Scott: The designs you cite are NOT specialized, nor are they Jacks of all Trades. The modern Aegis Cruisers are about the most specialized ships afloat atop the waves, and even they have mulltiple roles in mind.
Carriers are in fact, very UNSPECIALIZED in overall design: they are hugely freighters, with a specialized deck, and some specialized hardware (Cats, traps, elevators). They are intentionally designed to function in a multi-role capacity: Airbase, mail & supply distribution center (Not storage, but distribution), hospital ship, and troop transport. Not that the ship can perform all roles simultaneously, as the Hospital and troop roles cut in to maintenance spaces, and require aircraft to be on deck. Moreover, they are capable of primary combattant refit in a matter of hours: fly in different squadrons and their support supplies.
The support ships include Carrier Resupply Vessels, which are simmply cargo ships with some point defense, and specialized holds and transfer gear for aviation fuels and munitions.
The Aegis cruisers, as mentioned before, are AA platforms, and point defense platforms. They also double as back-up ATC, and have generally good sensor kits overall, adding to the ASW and medical roles, too. They have limited but competent independent surface warfare capabilities.
The Frigates and destroyers are priary surface commbattant designs, doing both ASW and Surface warfare roles, plus augmenting the anti-air and point defense capabilities. They also provide a basis for the ship-to-shore combat capabilities with missiles and guns.
The Submarines are ASW, Sub-to-Surface warfare, and scouting roles. With modern weapons kits, they also join in the ship-to-shore bombardment roles.
This group is a collection of hammers... several ball peens, a couple sledges, a few tackhammers, and a couple of jackhammers. Their inherent overlap results in better protection of the one truly specialized part: the Carrier Air Squadrons. Each is a specialized unit; the flavor of the ship's missions is reflected in the assigned air squadrons making the air-wing.
as for multi-tier
I think the FF&S design tier and BL commbat tier is both counterproductive and unneeded.
It will create the same problems and divisions that it did for T4.
A Playable Roleplay friendly tier is essential.
A small fleet scale, preferably fully compatible with the roleplay tier.
A large fleet scale with similar results and direct conversion from the lower tiers designs. Preferably one which still has some hooks for RPG character interaction. (MT does this with conglommeration rules, alebit this is an application thereof that few used.)