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Ship design / conversion


SOC-14 1K
Hi folks !

Another result of a temporary spreadsheet-mania is a sheet for MT ship design.
Now I know, that we have another spreadsheet for T20 designs by Falkyn.
There should be a HG2 somethere, too (could someone give a hint, where ?).

Now, the idea is to put those spreadsheets together, in order to create several ruleset stats at once or to make conversion a bit more easy.

Perhaps it would make sense to add FFS and GURPs sheets, too.

Thoughts and comments ?


At least the job is just to put existing things together

The MT design stuff was quite a bit of work, but thats done now.
WRT/ MT, the design conversion is keep the weapons and performance (Agility, G's, J#), then regenerate from scratch...

However, since it uses USP entries for both it's HG variation and for generating Pen & Damage for vehicle combat, Bk5 and T20 designs can be rated for MT hits (use the MT formulae) for Vehicle Combat rules, and don't need any changes for the HG Variant.
Hi !

Well, I would just concentrate on the very basic and system independent stats of a design, like tonnage, Jump, M-Rating, Accomodations, Computer.
Cargo/Fuel might be used as variables in order to buffer design system differences.
Weapons/Screens is perhaps another detailing step and quite system dependent, but a large fraction should be convertable.

Really, its not too complicate.
I already found a HG spreadsheet.
Bad thing with the design sheets I found so far, ist that they do not support mixed TL constructions. Guess I will modify that

I was doing a spreadsheet for LBB2, HG, & MT as an exercise to learn Excel programming. My intention was to do all 3 then add an input page that fed the needed data to each version. What happened was I learned better ways of doing what I wanted to do so I needed to redo what I started with, but RL has gotten in the way for a while. When Microsoft stopped supporting 98, I found a MS Office 2007 bata download, so I am now playing with that trying to re-learn Excel as I was using the Office 97 version. I think that if you do your own, you can get them all on one spreadsheet, but as someone has already said it will be a big job.
Hi Andy !

I would be glad of any peice of work, which is already done.
You'll get a mail.

Meanwhile I checked one design sheet for HG.
Unfortunatally it does not support mixed TL designs (which I implememted in the MT design sequence).

