Here is where MT's feel is more Space Opera than the rest: Lowered JFuel, and not terribly bad PP Fuel, plus no MD fuels.
Serentiy uses no reaction mass of note.
SW ships use incredibly insanely high efficiency Ion systems, and are using whatever they happen to find nearby as fuel, including, if one can fit it in the chutes, the trash.
Star Trek ships are about 10% fuel, but if it goes, so does the whole ship.
Classic BG never really tells us how much, but what is in the prints indicates about 10-15% for shuttles and fighters, and probably twice that for the old girl herself... but we do know that the fuel breaks down in to really toxic stuff!
Traveller, even TNE, is unrealistically low fuel consumptions for the MD's... raning from none (CT, MT, Some T4, Some GT) to Way Low (HEPlaR, with it's high frac-C exhaust...).
Unless and until a non-conventional thruster (I assume MT's are actually using the local masses as their reaction mass...) is developed, spacecraft will need LOADS of reaction mass, say 50-90% or more. (When you count all the exoatmospheric stuff, most satelites run 40-70% for the booster plus sat...).
CT made big ships cheap on the power plant fuel... all Traveller is heavy on the J Fuel. All of them massively short the needed reaction masses either by gravitic means or by unrealisitically high reaction mass velocity.