Looking at the GURPS TRAVELLER STARSHIPS page 13, we see the following:
Class V: Installation of excellent quality. Anual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard is capable of constructing starships and non-starships.
Class IV: Installation of good quality. These also offer annual maintenance overhaul services. Shipyard is capable of constructing non-starships.
Class III: Shipyard facilities are standard or average. Reasonable repairs may be accomodated. (Note: no mention of ship/boat hull production capabilities - ie, no Shipyard modules present)
Class 0, I, or II starports: no repair or shipyard facilities are present.
Now, lets look at what Classic Traveller uses for its starport designations. (taken from page 10 of Book 3: Worlds and Adventures:
Class A starport: Excellent quality installation, annual maintenance overhaul available, shipyard capable of building starships and non-starships. Naval base and/or scout base may be present.
Class B starport: Good quality installation, annual maintenance overhaul available, shipyard capable of constructing non-starships available. Naval and/or scout base may be present.
Class C starport: Routine quality installation, only unrefined fuel available. Reasonable repair facilities present. Scout base may be present.
Class D starport: Poor quality installation, only unrefined fuel available. No repair or shipyard facilities present. Scout base may be present.
Class E starport: Frontier installation. Essentially a marked spot of bedrock with no fuel, facilities, or bases present.
Either way you slice it, GURPS and/or CT describe their starports in the same manner. What is not all too well defined, but hinted at, is the difference between "reasonable" repairs, and repairs requiring a shipyard. Page 6 of SUPPLEMENT 9 FIGHTING SHIPS describes two separate repair/maintenance teams. They are the "Light maintenance" teams and the "Heavy Maintenance teams". One can perform light weight repairs/maintenance/refits that do not require a shipyard, and the other, performs repairs/maintenance/refits that affect the structural integrity of the hull. Basically, anything that is inside the hull can be handled, while the hull and spinal mounts (for example) would be heavy maintenance type work.
In any event - GURPS TRAVELLER STARSHIPS has put forth the idea that one can do annual maintenance overhauls in either 2 weeks, 4 weeks, or 8 weeks depending on the following factors:
Best: Specialized maintenance overhaul team utilizing the best equipment possible, in the best environment possible - with access to the materials required to effect the overhaul does it in two weeks.
Second Best: Non-specialized maintenance team (the ship's engineer, pilot, etc), in the second best environment with second best equipment - with access to the materials required to effect the overhaul does it in 4 weeks.
Worst case scenario: Non-specialized maintenance team (the ship's engineer, pilot, etc) in an environment with NO repair shop or facilities - with access to the materials required to effect the overhaul does it in 8 weeks.
Now, lets try mixing and matching. What happens when you take a specialized team, and have them work with the second best environment and tools/equipment? Will that team take between 2 and 4 weeks (in this case, 3 weeks)?
Since maintenance overhaul has no man-power requirements listed other than "the ship's crew" is it possible that the specialized maintenance overhaul team has twice the manpower of a ship's crew? If so, why didn't the ship maintenance overhaul rules include this? Since it wasn't included, and the only manpower values we do know is how many crew any given ship has - we can either assume that the manpower requirements remain the same, or we are forced to accept that twice the normal ship's crew can do the same work in less time than the allotted 8 weeks.
All in all? My philosophy is simple enough. For things that I want to detail in my own traveller universe - I can mull over quietly, write it down for my own use, and never mention it on any of the diverse Traveller discussion boards. Or? I can mention my thoughts, explain how I got to where I am by showing all work, and then letting overs mull it over as well. This way, ideas get exposure and others may benefit from the skull sweat. Likewise, when others present their ideas, I can either borrow them whole cloth, or modify them for my own use
One last thing before I forget. There is an obscure reference in JTAS to the cost of shipyard maintenance overhaul that I think people may find interesting. If a TL 15 ship pulls into a TL 12 shipyard, its maintenance costs are not in local credits, but in the higher TL 15 costs - using the exchange rate tables originally used in CT. That of course begs the question of what happens when you pull into a TL 15 starport to do maintenance on a TL 12 ship