mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
The one bay per 1000t confusion in CT HG2as Aramis had pointed out is due to the wording of the text. The example which immediately follows shows how it should be done.
That didn't stop publishers getting it wrong. FASA had at least one 1000t-ish ship with bay and turret weapons in their products, and they were approved for use with Traveller (someone help me with the name please, my FASA stuff is in a box in the loft).
T20 ship design also allows for one bay per 1000t, so ships smaller than 1000t can carry one bay.
One must be very careful when using CT canonical ship designs to prove a setting point. The Gazelle CE is a very common adventure class ship likely to be met by characters, and it is so broken it beggars belief.
Most common PC scale CT ships are actually LBB2 designs, trying to re-build them under HG invokes fudges and errors - and most of them are civilian or paramilitary (patrol cruiser and merc cruiser), there are no purely military LBB2 ship designs.
So we have to go to S:9 and we find the Gazelle (broken) in the sub 1000t category, the Fer de lance and Chrysanthemum at 1000t (neither of which uses bays) and after that we are into the range of ships which do mount bays and turrets.
So canon doesn't actually give us enough military designs in the 100-1000t range from which to make a definitive statement.
Next if we look at the different versions of Traveller ship building and ask the question "can you build this ship (the OPs)?"
LBB2 - no
LBB5 - no
LBB5 Aramis/FASA misinterpratation - yes
MT - no
TNE - yes
T4 - yes
T20 - yes
MgT - yes
That didn't stop publishers getting it wrong. FASA had at least one 1000t-ish ship with bay and turret weapons in their products, and they were approved for use with Traveller (someone help me with the name please, my FASA stuff is in a box in the loft).
T20 ship design also allows for one bay per 1000t, so ships smaller than 1000t can carry one bay.
One must be very careful when using CT canonical ship designs to prove a setting point. The Gazelle CE is a very common adventure class ship likely to be met by characters, and it is so broken it beggars belief.
Most common PC scale CT ships are actually LBB2 designs, trying to re-build them under HG invokes fudges and errors - and most of them are civilian or paramilitary (patrol cruiser and merc cruiser), there are no purely military LBB2 ship designs.
So we have to go to S:9 and we find the Gazelle (broken) in the sub 1000t category, the Fer de lance and Chrysanthemum at 1000t (neither of which uses bays) and after that we are into the range of ships which do mount bays and turrets.
So canon doesn't actually give us enough military designs in the 100-1000t range from which to make a definitive statement.
Next if we look at the different versions of Traveller ship building and ask the question "can you build this ship (the OPs)?"
LBB2 - no
LBB5 - no
LBB5 Aramis/FASA misinterpratation - yes
MT - no
TNE - yes
T4 - yes
T20 - yes
MgT - yes