheads protecting the bridge, engine room, sleeping quarters, and crew life support. Passengers are responsible for fixing their own meals from pre-planned frozen or microwave meals. Each passenger has his/her own meal selection in his/her cabin. The cargo area upon finishing loading cargo is sealed shut from the rest of the ship, and locked down with no access to cargo hold by passengers.
As I said, how paranoid are you or do you want to get?