SOC-14 5K
My oldest brother was a reactor operator on one of the early US ballistic missile submarines, the USS James Monroe. The submarine had a submerged displacement of 8,380 metric tons, which as a metric ton of displacement is equal to one cubic meter, means that its internal volume was 8,380 cubic meters. A large portion of that internal volume was occupied by 16 missile tubes and the power plant, comprising pretty much all of the volume aft of the submarines sail. Another large portion of the volume of the submarine at the bow was the large bow-mounted sonar, which was in a water-filled compartment. The external images of the submarine do not really reflect the limited living space on the vessel. The crew was comprised of 13 officers and 130 enlisted men.
One Traveller displacement ton is equal to approximately 14 cubic meters, the volume of one metric ton of liquid hydrogen. Assuming that the submarine had one-half of its internal volume allocated to living space, that would give 4,190 cubic meters of volume. Dividing that figure by 14 gives a faction under 300 Traveller displacements tons of volume for living space. The total volume is 599.6 Traveller displacement tones, so call it 600 dTons. The crew comprised 143 men. That equates to 4.2 dTons of internal volume per crewman. Note, that is not cabin space, but the crewman's fraction of the entire ship's volume. For actual living space, the crew had 2.1 dTons of space, which included messing area, limited shower facilities, a fairly large torpedo room, officer quarters, and the control room area. The submarine submerged upon departing Pearl Harbor, and did not surface until it was close to Pearl Harbor at the end of its patrol. The patrol length was 60 days, constantly underwater.
One Traveller displacement ton is equal to approximately 14 cubic meters, the volume of one metric ton of liquid hydrogen. Assuming that the submarine had one-half of its internal volume allocated to living space, that would give 4,190 cubic meters of volume. Dividing that figure by 14 gives a faction under 300 Traveller displacements tons of volume for living space. The total volume is 599.6 Traveller displacement tones, so call it 600 dTons. The crew comprised 143 men. That equates to 4.2 dTons of internal volume per crewman. Note, that is not cabin space, but the crewman's fraction of the entire ship's volume. For actual living space, the crew had 2.1 dTons of space, which included messing area, limited shower facilities, a fairly large torpedo room, officer quarters, and the control room area. The submarine submerged upon departing Pearl Harbor, and did not surface until it was close to Pearl Harbor at the end of its patrol. The patrol length was 60 days, constantly underwater.