Hello Folks,
I got to thinking (I know, always a bad sign!) about the ship building capacity of the Third Imperium.
The laws of economics being what they are, industries that can not make use of their work force through sales of a service or product, eventually go bankrupt from lack of income versus a large outflow of expenses. For example? Lets say that we have a need within a region, for 100 widgets per year. Furthermore, we have 10 companies who would like to manufacture widgets. If each company manufactures 10 widgets apiece, they will stay in business as they provide what the market needs. However, if 9 companies produce 10 widgets apiece, and the 10th company produces 30 widgets - we have a glut in the market with 120 widgets. 20 units do not get sold (as the market can only use 100). Either some of the companies take a loss on producing those extra 20 units, or they have to cut back on production costs and volume of production. If one company however, has found a way to make 100 widgets, and is content with only a 1% profit margin - all those other 9 companies will soon be put out of work - especially if their costs in producing that widget requires that their product be priced at 10% higher than that one company's costs.
Granted, I'm simplifying things greatly, as cost of labor, cost of materials, overhead costs, etc - all factor in for what the "widget" will be worth versus what it is sold for, but you get the gist of my point.
My point is - has anyone bothered to compute the overall Ship Yard capacity per world, and then looked at what the demand for such shipyard services will be?
Lets take Strouden in the Lunion Subsector as an example. Using the Trillion Credit Squadron rules for determining shipyard capacity (the only place that gives rules for calculating that in the CT universe by the by!), we find that Strouden has a grand total of 9.9 MILLION dtons worth of production capacity per week!
That my friends, is a LOT of production capacity. Now, lets examine this in the light of the rules as given in the CT rules. In Traveller, a ship is required to spend 2 weeks in a shipyard undergoing maintenance. One could presume, that a 200 dton ship undergoing maintenance would require 200 dtons of shipyard capacity for two weeks - requiring the work of the shipyard crew to complete the maintenance required. Under the rules, it takes 48 weeks for the shipyard crew to manufacture a 200 dton hull utilizing 200 dtons worth of shipyard capacity. Maintenance is but 2 weeks, so maintenance versus actual construction time is approximately 2/48ths or 1/24th the time required to build a hull from scratch. Does this make sense overall? Maybe - maybe not, I'm not an expert on ship building
In any event, maintenance requires roughly 4% of the time required to build the ship from scratch, so that seems reasonable of sorts.
But this brings me to my next point. Shipyards will have the following services and/or products to offer to their customers:
Annual maintenance of the ship/vessel
Unexpected repairs due to accidental damage or acts of violence
Unexpected repairs due to faulty parts or normal wear and tear
Refurbishing ships that are growing old
Upgrading ships with newer equipment
Building new ships
(possibly) breaking/salving old retired hulls
How much tonnage capacity does the Third Imperium require to accomplish all of those services?
If you consider that each maintenance project requires 2 weeks, a shipyard that devotes say, 200 dtons of capacity towards maintenance, can service 25 x 200 or 5,000 dtons of merchant shipping in a year (assuming 2 weeks off for vacation of shipyard workers and/or maintenance on shipyard facilities).
I guess the question becomes one of "Just how many shipyards does the imperium really need, and just how much of those services/products can be supplied by heavily populated worlds?
9.9 MILLION dtons of capacity can provide maintenance services for:
1,225 Plankwells per year
475 Tigress class Dreadnaughts per year
49,500 Destroyers
That's just from ONE planet using the rules presented in TRILLION CREDIT SQUADRON. I would presume that the Imperium doesn't really utilize ALL of that shipyard capacity that TCS implies it has!
I got to thinking (I know, always a bad sign!) about the ship building capacity of the Third Imperium.
The laws of economics being what they are, industries that can not make use of their work force through sales of a service or product, eventually go bankrupt from lack of income versus a large outflow of expenses. For example? Lets say that we have a need within a region, for 100 widgets per year. Furthermore, we have 10 companies who would like to manufacture widgets. If each company manufactures 10 widgets apiece, they will stay in business as they provide what the market needs. However, if 9 companies produce 10 widgets apiece, and the 10th company produces 30 widgets - we have a glut in the market with 120 widgets. 20 units do not get sold (as the market can only use 100). Either some of the companies take a loss on producing those extra 20 units, or they have to cut back on production costs and volume of production. If one company however, has found a way to make 100 widgets, and is content with only a 1% profit margin - all those other 9 companies will soon be put out of work - especially if their costs in producing that widget requires that their product be priced at 10% higher than that one company's costs.
Granted, I'm simplifying things greatly, as cost of labor, cost of materials, overhead costs, etc - all factor in for what the "widget" will be worth versus what it is sold for, but you get the gist of my point.
My point is - has anyone bothered to compute the overall Ship Yard capacity per world, and then looked at what the demand for such shipyard services will be?
Lets take Strouden in the Lunion Subsector as an example. Using the Trillion Credit Squadron rules for determining shipyard capacity (the only place that gives rules for calculating that in the CT universe by the by!), we find that Strouden has a grand total of 9.9 MILLION dtons worth of production capacity per week!
That my friends, is a LOT of production capacity. Now, lets examine this in the light of the rules as given in the CT rules. In Traveller, a ship is required to spend 2 weeks in a shipyard undergoing maintenance. One could presume, that a 200 dton ship undergoing maintenance would require 200 dtons of shipyard capacity for two weeks - requiring the work of the shipyard crew to complete the maintenance required. Under the rules, it takes 48 weeks for the shipyard crew to manufacture a 200 dton hull utilizing 200 dtons worth of shipyard capacity. Maintenance is but 2 weeks, so maintenance versus actual construction time is approximately 2/48ths or 1/24th the time required to build a hull from scratch. Does this make sense overall? Maybe - maybe not, I'm not an expert on ship building

In any event, maintenance requires roughly 4% of the time required to build the ship from scratch, so that seems reasonable of sorts.
But this brings me to my next point. Shipyards will have the following services and/or products to offer to their customers:
Annual maintenance of the ship/vessel
Unexpected repairs due to accidental damage or acts of violence
Unexpected repairs due to faulty parts or normal wear and tear
Refurbishing ships that are growing old
Upgrading ships with newer equipment
Building new ships
(possibly) breaking/salving old retired hulls
How much tonnage capacity does the Third Imperium require to accomplish all of those services?
If you consider that each maintenance project requires 2 weeks, a shipyard that devotes say, 200 dtons of capacity towards maintenance, can service 25 x 200 or 5,000 dtons of merchant shipping in a year (assuming 2 weeks off for vacation of shipyard workers and/or maintenance on shipyard facilities).
I guess the question becomes one of "Just how many shipyards does the imperium really need, and just how much of those services/products can be supplied by heavily populated worlds?
9.9 MILLION dtons of capacity can provide maintenance services for:
1,225 Plankwells per year
475 Tigress class Dreadnaughts per year
49,500 Destroyers
That's just from ONE planet using the rules presented in TRILLION CREDIT SQUADRON. I would presume that the Imperium doesn't really utilize ALL of that shipyard capacity that TCS implies it has!